Lin Fei muttered, anyway, just now he got the locations of the other three Heavenly Kings from the Destroyer Heavenly King.

By the way.

You can inquire from their three heavenly kings, who is that hazy figure?

Think here.

He set off immediately.

"Go to the nearest Death King first."

A barren land.

There is no grass here, no life of any kind.

There is only howling wind and countless yellow sands.

Here is the forbidden zone of life.

But at this moment.


The place exploded violently.

A corrupt demon flew out of the yellow sand,

This is the king of death.

"A mere human, dare to come to me, die!"

Bend a little.

Black light burst out from his hands.

This is Dying Light.

As long as it is touched by this light, even a god will definitely die.

Unless the opponent locks blood.

The light fell directly on Lin Fei's chest, and was bounced aside without even piercing through the skin.

"How can this be!"

The King of Death froze suddenly.

With the moves I am proud of, there is nothing I can do about the human being in front of me.

"Who is your boss?" Lin Fei asked.

He immediately used mind reading.


Still can't see the figure clearly.

It's just that the picture is clearer.

It was a figure sitting on a dragon chair.

That appearance, like a king.

For the rest, nothing can be seen.

Did not get any valuable news.

"You are not qualified to know about our master." Death King said coldly.

next moment.


Thick black smoke suddenly rose from his body.

The thick black fog turned into a huge skull in midair.


The King of Death roared.

The skull suddenly exploded.

He opened his mouth wide and rushed towards Lin Fei.


The strong breath of death completely overwhelmed Lin Fei.

But the next moment.

Pushing Lin Fei with both hands, the breath of death was torn away by him, and he casually chopped out a wind blade.

The king of death in the sky can't dodge.


There was no reaction at all.

Not even a chance to react.

Its head rolled down from its neck.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Death King fell to the ground, like burnt ashes, scattered by the wind.

Lin Fei turned around and left.

There are also the king of pain and the king of fear.

"Go to the nearest King of Dread."

Lin Fei flew down in one direction.

A dark forest.

Hei who can't see his fingers.

But this couldn't stop Lin Fei.

He raised his hand and threw a sun out, and the light instantly tore the darkness apart, revealing the appearance of this place.

The forests here are all very distorted.

Watching from a distance.

Like a human hand.

Lin Fei followed his memory and soon found the King of Fear.


The King of Fear roared angrily: "Did you set the sun in the sky?"


Lin Fei nodded lightly.

"Then I'll kill you." The King of Fear roared.

It took out a trident from behind and stabbed towards Lin Fei's eyebrows.

But Lin Fei just raised his hand and caught the trident.

He asked, "Who is your boss?"

He must know who is behind the scenes.

Otherwise, it is not enough to just kill the Four Heavenly Kings.

If you can't cut the grass and roots, that person will come back sooner or later.

"You have no right to know."

After the Fear King said, a third eye suddenly opened on its forehead!

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