One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 115

All this happens between the blink of an eye, but Jiang Hao has rushed out of 50 meters!

At this time, there are dozens of wooden vines like a flexible whip, and the squatting is taking toward Jiang Hao!

Jiang Hao took the hill knife in his hand to play the dog.

At the same time, the three-level playing rods work with the giant gods, and it is even more enemy between the time!

There are countless arms thick vines by him from the air, countless green unknown liquids are everywhere!

Jiang Haoyun lifted the body, his speed rose again, and immediately rushed out of 100 meters.

These vines are not chasing.

Subsequently, a harsh snoring came from Jiang Hao.

Jiang Haozhu, this is the rest of the balance, and look back behind it.

After the body, the little scorpled came out with Jiang Hao, and those vines were replaced on the tree.

One time, here again recovered calm!

Everything, as if there is no general.

However, the arms of the arms of the earth are thick, and the wound is still rough, and the greenery of the greenery.

It has proven that there is a fierce battle that has just happened here.

"Hey, what is this?"

Jiang Hao touched his heart, and his face was surprised.

At this time, he recalled that this just all, suddenly exclaimed.

"Lying. Slot, this will not be a real version of Montenegro,?"

"Mom, is it crazy in this world, or I am crazy?"

Jiang Hao stared at those branches, for a long time, slowly calmed the mood.

"It seems that this world is different!"

"With my current strength, I will not be suitable for the time being!"

Jiang Hao frowned the depths of the forest, decided not to intend to take a risk!

"However, this hatred is coming, waiting for me to improve the strength, come to you, come to you!"

At this moment, Jiang Hao remembered that the just saw it was still surprised. Fortunately, he prepared a hill knife!

At the same time, this makes him more urgent to get a big powerful martial art!

"It's also almost the time, I should also return it!"

Subsequently, Jiang Hao took a small cut, ready to return.

However, when Jiang Hao turned into the moment, he was turned off by him, and his wound took a green vine with green unidentified liquid, he stopped.

"Since it comes, I can't get null and return?"

Jiang Hao took the probe, see those vines did not respond, and quickly picked up a few vines that were cut off from the ground.

However, racing to a safe place, looking at this and small trunk rough vines.

He didn't see it for a long time, and Jiang Hao decided to decompose a try.

He picked up a vine and opening.

System, decomposition! "

"Yes, host!"

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition of no name, Xiang Vine, get three grass, get the skill point 1.1, experience point 1.1!"

Handmu Dan: Grass and wood essence, absorb the aura, have the effect of beauty and beauty, can be fifth year!

"Decompose success, is it extracted?"

At this point, Jiang Hao heard this annotation.


"This is just a novel, and the weakening version of Deli Dan!"

Shocked, Jiang Hao is happy.

"Good things!"

"This should be a problem with selling a few million?"

Jiang Hao is a bursary.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 260 Bold Jiang Hao, the first loss of the system


Jiang Hao is busy open.

Soon, three greens are like jade gemstones, and there is a pharmacuage that exudes crystal gloss.

Then, it is a touch of clear wood fragrance, and I will let people feel free.

It's not a million!

Jiang Hao told the system.

"System, give me eight jade bottles!"

"Yes, host!"

Soon, several jade in Jiang Hao system space disappeared, but several carved beautiful jade bottles.

Jiang Hao took one, put the three grass and wood, and his eyes were eager to look at the remaining wooden vines left under his feet.

Without hesitation, he got up and told the system.

System, decomposition! "

"Yes, host!"

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition of success ..."


A small will pass, Jiang Hao has already finished the six vines of him.

And his hand has also been more than 12 grass, Decomposition, Jiang Hao still has some intentions.

So he went to the vines who were cut off by him, but did not pick it up.

Even, Jiang Hao boldly slammed the vines that were wrapped around the trees and still alive.

"I don't know if the system can decompose it directly?"

Jiang Hao wants, this is successful, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao decided to take risks!

Jiang Hao has a decision, and suddenly stared at the outermost vine, and jumped up.

And this vine was spoiled by Jiang Hao, and it was struggling.

However, Jiang Hao Jialili launched, it could not break it at all.

At this time, Jiang Hao was busy.

System, decomposition! "

"Hey, the target level is too high, you can't decompose!"

"Is not enough, can not decompose?"

This is still the first time that the system breaks the sky!

The originally unprofitable system is finally frustrated.

This makes Jiang Hao surprised.

At this time, Jiang Hao's actions seem to annoyed this guy again.

Suddenly, the countless root vine wrapped around the tree was born.

Jiang Hao was busy, and the mountain knife broke him with the vine grabbed, and then quickly retransmit.

"Go, small!"

Jiang Hao shouted, and then turned and ride on a little, and returned.

And in Jiang Hao, countless guests are like a mad, from the tree, and put this position from Jiang Hao.

That power, simply destroying the earth.

Subsequently, the rear of the jungle is deep, and there is a harsh!

It seems to be an angry scream.


At this time, Jiang Ha is riding a little, and I don't know how far!

On this way, Jiang Hao is thinking, is it this world?

Also, this world is like this, but he did not find it?

At this time, Jiang Hao Lennaine said everything before the grandfather, and the interpretation of the system.

"Perhaps, this is the emergence of the system, bringing changes to this world!"

I think so soon, in the full race of the small ectove, Jiang Hao returned to the periphery of this primitive forest.

And this road, Jiang Hao has never encountered ancient whole loyalty.

Maybe they have already out of this forest, perhaps they are still in the forest!

This original forest is so big, it is not very normal!

On the guard field, Jiang Hao took a bottle of life essence in a bowl from the space, mixed with water!

The little excitedly stretched the tongue, soon finished!

Jiang Hao touched the small cut.

"Go back, wait for the next time I am looking for you!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 261 returns, the college entrance examination results come out

Say goodbye, Jiang Hao quickly over the mountain, touch the black and return to the road.

Subsequently, four no people, this will take the car from the system space.

However, I changed my clothes, I drove home!

Back to Jiangjia Village, Jiang Hao accompanied his father and Jiang Jingyi a few days, and went to Jiang Delong to collect debts.

At the same time, he uses some of the spiritual materials obtained from the original forest, and has done a meal.

One, is the foundation for his younger brother, Jiang Jingyi, two, and help the old man!

It has been a few days in Jiangjiacun. Time is very fast, and immediately college entrance examination results have come out, Jiang Hao decided to return to Tianhe City!

In the morning of the morning, Jiang Jiacun, village.

Jiang Hao opened the window and sister waved his best to say goodbye!

Then I drove it, and I sailed to Tianhe City!

When Jiang Hao returned to the Tianhe City, just at noon, catching the ginger's lunch.

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