One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 154

"My father is going to the countryside, although I am preparing, but I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of one!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 346 is a false chaos, and the upgrade of the gall

Jiang Hao said in this copy, Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu have nothing to say.

As for Jiang Hao to be the clothes of Haishang, although the Hai Shu is very confused, he still chose to live.

Soon Hair tacit came to his suit.

"Give, Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Hao took the clothes and did not hesitate. He turned into the Hai Shu room, and Jiang Hao said.

"Wait a moment!"

Then I got it!

Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu two people were filled by Jiang Hao strangely, but Jiang Hao did not say that the two were not asked.

I have to wait tight!

Soon, as a sound, the door of Haishang opened again, but when Song Wan Zhong and the uncle's consciousness, suddenly shocked!


The door of Hai Shu opened, and he came out of a 'Haret'!

Song Wan Zhong was shocked, and then some consciously looked at the Hai Shu next to him.


At this time, the two Hai Shu open, whether it is action, or look, the sound is just the same!

This makes Song Wan Zhongruity!

Subsequently, Song Wan Zhong has some hesitation to see the 'Haret' from the door.

"Mind, is you?"

Hai Shu also quickly reacted, looked at the house, followed by another 'Haret'!

At this time, 'Hacle' smiled, the voice did turned into Jiang Hao's voice.

"What is uncle, how?"

Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu heard, suddenly shocked.

This is simply engraved in a mold, and regardless of the look, the sound is so imagined, this is not a simple easy makeup!

Moreover, Jiang Hao is thin, high; and the body of Haishang is fat, strong!

The change in body size is simple to make up the makeup can't change!

Jiang Hao's change in this moment has set off a huge waves in Song Wan Zhong and Hai Shu.

Every time they feel almost the same, Jiang Hao knows almost, however, Jiang Hao can bring them endless shock every time.

Jiang Hao is like an endless abyss, you will never explore his end!

And this kind of person, is a must not be enemies!

Even if you can't do your friends, you are a stranger than to do enemies!

"Aflerie, Hai Shu, you can rest assured!"


Jiang Hao made the Hai Shu with Wenyi Wu near the ginger.

And he has become a thousand-made abparation into the sea uncle, and he is in the Songfu.

Songfu, a pavilion, Jiang Haoyou sat there.

A consideration is considered to upgrade your skills.

As for him to change into the appearance of Haishang, it is naturally that he will take the talent: thousands of change to upgrade to three!

Subsequently, Jiang Hao decided to upgrade the lion!

"System, give me the gong to me to the third level!"

"Yes, host!"

", Spend 110 skill points, the lion is successful!"

As the system prompts, the lion is upgraded.

His body is also incorporated into a golden quench, but it is soon being swallowed by the original chaotic true gas in his body!

At the same time, he only feels that his five internal organs seems to have suddenly strengthened many, and there is a subtle change in the throat!

This change allows Jiang Hao instantly a lot of people. When he pulled the system panel, he found that his body data changed.

In the body databar, the endurance attribute is turned 10 in an instant, the previous 7.6!

Such changes have made Jiang Hao.

"It turns out that learning special skills can also enhance body data!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 347 illusion creates upgrade, doubled strength

In this case, it seems that I have to think about it, I have some spiritual skills!

However, upgrade spiritual talent magic: The illusion is created, should it be able to improve my spirit?

After all, the upgrade of danger is aware of this talent, but it is very big to improve your own spirit!

I think so, Jiang Hao looked at the talents in the system panel: the illusion created!

"System, upgrade the talents to create!"

"It is the host!"

"Head, spend 10 skill points, the promotion of the promotion of the promotion!"

With the promotion of the fantasy to the second level, Jiang Hao suddenly only felt a refreshing head.

It is like a hot summer day, you just woke up, groggy, then washed a cold bath!

In a moment, you will shake the whole person, it is so comfortable!

At the same time, Jiang Hao's eyes are clear, even if it is in this dark night, Jiang Hao can still look far!

The body's change allows Jiang Hao to surprise, and he quickly opened his system panel.

Sure enough, in the four-dimensional data of his body, the spiritual power, his mental strength is raised from the previous 15.2 to 20.2!

I have improved five points at once, this increase is not big!

He strive for a long time, only to raise mental strength to 15.2.

However, this moment of illusion is just upgraded to the second level, and he has done a third of his previous efforts!

At this moment, Jiang Hao is very excited!

"System, create a talent to me to three levels!"

"Yes, host!"

"Head, spend 100 skill points, the promotion of the promotion is successfully upgraded to level 3!"

In the god column, the fantasy created the talent rating instant improvement, turned into a magical level 3 (01000)!

At the same time, Jiang Hao's personal feeling is like breathing a fairy, there is a feeling of feathering flying fairy.

And the spirit value in his spiritual bar has 20.2 to soar again, becoming 30.2!

One-time directly increased 10 points!

In an instant, his mental moment has become the existence of the power attribute!

Jiang Hao is ecstatic.

"Now, should I stick to it for a few seconds?"

At this moment, Jiang Hao hates must not find an experimental object, and a good experiment has created this talent.

I can think that the people who will wait for the Hall of the Hall may come, Jiang Hao suddenly decided to leave this good opportunity to the people of the Pluto!

"I hope you don't let me down!"

Jiang Hao looked up at the night sky, and the mouth was slightly random.

After pressureing this impulse, Jiang Hao is upgraded to the solitary and nine swords, and the talent skills!

Jiang Hao upgraded, looking at the system panel today, nodded.

Host: Jiang Hao

Level: 4 (010000)

Age: 18

Power: 60

Agile: 20.2

Spirit: 30.2

Endurance: 10

Weapon: Day, nine knives

Skills: (hidden)

Talent: (hidden)

Skills: 159

Personal space: open

His strength has risen again, but it is just that the skill point is still in the bottom!

Moreover, the next time I want to upgrade the skills or talents who have valued again, it is not that simple!

"Hey, it seems that I will live a life!"

Jiang Hao sighed.

However, he doesn't want to think, others have made a breakthrough.

And he just moved his fingers, just jumped to everyone in front!

Is this average person?

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 348, the late elders

Leave the heart, Jiang Hao quietly waiting for the slag from the Hall!

Soon, the night is quiet!

People in Pluto still have no traces.

Just when Jiang Hao was complained, he suddenly had a feeling, and he plays it to the roof.

The impatient impatient in Jiang Hao face disappeared in invisible, his mouth exposed a smile.

"A group of slag, finally come!"

Sure enough, after his voice arrived soon, the roof is above the roof, and there seems to have three movements!

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