The mecha of the brave means that this mecha can defeat all strong men.

No matter how impossible, the hero mecha can do it.

But now, the hero mecha was defeated.

And it was still defeated by a human!

How could human beings have such a powerful machine armor?

These people couldn't react, and felt that the world had become much stranger. Humans who could defeat mechas?

Is that human being?


At this moment, a voice came from the dilapidated ruins.

That was the Brave Mecha standing up, the broken stones rolled down from it, and the Brave Mecha's body began to shake.

Puff puff puff——

There were bursts of white gas coming out of its body.

It's like boiling water.

"It's the brave mode!"

The team members shouted excitedly.

"It was able to force the brave mode out!"

It was the first time for them to see the hero mode.

Legend has it that this is an invincible mode.

No matter what kind of powerful enemy, it will collapse in front of the brave mode.

Flat out!

The original blue diamond-shaped eyes of the Brave Mech turned red at this moment, a dangerous red.

Even the originally blue light on it turned red.

The red light kept flickering.

The entire aisle was constantly flashing red.

As if warning something.

The brave mecha took a step from the ruins.


The sonic boom exploded, and the entire corridor was cracked, and the brave mecha had already disappeared.

Lin Fei turned around calmly and kicked out.


There was another loud noise, and the figure of the hero mech flew out again, this time crashing into five walls again before barely stopping.


The entire corridor suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

Everything just happened too fast.

Their heads are no longer able to process what they just saw.

In the hero mode, the hero mecha was still kicked away?

How can this be?

Just as they were in a trance, a red light rushed out from the ruins again.

This is the warrior armor.

It punched out, trying to kill Lin Fei here.

Lin Fei didn't back down, and also punched him.


There was a light in the hallway.

It was caused by the splash of fire.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, their mouths were wide open, and they froze completely.

"This, this is impossible."

The middle-aged man's legs went limp and he sat on the ground directly.

Because they saw a scene that they would never forget in their lifetime.

The chest of the hero mecha was pierced by human hands!

The hero mecha froze there, Lin Fei's hand pierced through the chest of the mecha, and a piece of blue core was pinched in his hand.

"You did your best."

Lin Fei said lightly, then slowly withdrew his hand.

All the lights on the brave mech were dimmed.

The mecha lost its core, just like a human lost its heart, it lost the ability to move.


The mecha fell powerlessly to the ground.

Lin Fei casually threw the core to the side of the mecha, and then looked at the team.


Looking at Lin Fei, they couldn't help screaming.

Even the invincible, brave mech that could guard one side was instantly defeated by Lin Fei.

They really panicked.

Is this man in front of him really a human?

If it really only has ten points of combat power, why is it so powerful?

Even the hero mecha will be dismantled?

At this moment, they thought of those ancient legends.

Gods and demons.

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