Lin Fei glanced around with perspective.

He didn't see the werewolf either.

But he looked up and saw that it was already dark.

"It's getting dark."

It was completely dark.

Yanping frowned and said, "The news is false."

"It's also possible that the werewolves knew we were coming and went into hiding."

"But anyway."

"We can only fight back now."

The surrounding woods were silent.

But from time to time, dark shadows flashed by.


Yanping said: "Follow me, rush back together!"

The voice fell.

He ran first.

As long as it's fast enough.

Monsters can't catch up with them.

Then there is still a chance to escape.

But at this moment.


A wolf howl suddenly sounded, echoing throughout the forest.

The footsteps of several people stopped immediately.

Lin Fei also put Ye Yuxue on the ground.

Because, the five of them were surrounded.

In the surrounding darkness, a red light flickered, it was the monster staring at them.

"It's a trap."

Yanping came to his senses, gritted his teeth and said: "We have fallen into a trap."

"The werewolves expected us to come, so they waited until dark and surrounded us."

He said coldly: "We can only kill them."

Both Zhang Si and Qing Ya couldn't help frowning.


Yanping punched out, and the flames on his arm exploded.

His whole arm was on fire.

A punch to the trunk.

The whole tree was directly set on fire.

Some of the gloom in the place was dispelled.

But the fire light can only reach a range of more than ten meters.

Yanping set fire to several trees one after another.

Then he said loudly: "Store up the light energy first, let me know when you are done, don't use it right away, wait for my order."

"Understood." Zhang Sihe Qingya replied.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Ye Lingxue were confused.

What accumulates light energy?

What is that?

I dont understand.

In the darkness, monsters began to approach.

The three of Yanping also started to fight.

Yanping's attacking methods are open and closed, with big hands and feet, and the black shadow in front of him is sent flying with one punch.

Zhang Si took out a dagger.

Specially attack the opponent's vitals.

And Qingya, on the other hand, quickly condenses the ice and continuously strikes it out.

The three of them worked together, and there really wasn't a single monster close to the fire.

After killing dozens of monsters.

Darkness fell into silence.

"My light energy is a little short." Yanping said.

At this moment, sparks were floating around him.

"Me too." Zhang Si responded.

There was a black aura wandering around his body.

"I'm almost there."

Qing Ya's body was filled with cold air.

This scene opened the eyes of Lin Fei and Ye Yuxue.

"Is this how they fight?"

at this time.

Yanping looked at Lin Fei and Ye Yuxue.

"How much light energy have you accumulated?"

Lin Fei paused.

Then he said: "It's already full, and it can be used at any time."

It's not that troublesome for him to make a move.


Yanping said.


At this moment, the second wolf howl sounded.

There was another strange noise in the darkness.

A taller monster slowly walked out of the darkness.

At this time, the attack methods of the three of them had begun to struggle.

Lin Fei planned to help them out.

But right now.

Yanping suddenly shouted: "My light energy is good, how about you?"


Zhang Si and Qingya responded loudly.

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