Zhang Ji laughed immediately.

"You shot?"

"what have you done?"

"Shouting cheers from the side?"

The others also glared at Lin Fei, and let it be for nothing if they didn't help, but even lied and said they helped.

What a disgraceful man.

Zhang Ji sneered, wanting to say something more.

But at this moment, the ground here suddenly began to shake.


Faint sound.

There was also the shaking of the ground, which caught their attention.

"what happened?"

Everyone couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Lin Fei looked at the monster that had been pierced through, and said, "The monster is alive again."

Everyone's eyes quickly turned to the monster.

And when they saw the monster, they froze immediately.

Because of the broken body of the monster.

It is recovering quickly.

Darkness poured out from the ground, quickly entering the monster's body.

Less than a blink.

Those holes have been healed.

Even the severed arm grew back.

Monsters recover quickly.

It was as fast as they had received a fatal wound and recovered under this light.

Velocity visible to the naked eye.

"Quick, attack!" Zhang Ji suddenly shouted.

If the monster is really recovered, it will definitely be another hard battle.

An unbeatable monster.

Give them a headache.

Hearing this, everyone reacted and immediately began to accumulate light energy in their hands.

Just over ten seconds.

At the moment when all the monster's injuries recovered.

"Go to hell!"

Zhang Ji yelled, and then a beam of electric light shot out from his hand.

This blue electric light directly penetrated the monster.

Then other attacks also fell over.


The ground that had been smashed exploded again, leaving a large crater more than ten meters deep.

Smoke billowed.

"Successful." Seeing that the attack hit, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I was worried that the attack would not work.

Lin Fei could see clearly.

The monster did nothing at all, and even absorbed most of the power of the attack.

Originally, he was just a smooth black shadow.

But now, his body has grown edges and corners.

Those were black scales, and on the backs of both hands, two jet-black knives even grew out.

It was a knife made of bones.

Although there is no flash of cold light, it is also extremely sharp.

And more importantly.

The monster had ears, a nose, and eyes.

The facial features gradually took shape.

There is no doubt that this monster has become stronger.

Just when everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The black whirlwind tore through the billowing smoke.

The evolved monster appeared in front of everyone.

The monster became completely a human being.

Although it is still composed of shadows.


When seeing this monster, everyone present was startled.

"Why didn't you die?"

"Not only did it not die, it even evolved!" Someone exclaimed.

Their attack together failed to kill the monster.

Zhang Ji gave Lin Fei a hard look.

"Crow mouth."

At this time, he felt that it was Lin Fei's fault.

Because Lin Fei said that this monster is not dead.

So this monster really came alive.

"Incompetent bungler."

"I'll settle accounts with you later!"

After leaving this sentence, Zhang Ji went straight to kill the monster.


Light energy bursts.

A blue bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit him.

At this moment, he was like a god of thunder possessed.

Blue lightning flashed all over his body.

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