One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 149

After all, no reason is threatened, no one is not cool!

Jiang Hao listens, it is clear and end!

Probably the news that the elders can't receive other four people, and they are closely related to Song Wan Zhongzhong. He only found Song Wan Zhong's here!

At this time, Jiang Hao looked at the Hai Shu and asked.

"Hai Shu, how about the martial arts of the old Hall?"

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Chapter 335 wants to become a military person, it is difficult to

Hai Shu Don suddenly opened.

"Although he did not shoot, I feel that his strength should be different from me!"

Jiang Hao heard, Shen Yu for a moment.

"Since he will come tonight, then I will stay a day, waiting for this person!"

Hai Shu heard the words, big happiness.

"Mr. Jiang is here, this person is not afraid!"

He has a strong deep understanding of Jiang Hao, so there is absolute confidence in Jiang Hao!

Song Wan Zhong is also a happy.

"That is troublesome!"

Jiang Hao looked at Song Wan Zhong and smiled.

"Not in trouble, say, this is still because of me.

Uncle not only didn't blame me, but also to my love, I haven't come yet, thank you! "

Song Wan Zhong did shook his head and seriously.

"Don't say this, don't say this, you have a rescue of coma, I am Wan Zhong, is the kind of uncomfortable person!"

The two people think about each other, and Jiang Hao remembers.

"I see the guards on the government, although the ordinary people can, but they have a little stretched!"

"Don't Buff do not find other weapons? Or cultivate some martial arts?"

Song Wan Zhan is a party Yu Wang, but this is too wrong!

I have been threatened many times, it is really a bit.

Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu heard his words, looked at Jiang Hao, a bitter smile.

Where do I don't know Jiang Hao's ideas!

"Hey! Mr. Jiang, the lord did not even thought, but the aura recovery did not arrive in two months.

Before the first batch of warners did not become a military person, they had a powerful physical quality and good strength! "

"The average person cannot become a military person!"

"So the number of wears is extremely rare!"

Haishang said here, suddenly, then added.

"Of course, maybe this situation is just temporary, and it is equivalent to the sufficient, others should have become a military person!"

Then, the sea is looking at Jiang Hao, it is very helpless to continue.

"As for people to cultivate the military, I have tried it with my grandfather, but I want to become a military person, I need many factors, we can't get out of this fundamental!"

"Perhaps, those hidden families and those who have a great power to cultivate the military!"

Listening to Hai Shu said, Jiang Hao recalled that he had seen several warfare, as if he said with Haishang!

Recalling that he saw the Pluto Hall and Lu Jia in the Pluto Hall last night.

Only the strength of the sunglasses and Lu Yingyu can be, and the remaining other eight people are unprinted.

This can be too far away from the war before him.

They should be the post-cultivation of people!

The hidden family and those majors do should have a way to cultivate our military!

Jiang Haoli is thinking, guess is almost the same!

"However, people have cultivated strength is not just a hidden family and those very powerful patents!"

"I will!"

"And, I can make an ordinary person instantly become a master among a warrior!"

"One thing, it seems that my means can be more than their high!"

Jiang Hao wants these, smile, and then look at Song Wan Zhongdao.

"Under the case, it is true. You find four hearts, I will send you four war administrar!"

Jiang Hao's words are like a stone break, and I will make Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu.

Then, Song Wan Zhong responded to the first, he looked at Jiang Hao.

"Mind, do you have a way to cultivate a military approach?"

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Chapter 336, uncle, I will send you four military bodyguards.

The Haishang is also happy, and I looked at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao wants to think, open mouth.

"I don't know how they cultivate the war, but I have cultivated the warrior!"

Jiang Hao said, from the body, took out a jade bottle, poured a black Dan medicine, and continued.

"This is the martial arts that I refined, swallowing one, you can become a military person."

Jiang Hao said, Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu heard, a face!

"This is also amazing?"

And it is so easy!

It is necessary to know that the sea is a military, it can become a martial author!

Among them, he only knows himself.

But now, someone tells him that only one Dan medicine will make an ordinary person become a military person, which makes him accept!

Song Wan Zhong was also not bad at this time, since he knew the existence of the war, he didn't want to be a military person.

Or cultivate some martial arts and protect your own safety!

You can do more attempts with the sea, have failed to end.

This also made him deeply experienced the difficulties to be a military person.

But now, ginger is very, but thoroughly breaks his ideas that he just established!

Even the martial arts that I have originally broken is also repeated!

How can this still shock?

However, when you think about it, Song Wan Zhongli discovered the problem and hurriedly asked.

"Mind, this martial arts, I am afraid it is not easy to refine?"

Jiang Hao heard, nodded, followed by the opening.

"This martial author needs some special spiritual text to refine, refining is really difficult!"

"I passed a variety of ways, I barely collected a demonstration."

"Fortunately, my luck is also good, I successfully refine ten pieces!"

Said, Jiang Hao has re-took out a bottle, and then put it until the table, open the mouth.

"And this martial artist, I am divided into nine, the first level is the lowest."

Of course, the nine-level is now just a concept. I don't know if I have a birth year! "

Jiang Hao pushed two jade medicine into Song Wan Zhong, and then went to the road.

"Aflerie, there are four martial arts Dan, three of which belong to the first-level military person, there is a secondary military person."

"The first-level military Dan will make a general person a low-level military!"

"The second-level military Dan Pushe people will become a secondary warrior!"

"The second-level military strength should be only a bit better than Hassia!"

"And Hai Shu is almost right now, it should be in the third-level military!"

Jiang Hao said that this, smiled, and made an explanation.

"Of course, this is just the division of my personal,!"

"These four martial arts Dan when I send my uncle's gift, please ask the uncle to accept!"

Jiang Hao said, Song Wan Zhong and Fengda Hai Chain took a breath!


They looked at Jiang Hao in an incredible!

They didn't expect Jiang Hao's military Dan not only to make ordinary people instantly become a military person, but even cross the realm!

This is simply against the sky!

At this moment, the sea is especially not a taste!

I have worked hard, I am still more than others!

And the last time I didn't have my own medicinal diet, he was afraid that he didn't break through this time!

According to Mr. Jiang's division, it is a secondary warner before he has not broken!

Today, a second-level military person will make an ordinary person into the secondary warfare!

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Chapter 337 Song Wan Zhong's voice, drawback

If you haven't broken it, I have heard this news at this time, I am afraid that my mind is collapsed!

Song Wan Zhong looked at the two jade medicine bottles that Jiang Ha handed over the eyes, suddenly excited, looked at Jiang Hao, and his face was kind.

"Many times have many times in my giant, and I don't say more, I will say that the things in the future is Song!"

Pick up two jade bottles, Song Wan Zhong seems to suddenly think of what, then he once again looked at Jiang Hao, some.

"That, the sages, can I take the military person?"

Song Wan Zhong finally asked his voice!

Relying on others to protect, it is better to be strong!

This truth, how can Song Wan Zhong may not understand!

Jiang Hao went to the words, but immediately turned to understand!

Although people can make anyone become a military person!

However, what is the future of the old man say it is also my own, I can't always pit the people who have come to people.

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