Lin Fei is constantly looking for survivors in this dangerous world.

But at the same time.

Every few minutes, he casually creates some solid castles.

They're all made of steel.

Even if the previous ape-man was resurrected again, and then came to demolish these castles, there was no way to shake a single bit.

The world is lifeless.

But now, Lin Fei is doing it manually, adding vitality to this place.

As long as one person can live in the city.

Then his efforts are totally worth it.

But this place is really too huge. Lin Fei searched for a long time, but he didn't see any other humans.

Dozens of cities have been built.


Just when Lin Fei was wondering.

Above his head, there was a loud noise suddenly.

Lin Fei immediately looked up.

A bolt of lightning pierced the darkened sky.

It was a blood-red lightning, accompanied by two bright red rays of light.

It seemed to be a pair of eyes.

Slowly approaching from the dark storm.

Others may not be able to see clearly, but Lin Fei's perspective has already seen this monster clearly.

It was a huge flying dragon.

A pair of wings, overwhelming.

With every incitement, a storm will be rolled up.

The dragon's body was covered with black scales, its eyes were as red as blood, and there were sharp horns on its head.

Sharp teeth protruded from the dragon's mouth.

Like a monster running from hell.

The flying dragon saw Lin Fei and was approaching slowly.

Lin Fei didn't run away, but was looking at the flying dragon in front of him. Could this thing know the news of the demon lord?

"This thing seems to have appeared suddenly?"

When he flew over just now, he hadn't seen this thing yet.

And when he just built a castle.

Lightning appeared.

It was as if someone suddenly threw the flying dragon in front of him.

Lin Fei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a bold guess appeared in his heart.

"Maybe, this world is man-made." He guessed.

This world did not exist.

When people fall asleep, they will fall asleep safely, but because of what the devil has done.

Therefore, after people fall asleep, they will enter a dangerous world.

Only safe.

Human beings will appear in this world.

Otherwise, according to the theory of evolution, it is the creatures with strong bodies that can last a long time without resting that ultimately rule the world.

Rather than the frail and insignificant human beings.

In terms of combat, both bears and tigers are stronger than humans.

Only in this way can we gain an advantage in dangerous areas.

Lin Fei thought of more details, the existence of this world, and the current state of human beings.

There is no way to explain it scientifically.

Because humans are now the weaker side.

There is no way to gain a foothold in this world, let alone develop to the current level of urban group living.

Even if it evolves into an adult, it is impossible.

"The devil is not in this world."

Lin Fei already had a rough idea in his mind.

"Secondly, the devil this time may be a human being."

"He's doing some sort of experiment."

Is it right?

Just ask the flying dragon overhead.

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at Feilong calmly.

"Hi, may I ask, do you know the Demon Lord?" Lin Fei asked.

Feilong didn't answer, but opened his mouth and spewed out a flame.

But Lin Fei didn't need its answer either.

Because he already got the answer he wanted.

This flying dragon doesn't even know the existence of the Demon Lord.

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