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The monster's pupils shrank.

At this time, the monster also realized that something was wrong with the man in front of him.

Attacks on him have no effect.

No matter how many times it evolves.

The last attack couldn't hurt this man.

But this man's attack is ridiculously powerful, no matter how it evolves.

They couldn't stop this man's attack.

Seeing Lin Fei suddenly appear in front of him now, the monster subconsciously took a step back.

I thought of running away.

Must escape.

If you continue to stay here, you will only be suppressed by this man.

Not an opponent at all.

Lin Fei used his mind reading skills to see through his thoughts, so he smiled and said, "Do you want to run away now?"

The monster trembled.

How does this man know what he thinks in his heart?

Something is wrong.

The monster immediately wanted to turn around.

But at this moment, Lin Fei raised his hand and placed it in front of the monster.

The monster stopped at this moment.

This is subconsciously stopped.

Looking at the palm in front of him, the monster instantly felt his mind go blank.


Only this thought kept warning him.

Must run fast!

There is a dire danger!

However, this monster did not escape after all.


A flame shot out directly from Lin Fei's hand, and the monster didn't even have time to react.

It was directly engulfed by the flames.

This flame illuminated the world here, but it quickly dissipated.

Dissipated together.

It was the monster that was directly burned to ashes.

When the wind blows, it dissipates.

At this moment, the Transcendents around were all staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

What happened?

There are also Transcendents who hold flames here.

But at this time, everyone was so shocked that their mouths opened wide and they were speechless.

What kind of flame is this?

Why, can an extremely powerful monster be burned to death in an instant?

This monster has died several times.

It should be invincible and powerful.

But right now, even a single flame couldn't sustain it.

They looked at Lin Fei in horror.

Can't figure it out.

And just when they were shocked, the darkness surged, and the monster emerged from the ground again.

Resurrected again!

Everyone was shocked.

Was killed by Lin Fei's flame, so now, is this monster immune to the flame?

Even, learned that powerful flame?

But the first thing this monster stands up to.

Not to fight back.

Instead, turn around and run!

Everyone looked dumbfounded, you are resurrected, didn't you become stronger?

Why did you run away suddenly?

"You can't escape." Lin Fei said.

Point out from a distance.


A blue electric light suddenly pierced through the monster's heart.

The monster staggered forward two steps.

Then, it fell to the ground with a "bang".

how so?

Everyone looked at Lin Fei in astonishment.

"His superpower, isn't it flames? Why did he just release lightning?"

This has exceeded their cognition.

They all looked at Lin Fei in a daze.

It doesn't matter if the flame is so powerful, but even the lightning is so powerful.

Zhang Ji didn't know what to say.

What he is best at is controlling lightning, but what Lin Fei displayed just now is much stronger than his.

Just one hit.

Killed the monster.

He tried his best, but he was killed by that monster.

The gap is too big.

Zhang Ji recalled how he had ridiculed Lin Fei in the past.

Immediately, I felt a burning pain on my face.

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