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This night.

Three, four, five dazzling suns suddenly appeared in the night sky.

People all over the world were awakened.

They all ran out the door.

I just feel that the light is dazzling, and everything in front of me is brighter than the day.

But I can't feel the slightest heat.

"What's going on here?"

I can't figure it out.

And those extraordinary people feel that there is a steady stream of power emerging from their bodies.

It seems that in an instant, they became tens of thousands of times stronger.

And all the monsters that were illuminated by this light died.

No matter how powerful it is.

As soon as he was touched by that light, he died on the spot.

It would have turned into black gas.

But now, the black air is touched by the light.

Also disappeared directly.

It is really impossible to be born again.

Just when people in this world were all stunned and shocked.

Lin Fei was looking around with clairvoyance.

As long as the devil hates himself and wants to kill himself.

Then he will be immediately circled by the perspective with a red border.

I can't escape even if I want to.

The darkness and these countless monsters were all created by the Demon King.

Now the darkness is dispelled, and the monsters are all dead again.

The Demon King will definitely be angry.

Chen Feng revolves around the world quickly.

The teleporter is in place anyway.

He wasn't worried about getting lost.

Turn, turn hard.

After a few minutes, Lin Fei stopped suddenly.

Because he really saw it, a red dot.

Because the distance is too far.

So it was only displayed as a red dot, and Ye Feng quickly flew towards the red dot.

The red dot gradually became larger.

A human figure slowly appeared in front of Lin Fei.

This red dot is hidden in a mountain.

He sees clearly.

This towering mountain peak was completely hollowed out.

Inside is a huge palace, without any light, only darkness.

Many powerful monsters are hiding in it.

Including the figure outlined by the red border.

"I can really hide."

Lin Fei smiled lightly, and then directly threw out a wind blade.

The wind gathered into a sharp blade.

Split the mountain directly.

Split obliquely.


The tall mountain immediately tilted to one side and fell down.

The rays of four or five suns scrambled to rush in from the hole on the mountain.

The monster inside.

Stupid at this moment.

What's the situation?

Sleep well at home.

Suddenly the ceiling was lifted, followed by a dazzling light.

As soon as the light hit them.

Immediately corroded their bodies.


A shrill scream sounded.

All the monsters didn't even have a chance to react.

It dissipated immediately.

Not even a speck of ashes remained.

In the entire space in the mountain, only the figure outlined by the red border remained.

"You can hide."

Lin Fei smiled at the Demon King.

"Why are you so strong?"

The Demon King gritted his teeth in the light.

This light is too strong.

Even if he is the strongest in the dark, he can't bear this moment.

The body is disintegrating bit by bit.

"I'm here to kill you, not to deliver you food."

Lin Fei said, "Isn't it normal to be stronger than you?"

These words made the Demon King tremble with anger.

this human being.

It's just too much.

He had noticed this human a long time ago.

It's just that at the beginning, Lin Fei was not taken seriously.

but now.

This person actually came directly to the door.

He also demolished his home and exiled all his family members.

Who is the king of darkness?

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