On the third day, Lin Fei finally chose the right person.

In the past two days, he also saw many people volunteering to come in, but none of their thoughts could escape Lin Fei's mind-reading skills.

The real purpose cannot be hidden.

So they were all rejected.

He chose a new city lord, and the other party also promised peace.

"Finally, both sides are at peace." Lin Fei murmured.

But he didn't pin all his hopes on these two city lords.

Maybe they can promise peace now, but they won't in the future, maybe they will regret it after three days, or they may regret it after they leave.

During these three days of waiting, he figured it out.

If true peace is desired, these two countries must be found.

Rather than say, go find two small towns.

When countries declare peaceful coexistence, wars in other places will naturally stop.

After speaking clearly with the new city lord, he left the town.

He came to another town and told him the news of peace.

"You killed a city lord?" The city lord was really frightened when he heard the news.

Suddenly I feel happy.

Fortunately, I didn't make all kinds of excessive demands willfully.

"I know, I will never start any war again." Promised by clapping his chest.

Lin Fei just smiled.

Just listen to these words. During those three days, he saw all kinds of dark thoughts.

Ninety-nine out of ten people want to fool themselves, and after they become city lords, they will kill themselves.

Everyone wants to be someone else.

After finally becoming the city lord, why do you have to think about others?

Being a city lord is to make the whole city serve him.

Lin Fei left the city and walked along a road. He asked about the location of the imperial capital, but it was still far away.

But down the road, the next town can be reached in three days.

"There is a very useful ability."

There are all kinds of strange abilities in the world, but Lin Fei has them all.

As he was on his way now, he discovered a very convenient ability.


With this ability, you can make yourself appear where your eyes are looking.

His figure flickered on the path.

After traveling for a while, he saw the path extending into a forest.

"There are many trees in this place." Lin Fei sighed.

This seems to be hundreds of years behind the times.

These people can't even grow vegetables.

If this is the case, it should not be difficult to prevent the war between the two countries.


"Keep your money, or keep your life, choose one of the two."

In the forest, Lin Fei met another group of robbers.

"How far is the town ahead?" Lin Fei asked them for directions.

There is no need to answer, the mind reading technique will directly see the picture, and Lin Fei can also estimate a distance.

Then he shot and sent these people on their way.

"If you have hands and feet, why do you want to be a robber?" Lin Fei sighed. These people wasted their most precious time and took a wrong path.

According to their memory, Lin Fei continued to teleport forward.

He found that this ability, although not as fast as shrinking the ground into an inch, is more interesting.

It's easier to get dizzy.

In the end, he changed it to "shrink the ground into an inch", which not only has speed, but also does not cause dizziness.

After walking forward for ten minutes, he left the forest.

After walking forward for a while, he saw a new city.

A tall city with stone walls!

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