One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 151

Subsequently, their eyes returned to Song Wan Zhong, I want to be confirmed from Song Wanzhong!

Song Wan Zhong looked at four people and opened his mouth.

"Yes! Mr. Jiang does help you become a war!"

Jiang Hao did not hesitate at this time, he took out the jade bottle, poured out of the four medicinal herbs, and gave them one person.

One of the second levels have given the boss!

Then explain the opening.

"This Dan medicine in your hands is called the military person, the martial arts Dan is nine.

Song Wen's strength is slightly strong, so he is the secondary military person, and it can be a secondary warrant.

Your other three people are the first-class military person, and it can be a military person! "

"Of course, this level is just temporary, as long as you work hard, you can naturally become a high-order warrior!"

"Now, you are sitting in knee, wear the war in the hands, I will protect your law for you!"

The four people heard the words, and the legs did not hesitate to sit down and started to take the military.

They believe that Song Wan Zhong will not harm them!

The four people took the martial arts Dan, Song Wan Zhong and Hauxer stood aside, staring tightly, nervous!

Jiang Hao will have a lot!

Soon, as they took people, people's drugs were opened in their body, and they only felt more than one gas in their body, and they were around.

At the same time, their strength has skyrocketed, and then there is a strong gas field in their body!

At the same time, their brain has some inheritance, which is about the cultivation of the war!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 340, four warmen, warning

At this moment, they are ecstatic!

Soon, they blinked, and they got up.

And Song Wan Zhong saw them opened their eyes, the first is to come to them, anxiously.

"how is it going?"

Four people heard words, very happy, old three open mouth.

"Master, we really become a military person, I feel that my strength has skyrocketed four or five times, and I have a lot of breath in my body!"

Subsequently, the old four is also the same channel.

"So are we!"

Subsequently, the boss is a little late.

"I don't know how strong I am!"

"But I feel very strong, very strong!"

At this time, Jiang Hao heard and smiled and explained.

"Reassure, that's just that you have skyrocketed, you can't fully control it for a while."

"Waiting for the sea and they pass hands, help them completely control the power of skyrocket!"

Hai Shu heard the words, nodded.

And Song Wan Zhongnan, the hovered heart suddenly put down, then reminded.

"You still thank you for Mr. Jiang!"

Song Wan Zhong's words, suddenly wake up four people from Xinxi!

Then the four people face Jiang Hao, the knee is bent, and fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang again!"

They as the heart of Song Wan Zhong, naturally clearly become the importance of a military person!

Especially the new era is coming, the war is the protagonist of the new era!

Jiang Hao let them become a military person from ordinary people, but it is not a good fortune!

Jiang Hao is better, and it is busy to support them.

"Thank I, I don't have it, as long as you protect the uncle!"

"Of course, I will make you a military person, you don't want to be proud, let the uncle are difficult.

Otherwise, I can give you this power, naturally deprive this power! "

Four people heard the words, suddenly sincere and fearful, and quickly said.

"Mr. Jiang, please rest assured, our brothers follow the grandfather from a young man, and the old man is waiting for us, we will never betray the master!"

At this time, Song Wan Zhong also smiled and said to Jiang Hao.

"Thank you Xie Xian, they all followed by my little, I only have a daughter.

They grew up with generous, and they have been acting as a young brother, saying that my pro son is not too! "

Jiang Hao wondered, this is just a nod.

"That's good!"

"Now it's okay, Haishu takes them to practice, let them familiar with the strength that has just skyrocket!"

When I said, Jiang Hao suddenly thought about it, looking to everyone, very serious.

"That, all the things, today, I hope everyone can be buried in my heart, otherwise I will probabulize it. Trouble!"

Everyone heard the words, naturally understood Jiang Hao's worried.

"Mr. Jiang is rest assured, there is no income today!"

"Shanxi is relieved, I understand!"

Then, a member came out of Song Wan Zhong's study!

Out of study, Hai Shu respects.

"Mr. Jiang, then I will take them to familiarize yourself."

Jiang Hao has not opened, and Song Wan Zhong is indeed a bit itchy. He wants to know how powerful after the four people after the military!

"Mind, anyway, now I haven't come to the meal, we also go to see?"

Jiang Hao thought, I haven't promised it, at this time, Song Yer ran over from the old, and she hugged Jiang Hao's arm.

"What do you want to see? I have to go!"

Song Wan Zhong was very helpless, but he didn't seem to block the meaning.

"Well, line, line! Let's go!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 341 Violence Decomposition, Lion Gong

In the afternoon, Jiang Hao started looking for material decomposition, focusing on the belt magnetic object!

Jiang Hao found a small garbage collection station, gave the boss 50,000 yuan!

Then I will make a reason, let him not disturb yourself!

Although the boss is somewhat doubt, I can see that Jiang Hao is so stacked, I have long been happy!

After all, I don't have to take it, I can take 50,000 yuan in white. Where is this good thing to go?


"That, Mr. You ask yourself, I am going home!"

A middle-aged man smiled and looked at the young man in front of him, his hands tightly licking a drumgy bag in his arms!

Anyway, I have no money here, there are 50,000 pieces, just can find Liu Hong and talk!

The middle-aged man is counting, turning around.

Jiang Hao has also begun to find a special item in the garbage bunch!

Soon, Jiang Hao came to a bunch of broken electrical appliances.

"I hope these things can be useful!"

Jiang Hao will press the hand on a broken washing machine!

"Hey, find a disabled washing machine, is it broken down?"

"break down!"

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition failed, get the skill 0.1, experience point 0.1!"

Wen Yan, Jiang Hao.

"The teacher is unfavorable, suffocating!"

However, fortunately, he did not report too much hope.

Subsequently, he stretched his hand to the sake of used TV!

"Hey, discover a waste TV, is it broken down?"

"break down!"

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition, get 5 grams of gold, get the skill 0.9, experience point 0.9!"

Jiang Hao heard, suddenly!

"Can I decompose gold in the TV?"

"Just, 5 grams of gold can do?"

"Forget it, since it can succeed, there is a good sign!"

Jiang Hao has to comfort yourself!

Subsequently, Jiang Hao began to break down these worn electrical appliances.

However, the result is very unsatisfactory, although success is many times, but there is nothing good!

He got either it is fine iron, or gold, or a pair of garbage!

Until he reached out and touched a sound!

"Hey, discovering a waste audio, is it broken down?"

"break down!"

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition, get skills: lion me, get the skill 2, experience point 1.3!"

Lion Gong 1 (01): Sound Category Law

Under the smashing, the sky is shocked!

"Congratulations to the success of the main decomposition, whether to extract the integration?"

After Jiang Hao completely accepted this information, he suddenly surprised.

"Buddha Gonggong! Sound class is tie, okay!"

"This is no longer lost!"

Rejoice, Jiang Hao immediately told.

"System, extraction!"

With Jiang Hao's instructions, very fast, his mind has infused many information, and his skills are added to add a skill!

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