Lin Fei subconsciously protected his head with his hands.


There was a muffled sound.

He opened his eyes and saw a girl lying in front of him.

Lying in a pool of blood.

Looking at this scene.

Lin Fei's pupils shrank.

Because the girl in front of him was his childhood sweetheart.

this moment.

Did he return to the time when she just died?

"Where's the doctor?"

"The doctor is here!"

Many people on the street watched indifferently.

But no one called an ambulance.

When Lin Fei couldn't hear the sound.


The modifier's voice sounded.

"A new vulnerability has been detected, and the modifier has been upgraded."

"Please wait."

The King of Pain looked at the pale Lin Fei and laughed.

"I don't know what you saw?"

Take out a pocket knife.

Lightly stroked Lin Fei's body.

The skin broke open immediately, and blood flowed horizontally.


Seeing this scene, the King of Pain was immediately excited.

"Is it because he fell into fear that his body returned to normal?"

Think here.

The King of Pain immediately took out the nail and the hammer.

First, he kicked Lin Fei into the air.


Lin Fei slammed into the barrier of the protective cover heavily.


The barrier was directly cracked.

The people in the city clearly saw that the King of Pain grabbed Lin Fei and beat Tieding into his hands.


These people saw this scene.

They couldn't help cheering.

"Nice job!"

"Come on!"

They were delighted to see the devil bleeding profusely.

But further down.

The King of Pain hit Lin Fei with dozens of bullets.

Blood stained him red.

People in the city couldn't get excited anymore.

Looking at the ferocious and distorted smile on the devil's face.

I saw the pained look on Lin Fei's face again.

They couldn't help frowning.

Like something?

Forgot by myself.

"anything else."

The King of Pain laughed and took out a sharp knife again.

On Lin Fei's body, the knife was slashed one after another.

"stop it!"

Those people can't stand it anymore.

This is too cruel.

"Can this still be called a hero?"

"What's the difference between this method and a demon?"

The broken barrier.

I can't stop the sound.

Then the King of Pain heard their voices.

The King of Pain laughed directly: "I am a devil."

Everyone's face.

It was gone in an instant.

"I remember!"


A girl cried out in shock.

"That person is the hero who saved us!"

She went to crusade against Lin Fei back then.

Later, he was rescued by Lin Fei.

She was curious about Lin Fei's past?

So at this moment.

She was the first to recover her previous memory.

It was not the hideous demon who saved them, but the blood-stained Lin Fei!

"I remembered it too!"

Another voice sounded.

Memories seem to have a certain contagious power.

Those who can't bear it.

At this time, they all recalled the lost memory.

"What's the use of thinking about it?"

The King of Pain laughed and said, "He's about to die."

"Wake up!"

A group of people lay on the protective cover and shouted loudly.

"Don't lose to this demon."

But Lin Fei's eyes were still empty.

The lively street suddenly disappeared.


There are countless zombies.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei was in despair.

Are you going to die?

But at this moment.

A familiar, pleasant voice sounded.

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