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Lin Fei turned on the perspective.

Trying to find the devil, if he didn't guess wrong, the devil is in this world.


when he uses perspective.

I did see a tiny red dot.

Although it is small, it was discovered under the reminder of the modifier.

"I found you." Lin Fei smiled.

He guessed right.

The devil is indeed a human being.

"why are you laughing?"

Ye Yuxue asked curiously.

"I found the devil master." Lin Fei said.

Ye Yuxue was taken aback.

Then he asked excitedly, "Really?"

The purpose of their coming here is to find the devil.

And now, they found it?

"It's true." Lin Fei said.

"I'll take you to him."

"Okay!" Ye Yuxue nodded in agreement.

But Lin Fei didn't leave immediately.

The demon lord's anger will not stop for a while.

He still has a lot of time.

So Lin Fei went back to the house, first took out a teleportation disk, and then put it on the ground.


When the matter is over, he and Ye Yuxue can come back here as soon as possible.

Then Lin Fei protected the house.

After making sure nothing can go in.

He flew up with Ye Yuxue.

Going to find the devil.

He hid it very deeply, but in the end he showed his feet and let Lin Fei find it.

Ye Yuxue was a little excited.

As long as the demon lord is dealt with, you can go back.

Holding Ye Yuxue in his arms, Lin Fei flew over many mountains and crossed hundreds of rivers.

Finally came over a town.

That red light is in this city.

"There is such a large gathering place." Lin Fei murmured.

He sees clearly with clairvoyance.

There are many places to rest here.

There is still a lot of flames inside.

And the person marked in red, who was sitting alone in the room at this time, hammered the table hard.

In order not to disturb other people in the village.

Lin Fei landed outside with the girl.

Then he took her into the city.

What a city it is.

There were thousands of people, and not everyone knew each other.

So those who look at Lin Fei and Ye Yuxue more often.

A small part is that they have never seen the clothes worn by the two of them.

And more.

They were attracted by Ye Yuxue's exquisite face.

Such a beautiful girl.

It was the first time for them to see such a beautiful girl.

Lin Fei took the girl and walked quickly.

Soon, he brought Ye Yuxue to a house.

"It's here." Lin Fei said.


Ye Yuxue nodded slightly.

Immediately, she was ready to fight.

Lin Fei stepped forward and politely knocked on the door.


inside the house.

The Demon Lord looked angry.

The world he worked so hard to build was actually destroyed by people.

All those trapped.

They all disappeared suddenly, as if they had returned to the real world.

And what caused all this is the light ball in the sky.

But those balls of light, he has no way to destroy them.

No matter how powerful the monster he created, there was no way to shake those balls of light.

As long as someone comes in and is touched by the light, it will disappear immediately.

And that light.

Even darkness can penetrate, and nothing can stop it.

"What exactly is going on?"

He couldn't figure it out.

But he can be sure of one thing.

Something shook his throne.

He had to find that thing quickly and destroy it.


Only then can he continue to be king and hegemony inside, controlling everyone's lives.

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