One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposing System One-button Upgrade Chapter 142

When the tray beauty took a step forward, after squatting a bow, then he opened his mouth.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Jie, I am forty-two years old, I was originally a cleaning aunt!"

"I just have just video, the lucky woman!"

As he just fell, there were various proofs on the big screen.

At this time, the crowd took her a contrast to the woman in the video, and everyone taught a breath.


"This is too uncompristeous!"

"This is simply called Xian Dan."


At this moment, many people shocked to the three jade bottles in the beautiful hand on the stage, and the eyes showed greedy eyes.

Among them, there were three gangs who had a murder of Jiang Hao began to move!

However, at this time, they seem to think about what, I have to press the heart-resistant excitement!

At this time, Jiang Hao heard the discussion of everyone and suddenly smiled.

It seems that I underestimate the value of the grass!

At this time, the auctioneer began to introduce.

"This magical medicinal medicine, according to the principal, its name is the famous grass."

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Chapter 319 Grass Tuman's Grab, Maidao

At this time, the auctioneer began to introduce.

"This magical medicinal medicine, according to the principal, its name is the famous grass."

"This Dan gathered a lot of grass, absorbed the heaven and earth aura.

I can immediately return to the 20-year-old face when I take it. "

"I also conducted various inspections for Xiao Jie, who took this kind of Qidan, and everyone saw it.

"The introduction of the principal is not exaggerated!"

The auctioneer's words suddenly reminded the scene again!

In this way, the effect of the sky is too terrible!

The auctione is almost mobilized to see the atmosphere under the bottom, and then open.

"The commissioned a total of 13 of the 13 grains of Qidan, one of the principal's unconditional uses to verify the magic of this Qidan!"

"So, now there is only 12 Qi Dan!"

"Next, this 12 grain of Qidan will be divided into three groups, each group of four, in turn!"

"Now, start the first group of four grass wood auctions!"

"The price is 5 million ..."

The auction clerk has not fallen, some people are waiting for the card, shout.

"Six million!"

Not waiting for the auctioneer to retrieve this price, it is also the price of two courses.

"Seven million!"

"Eight million!"

"Ten million!"


After a fierce competition, the price of the first group of four grasmines has soared by one million starting to 80 million!

This is a real way to fall in the glasses!

And now, this price is still rising!

Among them, especially before and Jiang Hao competes for the nickname and another richest!

"100 million!"

At this time, the woman in the No. 9 directly increased by 20 million, reaching a billion!

Mrs. No. 6 is not willing!

"More than 130 million!"

The 9th woman seems to be determined.

"200 million!"

With this price, the price has soared to 200 million!

Mrs. Rich seems to have never thought of so embarrassment!

Subsequently, Mrs. Ruo glanced at the 9th, and finally stopped!

After all, this is not the only group!

With the richest wife stopped, the auctioneer excited continuous repeated three times.

In the nine women's nervous look, the final drop hammer.

The Jinchen woman is relieved!

Subsequently, the second group opened, and it was a fierce call!

And this time the price of the price is over, it is too uncomfortable!

Mrs. Vide, the previous six, also participated.

Even even Xue Ziyu and Yu Wang, Du Feifei, Jia Renjie participated in the auction!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao didn't know what to say!

At this time, even the Song Yuer, the Song Yu, looked at the prices of Yu Wang, and also an excitement.

Jiang Hao is speechless, it seems that love beauty is a woman is born!

How big is Song Yanner? And with his exquisite face, you can't use it!

When she needs, maybe I can get better than Grass Mu Dan!

Moreover, the 13 capsules are not all his, and there are still a few bottles of grass!

With their relationship with your own, I will send them a few grains!

However, this is also blame him, others can not know that Huawan is Jiang Hao!

At this time, the second group price has soared to 200 million!

At this time, Jiang Hao saw Xue Ziyu, Jia Renjie and Yu Wang still want to participate, and he suddenly worked.

At this time, he seems to think about what, suddenly the eyes are bright.

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Chapter 320 Night Cup, inexplicable

With his throat slightly, a voice sparmed in a strange way, accurately incorporated Xue Ziyan, Jia Renjie and Yu Wang's mind!

"I am Jiang Hao, don't increase the price, the grass is what I offer, I have it here, I will end, I will send you a few!"

At this time, Xue Ziyu, Jia Renjie and Yu Wang have a chance!

At this time, when they look at around, it seems that in addition to them, others did not hear the sound.

Just, the voice is like they have an illusion!

However, a person may have an illusion, and it is impossible to have a illusion.

When they vaguely turned to Jiang Hao, I saw Jiang Hao looked at them!

This is finally determined!

Although there are various suspense, but at this time, they had to press this shock, and they also stopped the price.

Yu Wang stopped the price, terrible Song Yuner is in a hurry!

Jiang Hao had to quietly tell her the truth!

Without them, in the end, this group of grass is taken by the whistle of the rich!

With the last group of grass, wood, the auction will once again reach another high. Trow!

In the end, Du Zhongguo personally bought four hundred million, and won the last set of Qidan!

With the auction of the grass, the last auction will come!

It is Jiang Hao's Erlong Planner Emperor Night Cup!

The emperor of the second dragon play is unveiled, and it has been amazed!

However, as the auctione fell into the night light cup, in the eyes of everyone!

Two lifelike gods in the luminous cups compete for a bead in it!

Moreover, from different angles, these two dragons are gone, and various gestures are changed!

At this moment, everyone exclaimed.

Subsequently, after the auctioneer's introduction, the Emperor Emperor of the Erlong Dragon beads began to auction!

"100 million!"

"10 million!"

"200 million!"

"Two billion six million!"


Only between blinking, this night glass price soared to 500 billion!

Finally, this night glass was bought by a stranger around Yuwang and Du Zhongguo with 60 million prices!

Let Jiang Hao are strange that Yu Wang and Du Zhongguo are like a stranger is very taboo!

This is not to participate in it!

With the end of this auction auction, this private auction will be over under the speech of the auctioneer!

Jiang Hao led the background to the background to complete a subsequent contract for various delivery.

Jiang Hao took the three items you received, as well as the huge sum of the tiger, the grass, the night cup, etc., came out and the jade king.

Jiang Hao came out and saw Xue Ziyan, Jia Renjie, Song Wan Zhong, Rong Yer and others and Du Feifei stood together.

And Du Zhongguo seems to have disappeared from the end of the auction!

At this time, with the emergence of Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao found a few unique eyes to him in the first time.

Among them, I felt the owner of the killing when I was bike and kill the sword before and Jiang Hao!

Jiang Hao did not move, came to a few people recently, and a few people were familiar with the guests. Subsequently, they gave a villa under Du Feifei!

"What happened to UHS, Hai Shu didn't come today?"

From the villa, Jiang Ha is asked.

Song Wan Zhong seems to be aware of an abnormality, such as the same.

"The sea is waiting for us in the car!"

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