But the next moment.

The people present all stared round their eyes.

Because where Lin Fei's palm hit, the thick armor suddenly split open.

A crack spread out from his palm.

Then there were two, three, and there was a crack in the blink of an eye, covering the monster's armor!

bang bang.

The monster staggered back a few steps.

He looked at Lin Fei in horror.

How is this going?

The monster knew very well that now his armor was very strong.

There is absolutely no way for humans to destroy it.

Why did this human being break his armor with a light palm?

Just when the monster was shocked.


That suit of armor exploded on the spot.

And the place where it was hit was directly pierced, and black liquid continued to flow down.

The monster's eyes widened.

how so?

Why is he hurt?

Why was it broken down?

The monster quickly looked at the human in front of him, but saw his calm face.


The next moment, the monster suddenly moved.

In a pair of red eyes, killing intent was constantly flashing.

He wanted to kill Lin Fei here at this moment.

But just after he took two steps forward, he couldn't run anymore.


The monster's body stiffened and fell heavily to the ground.

He just died like this.

All the extraordinary people opened their eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of them with horror.

"what happened?"

"What just happened?"

They couldn't react at all.

Monsters that make them feel hopeless, monsters that make them want to run away.

Died like this?

Was slapped to death by Lin Fei?

Still a light palm.

How is this possible?

"Not dead yet." Lin Fei said calmly, "He will be resurrected."

The voice fell.

The monster literally moved again.

In less than ten seconds, the monster got up from the ground.

The broken armor reappeared.

Even at this time, it evolved again and became thicker.

The swords in the monster's hands were gone.

into normal hands.

A pair of serious, red light flashes, containing endless killing intent.

"stop looking."

Lin Fei said.

Then he slapped it with a palm, and it was another light palm.

The monster was confident and remained motionless.

He wanted to directly block Lin Fei's palm.


There was a soft sound.

The monster didn't care.

But the next moment, he staggered back a few steps.

The body wobbled and almost fell to the ground.

Click, click, click——

On the thick armor, cracks spread again.

"What's this?"

The eyes of a group of extraordinary people are all round.

This monster will get stronger every time it is revived, and it should be like this now.

But why can Lin Fei still kill this monster with one palm?

Can't figure it out.

Can't understand at all.

Only Lin Fei knew, because it was not a powerful force that killed this monster.

but a rule.

Every time this monster is revived, its power will become stronger.

But no matter how powerful it is, it can't compare to the "Second Kill" rule, which cannot be stopped no matter how much defense is piled up.

Even reach out and flick.

It can also kill this monster.

The monster looked at Chen Feng in horror.

He staggered forward two steps, wanting to punch Lin Fei.

But the fist is only halfway out.


The monster lay stiffly on the ground again.

Died again.

"It's that simple?" The extraordinary looked dumbfounded.

Is this still the monster that beat them to escape?

Why are you so weak?

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