"Destroy the system!"

I don't know who shouted.

And as the word spread, other people also started to shout loudly.

"Destroy the system!"

If not destroy the system.

Well, they and the system must die.

And destroy the system, they can continue to survive.

The mecha controlled by the system stared blankly at the scene before him, not knowing how to react for a while.

Learned that Lin Fei was dead.

It immediately assembled its forces, trying to destroy the other country while the other country didn't react.

But did not expect.

The troops it had assembled through untold hardships suddenly turned around and turned to attack itself.

Every one of them is shouting.

"To survive, destroy the system!"

The system just went dumb.

This is simply shooting yourself in the foot.

The soldiers it called now aimed their weapons at it.


It controls the mecha and shouts in midair: "Crazy, you are all crazy!"

But its voice has just fallen.


A laser suddenly rushed up from below, piercing through its mech.

The system stood there blankly.

this moment.

It actually gave rise to fear.

It is not a human being, it is the highest intelligence and should not have any emotions.

But now, it's scared.

The mech fell from the sky, fell into an alley, and exploded violently.

The system is calculating crazily.

What is the probability of surviving?


No matter how it is calculated, the probability of its survival is 0.

The reason for his death was that he was too confident and proud at the beginning, and refused to give Lin Fei a chance.

It was itself that killed itself.

Lin Fei didn't stay here, he turned around and left, heading to another country.

Four more people were trapped in prison there.

And at this time.

These four people are also extremely regretful.

"We are too young." The captain beat the wall with his fist in despair.

"I killed him."

He was talking about Lin Fei and his friend whose head had been beheaded.

"it's not your fault."

The team members quickly comforted him and said, "It's because we didn't expect that this king has become so corrupt and hopeless."


The captain sat helplessly in the corner.

"I dragged you down."

"We should have believed that person's words from the beginning." The girl in the team said softly.

"He didn't show any malice towards us, and he was even willing to sacrifice himself."

The girl said sadly: "He must also want to see peace, and he must hate fighting."

"Perhaps, a long time ago, like us, he deeply believed in the king and the world."

"However, the king failed him."

"So, he became what he is now."

The girl sighed: "He is really a poor man."

"If I had another chance, I would definitely apologize to him."

The others couldn't help lowering their heads too.

It is precisely because of their will to go their own way.

That's why things became what they are now.

"I'm not pitiful."

At this moment, Lin Fei's voice suddenly rang out in the cell.

Everyone was taken aback.

What is this sound?

Immediately looked towards the voice, and when they saw Lin Fei, they couldn't help being taken aback.

"You, what are you doing!"

The captain was so shocked that he didn't know what to say for a while.

Isn't Lin Fei dead?

Die right in front of them!

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