The entire imperial capital was awakened by the sudden explosion.

The violent shaking caused the ground to crack in pieces, and many people fell directly into the ditch.

And Fengshen was also unsteady on his feet and almost fell down.

"what happened?"

These people finally changed their faces. Was the explosion just now a nuclear weapon?

Before they came back to their senses, several purple rays of light suddenly flashed across the imperial capital, as if someone had shone a light on it with a laser pointer.

Many people were illuminated by this purple light.

They were at a loss at first, but in the next moment, these people's eyes widened.

Because the place where the light shines is cut open, it really looks like a cake cut by a sharp knife.

The incision follows where the light shines.

The person being photographed also turned into two halves under the horrified eyes.


Suddenly, there were screams in the entire imperial capital.


There was another loud bang.

The same mushroom cloud rose slowly over the city wall again.

The capital shook again.

The siren was still calling, screaming hoarsely, like a duck with its neck pinched.

At this moment, they finally realized that disaster was coming.

This time the tide of corpses is different from the past.

"What are you doing?"

Fengshen frowned, soared into the air, and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

When he came to the edge of the city, he froze in mid-air, just because he saw hell.

Pieces of houses collapsed, flames were burning, black smoke billowed up, and countless zombies and monsters crawled across the ruins.

Bulls, Grim Reapers, etc., all turned into ordinary monsters.


The dark cyclops, with a flash of purple light in its eyes, a series of explosions occurred.

There were hundreds of knights who were taller than the knights who defeated him before, and the ground shook with every step.

There is also a tall monster that walks ahead.

More than ten meters high, their bodies are orange, with many yellow pustules growing on their bodies, crawling slowly on the ground with four legs.

"Die to me!"

At this moment, Fengshen saw a Qiguan rushing towards the tall monster.

But the next moment.


The monster exploded suddenly, a mushroom cloud rushed into the sky, and the flames ignited a thousand kilometers around.

Of the seven crowns, only half of the head flew out of the fire.

See this scene.

Fengshen was immediately stunned, his legs trembled uncontrollably, almost peeing his pants.

What's happening here?

A seven-crown, just died like this?

And it's still the kind of dead body?

There was a huge wave of corpses in front of him. At a glance, there were hundreds of such monsters.

All kinds of high-level monsters add up to more than a thousand.

Such a tide of corpses is not at the same level as the ones encountered before.

More and more people approached the city wall, they all thought it was an ordinary wave of corpses, until after three consecutive explosions, they finally couldn't help it.

Experiment with new weapons?

Can you play faster?

But when they saw the picture in front of them, they all froze.

This is hell.

This is not an ordinary tide of corpses at all, but a terrifying doomsday with the appearance of destroying the world.

"What about the seven crowns?"

"Where are the six emperors?"

They began to shout for the Seven Crowns and the Emperor, hoping that they could solve this wave of corpses.

Because in the past, they were the ones who blocked the tide of corpses.

"It's Fengshen!"

Suddenly someone saw Fengshen standing in the sky, and shouted excitedly.

"Fengshen hurry up!"

"Defeat these monsters!"


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