One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 171

"Yesterday night, I drank some wine, I went home to sleep, sleep until half the night, I suddenly sighful thirst, I will prepare for the glass!"

"Results I just came out, I saw a window floating in a white imaginary!"

When I said, the old king sneaked a window, and then quickly turned his head, hit a piece, it seems to have a shadow!

"At the time, I was scared, the fixed hidden is on the side, I don't dare to come out!"

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Chapter 384, the initial connection, the mid-to-mid female map

"I came back last night, let's put your words on the table above!

I was hiding while looking at it. When the girl was just floating, the word you wrote suddenly broke out! "

"White is falling on the female ghost, she screams, then floating out of the window!"

"Later, she seems to have multiple times to enter the room, but whenever she entered the room, the reputation will break out white light, she hides back!"

"I am sure that the word seems to restrain her, so I will rushed the word painting and painting, calling for help!"


The old king introduced the whole process of this matter, Jiang Hao got all around the house.

"Listening to Wang Shu, it seems to have anything in this room attracts a girl.

This causing the female ghost even if I write the words written by Confucianism, but I have tried to enter many times! "

"But what is it?"

Jiang Hao frowned, now the window position, try to try to see the interior of the room with a female point!

Just in Jiang Hao, his eyes dropped in the front square wall of this angle!

There is an ancient painting!

There is a girl wearing white clothes, looking at the distance!

At this moment, Jiang Hao seems to see that the woman suddenly moved on the painting!

Jiang Hao did not know, around a circle, then asked the old king several irrelevant small problems.

Subsequently, inadvertently came to the pair of paintings, looked at the pair of pictures, and asked unhappy.

"Wang Shu, who is this painting! Look at it is an old object!"

I haven't moved it for a long time, and the old king has set a lot!

He took two glasses of water, heard Jiang Hao's words, then he didn't care about the way.

"You said that the pair of pictures!"

"That is that I am in exchange for the people who collect waste before yesterday, I also look at it is a piece of cultural relics, as for who's work, I don't know!"

Jiang Hao heard, nodded.

At this point, Jiang Hao is already able to determine that the source of all problems is this painting!

Because he just came to this picture, the Confucianism of the body suddenly had a reaction!

He has already returned a few laps, only to come here, the Confucianism in his body will react.

At this time, the old king thought that Jiang Hao liked the pair, and quickly said.

"Haohao, if you like, you will take it, anyway, it is not worth a few money!"

Jiang Hao is still ready to find an excuse, to the old king wants this picture!

As a result, I didn't expect that the old king was sent to him, and he saved him to waste brain cells!

"That's more thanks to Wang Shu!"

Jiang Hao smiled and took the portal picture, rolled up, take it in your hand!

Who knows, this portal girl is like living, but also struggled.

Jiang Hao did not move the emblem to the convergence of the Confucianism.

Subsequently, Jiang Hao turned to look at the old king.

"Wang Shu, you stay in the word, but you find a pen, I'm writing a word!"

"It should be fine!"

"If you still don't worry, you can contact your name is also a good yin and yang, put your home in your home!"

The old king heard the words and was happy.

"Well, good, I will take a pen ink!"

The old king left, Jiang Daren with tea, wrinkled with the picture of Jiang Hao, if thought.

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Chapter 385 showup, painting spirit

After the old king took the pen ink paper, Jiang Hao left a few dragon flying dances.

Subsequently, he will prepare for his father!

And the old king took a few more important things, and Jiang Hao just wrote the word, and even left the villa with Jiang Hao.

Although Jiang Hao said nothing, the old king is still afraid.

Sorry, he is more than this accommodation!

Halfway, the old king and Jiang Weiping, Jiang Haofang son.

Jiang Dad drives, Jiang Hao sits at the deputy driving!

In fact, from the old king house, Jiang Hao has been holding the girl's picture, so Jiang Dad drives!

Of course, Jiang Dad is also a driver's license!

After the old king left, the atmosphere on the car was a bit dull.

At this time, Jiang Dad did not care about it.

"Hao Hao, what is the antique treasure in your hand?"

Jiang Hao heard that he couldn't help but read a father.

Silenced for a long time, Jiang Hao said.

"Dad, this time, there is such a big change on my body, have you doubtful?"

Jiang Dad turned his head, looked at Jiang Hao, laughing again.

"What do I doubt?"

"You change, you are still my son!"

"I have something good!"

Jiang Hao heard the words and moved in his heart.

"Dad, thank you for this trust me!"

Jiang Hao said, suddenly, followed.

"In fact, I didn't change, it became this world!"

"From fifty days ago, this world is no longer a piece of world!"

"With more than 50 days ago, there was a fond of heaven and earth, and this world has a military.

The warrior is a bit like the martial arts characters in the martial arts novel, even, a bit like Xian Xia Story! "

"There is a power between the war with the hand, there is a power that exceeds ordinary people!"

"And I am in fifty days ago, I suddenly became a war, so I had such a big change!"

"Of course, with the aura recovery, many things that have not been originally, now!"

Said, Jiang Hao took the girl picture on his hand, followed by.

"For example, she!"

Jiang Hao seems to be afraid that Dad is afraid, and then.

"However, you are also assured that Dad, she can't play big waves in my hand!"

"A new era is coming soon, I am already looking for a method that makes you become a warrior!"

Jiang Dad silently listened to Jiang Hao's decryption, and the heart was shocked.

For a long time, Jiang Dad seems to be slow.

Jiang Dad smiled and looked at Jiang Hao and then opened his mouth.

"Dad believes you! I will support you with your mother!"

At this time, Jiang Dad smashed the beautiful girl in Jiang Hao, and then opened.

"However, how do you intend to deal with it?"

Jiang Hao and Jiang Dad showpack, and the heart is very comfortable.

As for how to handle this picture, he doesn't know.

"In fact, I am not afraid of her, because I have already cultivated Confucianism!

The words I wrote include Confucianism. Confucian is calm, and all the evil spirits! "

"It can be said that you have to kill her, all between me!"

Jiang Hao's sound is just falling, and the girls in his hand are struggling.

Subsequently, there is a fine, the soft and weak female voice.

"Mr. is forgiving, Mr. Ran!"

This abrupt voice came from solemn, scared Jiang Dad's consciousness.

Jiang Hao did not pay attention, almost a head in the car.

He suddenly was a little angry, and the hand held the painting of the painting.

Suddenly, a burst of miserable sound came.

"Ah ~!"

"Mr. is forgiving! Mr. Ran!"

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Chapter 386 I want you to live. You have a living

I have learned a painting, Jiang Hao, then recovered the Silk Taoist.

Jiang Dad has some paintings in Jiang Hao, and then.

"Haohao, is she begging?"

Jiang Hao nodded!

Although Jiang Dad didn't want to believe, the facts have been placed in front of him, he had to believe.

At this time, the weak voice sounded again.

"Mr. let me!"

"I am the painting of this painting. I was born, because of the world of curious outside, I went out last night!"

"When I went back, I was blocked by the words of Mr. and later was discovered by the person."

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