One-click Practice for Millions of Levels

Chapter 200: Eat you without eating others

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Obviously you asked me to ask, and after listening to it, I became ashamed and angry!" Jiang Zhou pointed to the gray godly words.

"I'm not a hedgehog! I knew this way I shouldn't talk nonsense with you!" Gray God was irritated by Jiang Zhou, and looked at Jiang Zhou with a flushed face and roared.

"I really can't afford it." Jiang Zhou shook his head and said helplessly.

"Ah!" Gray God roared and rushed to Jiang Zhou.

"Say it, just do it? Don't forget that this is the Qin Mansion!" Jiang Zhou yelled, picking up Jin Yuzhu to resist Grey God's attack.

Bang! Jin Yuzhu and Grey God's snake head collided fiercely, and then the snake head squirmed a few times, wrapped around Jin Yuzhu, raised his head and looked at Jiang Zhou, his scarlet tongue kept vomiting.

"What about Qin Mansion... I said, no one can stop me from killing you today!" Gray God stared at Jiang Zhou and said viciously, "So you can go on the road with peace of mind!"

"Dreaming!" Jiang Zhou stared at Grey God and said, "It's not the first time you want to kill me, but you never succeeded. Don't you know your strength? Trash hedgehog!"

"I'm not a hedgehog!" Gray God yelled angrily, raised the scorpion tail on his left arm, and pierced Jiang Zhou with a sharp poisonous needle.

"Dragon armor!" Jiang Zhou shouted, his body filled with spiritual energy, and quickly condensed into aura armor, "It's not working... there is not much spiritual energy left..."

After condensing the aura armor, Jiang Zhou suddenly realized that the aura in his body had not recovered much, and he was shocked instantly.

"Grandma's leg... is too big." Jiang Zhou cursed in his heart and waved his right hand to open the oncoming poisonous needle. He didn't dare to take it hard, because he was afraid that the aura armor on his body would not be able to prevent him. Oh no.

Grey God saw his scorpion tail bounced away, his right arm exerted force, and the snake head followed the Jin Yuzhu and bit towards Jiang Zhou fiercely.

"Hey! Dare to bite Laozi! I knocked your teeth out!" Jiang Zhou shouted angrily.

I saw the snake head froze for a moment, and a trace of confusion appeared in her eyes... but it didn't take long for him to bite Jiang Zhou with his big mouth open again.

"Nima..." Jiang Zhou hurriedly pulled out the Jin Yuzhu, stepped back and avoided the snake's head.

Seeing that the snake head missed the air, his cold little eyes fixed on Jiang Zhou, hissing the letter.

"Hahaha... I haven't seen it for a few days, and my skill has increased." Grey God laughed, and was not annoyed after a few shots were defeated. Anyway, he had hardly taken advantage of Jiang Zhou.

"Normally so...that's it." Jiang Zhou waved his hand and said unceremoniously: "Although it is not very strong, it should be enough to hit you."

"Arrogant and arrogant... if you praise you, you think you can really beat me? Dreaming go to you!" Gray God looked at Jiang Zhou and said disdainfully: "If you were lucky the last few times, you really thought you could be there. Will I survive in my hands?"

"Why not?" Jiang Zhou shrugged his shoulders and said, "Luck is also part of strength, understand? As long as I have good luck, you can't kill me!"

"Today you won't have that good luck. Obediently admit defeat and let me eat you!" Gray God looked at Jiang Zhou and licked his lips, then said: "I have a human body now, eat you I have the opportunity to cultivate to the Emperor of Humanity. With the wealth and experience I have accumulated over the years, the Emperor of Humanity is not at my fingertips!"

" are so good at catching a fart! Qingteng is the emperor, and you can't fight back." Jiang Zhou pointed to the gray **** and laughed.

"That...that's not that I haven't recovered to the peak period!" Gray God was flushed by Jiang Zhou, and couldn't help refuting.

"Then if it's the peak period... would you be able to survive Qingteng?" Jiang Zhou raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"Uh...probably not, but it can resist for a while." Gray God thought about it seriously, and then answered honestly.

"Hey... this is not enough." Jiang Zhou nodded and said: "Since you have taken the house, and a human body can cultivate human skills, then you can just practice honestly, why do you want to do it? How many people must be eaten by the monster beast?"

"I haven't eaten people for a long time." Gray God licked his lips again and said, "But you, I can't help but eat, because you are so fragrant...ssss...suffering if you smell it, my instincts won't Wrong, your physique is extremely special."

"This Nima...Isn't this Tang monk meat?" Jiang Zhou scratched his head and said helplessly: "Why everyone wants to take a bite."

"Stop talking nonsense! Obediently die, I'll come to eat you." Gray God said, rushing to Jiang Zhou again, and the snake head on his right arm went straight to Jiang Zhou's throat with his mouth open.

"Fire wall technique!" Jiang Zhou shouted, and with a wave of his hand, a wall of fire went straight to Grey God.

It was supposed to be a defensive skill that was placed horizontally, but was abruptly played by Jiang Zhou into an attack skill that was placed vertically.

call! The huge wall of fire ignited, and Grey God hid to the side, and the two were just separated by the wall of fire.

"Boy... There are a lot of tricks." Gray God stared at Jiang Zhou and said, he was almost burned by the wall of fire just now, thanks to his hiding fast.

"Hehehe...I have a lot of tricks you haven't seen before." Jiang Zhou smiled and said.

"But no matter how many tricks you do, it's useless, I will kill you today!" Gray God raised the scorpion tail on his left arm and pointed at Jiang Zhou with that poisonous needle.

"No, can't." Jiang Zhou shook his head repeatedly, looking at Gray God and said.

"Ignorance... I don't know when death is imminent!" Grey God smiled and directly bypassed the wall of fire to attack Jiang Zhou.

Jiang Zhou dexterously jumped to the other side. He used the wall of fire technique himself, and he was still a fire-attribute aura. Of course he was not afraid of fire, but the Grey God was different. He could only go around on the edge of the wall of fire. Attack Jiang Zhou.

"Eh hey... King Qin rounded the pillar!" Jiang Zhou said with a smile on his face: "You stupid Kaka! Can't fight, can't fight! Angry monkey!"

Gray God was yelled in anger, and after working hard for a long time, he didn't catch Jiang Zhou. When he just circled the other side, Jiang Zhou walked through the wall of fire in one step, not giving him a chance.

"How... I said you can't, you just can't." Jiang Zhou raised his eyebrows and said.

"Hmph... you need aura support for the wall of fire, then I will wait here, and I will do it again when your aura is exhausted!" Grey God snorted, looking at Jiang Zhou and said.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, you are quite smart, I thought your brain was already poisoned and stupid." Jiang Zhou smiled, waved and released another wall of fire to block him.

"Hahaha...Ignorance, the more you put on, the faster your aura will be consumed?" The gray **** laughed, looking at Jiang Zhou's eyes as if looking at a fool, "You will only speed up my eating you Speed, ignorant kid."

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