One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 130

This can give Jia Renyi hurt!

At this time, after Jiang Hao saw it, he felt like it, and quickly apologized.

"sorry Sorry!"

"I forgot Jia Er Shadow now is hurt, can't hurt!"

"I didn't touch Jia Erwux wound?"

When Jiang Hao said, you can also touch the other side in the place you just hit.

At this time, if Jia Renyi is really trusting Jiang Hao's ghost, then they are fool!

"Ah ~ Ah ~!"

"Stop ~ stop ~ stop!"


"Mr. Jiang, you didn't touch my wound, you let me go!"

Jia Renyi is busy.

He is really afraid!

Jiang Hao heard that this is reluctant to release two people!

"Jia Shao is careful, don't touch the wound!"

Looking at Jiang Hao in a blind eye, Jia Renyi suddenly made a chill.

As for Jiang Hao's, they want to ask questions!

"In fact, what should I be careful?"

At this point, Jiamu in the side looked at the son being bullied and suddenly died.

At the same time, she has deeper the resentment of Jiang Hao!

She looked at Jiang Hao, and her eyes flashed a cold.

"Small hybrid, let you be a few minutes, wait for you to eat!"

Subsequently, her face was changing, and her face was full of smiles, and the opening continued.

"Mr. Jiang please sit!"

"I blame me, there is no educational, my two sons, make them act some of them, so that Mr. Jiang!"

"My old man is dead early, as their only guardian, I have no education, I am very self-satisfied."

When I said, Jiamu actually had a good voice, and it seems to recall what is sad, crying.

"But I am a woman, pull them into big, I am not easy!"

"Now, they have to be guilty, and they have been punished, they also recognize their own mistakes.

So, I want to ask Mr. Ginger today to raise your hands, let us go! "

Speaking here, she took the table at the table, poured two cups!

Then, two glasses of wine, a cup pushed to Jiang Hao, a cup of herself.

"This glass of wine, I took me two sons who were unbelievable, and Jiang Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I asked Mr. Jiang to let them!"

Said, Jiamu is very simply a wine that drinks!

Take this to get Trust in Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao wondered, looked at the wine glasses in front of the table, and the wine glass of Jiamu!

At this time, Jia Renyi sitting on the side also saw this, quickly got up, facing Jiang Hao, tough come to a ninety degree bending!

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang, I know is wrong, please let us let us!"

Jiang Hao saw this, and even busy forward to Fu Jiarenyi.

"Ren Xiang, you have hurt, don't mess, come, I will help you, you sit down!"

Jia Renyi saw this, scared.

"Mr. Jiang, don't, don't!"

"I came myself, I came here!"

Jia Renyi quickly returned to the seat, Jiang Hao saw this, and suddenly some regrets retake it back.

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Chapter 293, is unpredictable, all ghost fetuses

At this time, Jiamu looked at Jiang Hao and did not drink the glass of wine, and suddenly he was in a hurry.

Helpless, Jiamu looked at the wine on the table, giving himself a cup, gesture is very low, to Jiang Hao.

"Mr. Jiang, I will respect you, you will look at our orphans, let us!"

Subsequently, Jiamu looked at Jia's Jiagun home.

Jia is gains, and quickly picks up a folder next to it, and handles the file to Jiang Hao.

At this time, Jia Mu also opened the way.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the shares of 5% of my Jiagun, about billion yuan!"

"As long as you sign the word behind, from today, he belongs to you, using this as our lifetime!"

"This is our sincerity, please also ask Mr. Jiang to accept, let us!"

Jiang Hao heard the words, it was shocked, and even the documents in the hands of Jia's house. After reading it, he took a breath.


Subsequently, he looked at Jiamu is full of surprises, and asked the opening.

"Mrs. Jia, do you really give it to me?"

Jia Mu looked at Jiang Hao's virtue, although he hated Jiang Hao and dead.

But at this time, her purpose has not been reached, but it can't do it.

She had to smile.

"As long as Jiang Mr is letting us, let me detoxify for my benevolence, these are yours!"

Jiang Hao seems to be confused, and suddenly a happy.

Subsequently, he took a pen from the Jiagu home, and quickly turned to the last page of the file and signed his name.

He sighed and opened it.

"Mrs. Jia, you are so polite!"

"Originally, I have decided to forgive you, who knows that you will send me such a big gift, then I have to accept it, lest you, I want!"

Jiamu heard the words, the bottom flashed and disgraced, and the heart despised.

"The poor is the poor, it is not to see so much money, you will get the mouth, but also say the wind!"

"Let you let you go for a while, do you think our Jiajia's thing is so good?"

"You have this, you have to live!"

Jiang Hao signed the word, the pen is lost, but the folder in the hand is dead, and he will not let go.

Then he looked to Jiamu and asked.

"Mrs. Jia, Renjie?"

Jiamu heard the words, and I got almost didn't press the power of my own flood, I want to fight Jiang Hao.

Helpless, the temporary timing is not enough, she can only endure.

At this moment, maybe she wants to be sympathy with Jiang Hao.

Al or, I remembered that Jiang Renjie at this time, really touched her heart string, Jiamu actually cried.

"Hey ..."

"Mr. Jiang, Jieer him is difficult to stop, so that the spirit is somewhat wrong, even I don't know, now I am lying in bed!"

When Jiang Haoton, suddenly frowning, it seems that conscience has discovered the general.

"That is really a bit!"

"You said it!"

"I also felt your sincerity, then I will forgive you!"

Said, Jiang Hao took the cup of wine on the table, and did it.

Jiamu, who was originally sad, and a packet of Jiang Renyi, who had a packet, saw this scene, and suddenly worried.

However, on the surface, they still put a surprise look.

"Really? Mr. Jiang! You forgive us?"

"I will know that Mr. Jiang is a large number of people!"

When Jia Mi suddenly was flattering, Jiang Hao was a fortune, and Jiang Hao is happy.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 294 has planned, poor maps

At this time, Jiang Hao took the wine on the table, and he automatically poured a cup for him. At the same time, it also poured on Jiamu and Jia Renyi!

Immediately, Jiang Hao handed them to them, and he looked at Jiamu and Jia Renyi and opened his mouth.

"After drinking this glass of wine, our previous hatred will sort out!"

Jiamu heard the words, the surface was surprised, but the heart was a laugh.

"You are a choice for a harmonic, etc., I will calculate us with you with you!"

"Okay, this glass of wine we drink!"

Subsequently, Jiamu is happy, then the next face, try to ask.

"Just, Mr. Jiang, since you have forgive us, the poison on the benevolence, you see ..."

Jiang Hao wondered, so he didn't know.

"What to poison?"

"Renjie brother poisoned?"

"That's fine, it's not a poison! You will take this detoxification Dan, to the Renjie brother, the benevolent brother will soon will be good!"

Said, Jiang Hao took out a pill bottle from his pocket and poured a white pill.

Seeing this pill, Jia Renyi suddenly flashed a happy eye.

He knows this pill, this is not Jiang Hao to feed itself in Xue Ziyan's office!

At this time, Jiamu also got an answer from Jia Renyi, and suddenly was delighted.

He didn't expect Jiang Hao to take the antideter.

"Small hybrid, or too young!"

"This is good!"

"Wait for you to see!"

"Hahaha ..."

She reached out to take her medicine from Jiang Hao, but Jiang Hao has taken it back.

Suddenly, Jiamu worked anxious to look at Jiang Hao.

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