The two continued to walk forward.

But not a single monster was seen.

All around was eerily silent.

Because there is a human being in this forest who is more terrifying than all monsters.

All the monsters ran away upon hearing the news.

Night gradually fell.

The shadows of the two are slowly disappearing.

Fenghuang hurriedly said: "It's getting dark, we have to find a place to hide?"

Ye Feng stopped and asked her: "Are you tired?"

He is no longer afraid of the night.

Along the way, he has not escaped the night.

No matter what the monster.

They all exploded!

Phoenix shook his head.

She said seriously: "When night falls, all monsters will become stronger, and at the same time there will be even more powerful monsters haunting you."

"Our strength will also be suppressed."

"If you are not careful, you will die here."

Ye Feng took her hand and said, "Don't worry."

"It's not the first time I've walked at night."

"I know this place well."

Fenghuang could only look at him in surprise.

So, I just left Ye Feng for a few days.

Why did he even walk through the night?

Are you not afraid of death?

"Is it really all right?" Phoenix asked worriedly.

Ye Feng didn't answer.

He just raised his hand and threw a sun into the sky.

Bright lights hang in the sky.

The darkness in this place was instantly torn apart severely.

The monsters illuminated by this light all let out the most miserable screams.

In less than a blink of an eye, everything turned into ashes and was blown away by the wind.

Fenghuang stood where he was, staring blankly at the sun in the sky.

The light shines warmly on the body.

At this time, she felt the power of the Phoenix clan from that light.

Warm and comfortable.

She almost fell asleep.

"What about you?" Fenghuang felt his body go limp.

Feel the familiar breath.

The pressure that had been suppressed for a long time broke out at this moment, making her physically and mentally exhausted and wanting to rest.

Ye Feng noticed that she seemed tired.

So he said: "You are tired, take a good rest."

Then waved.

Phoenix's eyes were closed.


Ye Feng caught her with his back and carried her on his back.

Under the light, all the monsters were wiped out.

Now there is no Phoenix to control him.

Ye Feng flew straight up.

"Just find some powerful monsters to ask for directions." Ye Feng thought to himself.

There happened to be a giant who saw the light and strode forward.

Ye Feng beat the giant without using his hands, without waking up Phoenix.

Then asked: "Do you know where the exit is?"

The giant did not speak.

Because of the shame.

It was defeated by a human.

And from the beginning to the end, the human didn't make a move, and didn't even wake up the girl behind him.

How is this going?


Can't even beat a human.

The giant felt that the world had become strange.

Even the invincible spell immunity is useless.

"It's fine if you don't say anything."

Ye Feng didn't hesitate to cut off the giant's head directly, and then burned it on fire.

Then turn around and leave.

"Find another one."

He broke into the restricted area, trying to find a master of the restricted area to ask for directions.

But the master of the forbidden zone, without any explanation, wanted to kill him.

Ye Feng can only beat the master of this restricted area to the ground.

Then asked: "Where is the exit?"

Did not say.

With one foot, the owner of the restricted area and the entire restricted area were crushed.

"Why don't you know how to cherish life?" Ye Feng was puzzled.

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