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Because he can fly.

It also has the ability to see through, so it is not difficult to find a village.

He flies in one direction.

Soon he went around the world and saw no living people.

Just change direction and keep flying.

In just a few seconds, he came back here again, and there was still no one in this direction.

Then go the other way.

This time, before he left for a long time, Lin Fei saw a shining village.

"There's a village ahead!"

Ye Yuxue shouted hastily.

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded and said, "I saw it."

Holding a person in one hand, Lin Fei quickly fell outside the village.

The two walked into the village.

It was found that there were very few people in the village, only a few dozen people.

And when Lin Fei showed up with two girls.

Immediately, someone noticed these three people.

After all, we are all from the same village, we don’t see each other when we look up, we all know each other.

Now three unfamiliar faces appeared.

They noticed right away.

"who are you?"

Someone came up and asked.

"We are travelers from afar." Lin Fei said immediately.

But these people simply don't believe them.

There are no other villages within a hundred miles.

How could there be any traveler?

And after walking so far, aren't you tired? Don't you need to sleep?

Sleeping in the wild is very likely to die!

Their eyes narrowed.

Lin Fei also felt their hostility, so he just smiled.

"I said, I came from afar to manage you."

he said slowly.

When speaking, Lin Fei didn't use much force.

But these words echoed throughout the village.

Everyone froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, there was an additional setting in their minds.

These three people in front of me.

He is more powerful than the village chief.

Once you see it, you must be respectful.

This is to change their memory.

Not only the Heavenly Emperor could use it, but Lin Fei could also use it.

After all, you can read minds.

Not to mention merely changing other people's memories.

"Meet the adults."

The few people who were questioning and doubting Lin Fei just now lowered their heads immediately.

Both Ye Yuxue and Yun Ruoyan were surprised.

What happened?

Why did the attitudes of the few people who were still hostile just now suddenly change?

Lin Fei knew what they were wondering about.

But explaining in front of a group of people is not very good.

And there are more important things.

"How did you rest?" Lin Fei asked.

It is very important to find out how people here sleep.

"Are you tired, sir?"

"Please come with us."

They immediately led the way for Lin Fei and led the three of them to a huge house.

There are many beds in this house.

There are many people lying on the bed.

And in the middle of the room, there was a large stove, and something dark was burning in it.

And that flame didn't even have any temperature.

It's just that the light is very bright.

"What is this flame?"

Lin Fei had already figured out the reason why these people could sleep here safely.

It must be because of these flames.

"Don't adults even know this?"

Everyone in the room was stunned.

It's common sense to want to survive.

"I forgot."

"Can you tell me, please?" Lin Fei said calmly.

Several people looked at each other.

Then explain it to Lin Fei.

"What is burning in the fire is the body of the monster."

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