
The monster's reaction was not slow.

When the ice wall stood up, he shot immediately, the bone knife in his hand was extremely sharp.

With a swipe of his hand, the ice wall was split into two halves.

The upper half slanted and slid towards the ground next to it.

But the wall of ice has just broken.

A streak of ice suddenly pierced out from the half of the ice wall.

The monster didn't even have a chance to react.

The ice thorn directly pierced through the monster's body.

Will fly out with him.

The monster propped its feet on the ground, trying to block the ice thorn with its strength.

But he kept paddling backwards, and the ice thorn directly opened a blood hole in his body.

Until two traces more than 30 meters long were left on the ground.

The monster's body barely stopped.

Both hands slammed towards the ice spikes on his body.


The icicles exploded, and the fragments flew.

A black breath emerged from the ground, flowing into the monster's body.

The monster's wound was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Yuxue was not shocked, the ice wall in front of her exploded, and the fragments floated in mid-air.

next moment.

These dozens of hundreds of ice fragments.

Like a bullet, it shot towards the monster.

The monster is still recovering.

Seeing these ice cubes coming, I immediately wanted to avoid them.

But just wanted to move.

He suddenly realized that he couldn't walk!

looked down.

The icicles that had just exploded had recondensed at some point, freezing his feet.

Can't escape, can't hide!

Puff puff puff!

The ice cubes shot out with the sound of breaking through the air.

It is directly penetrating the body of this monster.

The ice was fierce, like rain, hitting the monster continuously.

Everyone in the distance couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The monster that terrified them is now holding its head in both hands, constantly resisting the ice.

But the ice directly broke his hands.

It pierced his body again and smashed his head.

Can't stop it at all.

When all the ice cubes are gone.

The monster's body has become tattered, with holes all over its body.

Zhang Ji opened his mouth wide.

What's happening here?

He always felt that he was very powerful, the most powerful transcendent.

But just now.

With all his blows, the monster didn't take half a step back.

And a single blow from the monster could kill him half-life.

The result was in front of Ye Yuxue.

This monster didn't even have a chance to meet Ye Yuxue, and was beaten to death.

Too strong.

Zhang Ji's body was trembling.

If he were to challenge Ye Yuxue, he would definitely die, definitely die.

Ye Yuxue knew very well that this monster had a strong healing ability.

So she didn't have any relaxation.

With a wave from the air, the ice spread, starting to climb up from the monster's feet.

In the blink of an eye, the entire monster was frozen.

The original invincible monster.

At this time, it turned into an ice sculpture.

Everyone was stunned.

What level of super power is this?

Among them, there are some who have mastered the ice, but at most they can delay the monster's speed.

Only some weak monsters can be frozen.

In front of this powerful.

Even touching this monster is an extravagant hope.

As a result, the girl in front of her actually froze the monster.

How could there be such a powerful transcendent?

Ye Yuxue didn't know the shock in their hearts.

She raised her white hand and flicked it.

A block of ice suddenly condensed out of the air, and then shot towards the monster ice sculpture like a bullet.


The moment you put it on.

The entire ice sculpture exploded with a bang.

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