One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 178

At this time, Xu Tianming heard the words, and quickly came to the three elders, and attached.

"Just, I will explain with him, he is not believed!"

"Now the three elders are explained in person, and you should believe it?"

However, Xu Wei Zhong is only cold, and this person is a cold!


Xu Wei Zhong did not know interest, and the three old eyes flashed a cold.

"It seems that the master has not seen the strength of my Pluto, and the Lei will ask a family to take a break!"

Subsequently, he reached out and pressed to the top of Xu Wei Zhong!

Xu Wei Zhong is a big shock, Xu Tianming is also surprised, and it is necessary to stop.

After all, what happens, that is his Laozi, I have been good for him!

However, the three elders of force will be a big truncation. Today, the two are so close, and the three elders are not unresolved.

This hit, Xu Wei Zhong still did not escape!

Being directly in the ground!

The three long and one helped the unconscious Xu Wei Zhong, and the bottom was flashing, and then explained.

"Xu Shaoye, rest assured! I just let the Lord sleep peace of sleep, will not hurt him!"

However, is the fact now?

In fact, Xu Wei Zhong is a warrior, he does not cooperate, the three elders will stay with him to continue to work with the Pluto.

Just hit it, the three elders of the old arrogance have already penetrated Xu Wei Zhong's head, stirring his mind!

Xu Wei Zhong is already a vegetative!

Even if you are awake, not a fool, it is idiot!

Xu Tianming heard the words, this was relieved, and he sleened his father!

However, at this time, a cold is turned, and the tradition is straight towards the three elders' throat!

The three elders are like the cold and back, the face is large, and the body has a strange body shape, but the cold is like a bone, followed!

"Hey ~!"

With the three elders of the throat, the three elders have a sudden.

His body suddenly became a boss, and then his stiff turned, he saw a person!


His words have not been exported, and his throat is directly sprayed out, and blood splashes!

" ~!"

Then fall directly!

On the one side, Xu Tianming reacted it, seeing this scene, he faced the color, holding Xu Wei Zhong's hand!

Poor Xu Zhong fell to the ground, then the back is directly in the ground, causing secondary injury!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 400 goes back, Huahao, true and false three elders

Xu Tianming reacted that he had to shout, however, at this time, the body of the door suddenly came to him in an instant, and a knife was dizzy!

Looking at Xu Tianming, Jiang Hao is cold, a flaming.

"I won't let you die too easily!"

To be said, Jiang Hao has a no-drug bottle in his hand, unplug the jade, and sprinkle some white powder to Xu Tianming.

After the event, Jiang Hao came to the dead three elders and reached out and touched the three old bodies.

"Hey, discovering a human martial arts body, is it decomposed?"


"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition of the human martial arts body, get a defective version of the people, get the skill point 3, experience point 1.8!"

"Decomposition is completed, when it is extracted?"


"Decompose the four-level warrior, refined or the disabled version of the people!"

However, when I didn't think about this, Jiang Hao pressed the idea in the heart, and looked at Xu Wei Zhong lying on the ground!

He came to Xu Wei, and he was discovered after the test.

Xu Wei Zhong brain nerve was disrupted by three elders, and later, he was fell on the ground and hit the brain!

He is over!

Previously, the three-person conversation failed to all in his ear, Xu Wei Zhong is completely pitted by his son!

In the end, Jiang Hao didn't know what to say!

In fact, although he promised Chen Qi to say it is a way to kill the sword and cultivate the martial arts!

In fact, the white killing sword is in the system space, cultivating the laws of the military in his mind, do not need him to take it at all!

When he left, he had already used the law of the insects, secretly manipulated a few bugs, monitored Chen Qi them!

And Chen Qi all the words have fallen in his eyes.

After he left, he felt it again, and he was back to the three long age!

He also saw Dad and Hai Shu, but Jiang Hao was temporarily suppressed immediately to save their mood!

He must handle the three elders, otherwise, will fight the snake!

So, I have this scene.

Today, the three elders have been removed, it should be to save their father, but they will make Chen Qi them!

This time, he wants to kill the chicken monkeys!

People who dare to threaten him, no one can live!

Jiang Hao's eyes are indifferent, it is like a god!

As Jiang Hao goes away, his body changed at the speed visible to the naked eye!

Almost between blink, Jiang Hao disappeared, three elders resurrection!

Talent Magong: Thousands of battles!

After turning into three elders, Jiang Hao traveled to the father and the sea uncle their room!

There is no whit, "three elders" pushed the door!

In the house, dozens have been vigilant, and when they see it is "three elders", they suddenly changed.

"Three elders!"

"Three elders" nodded, and then came to them near, took out a pill bottle and poured a small pill.

"You have a job, then the secret medicine of my Pluto, let you have the opportunity to become a military person!"

"One person one piece, take it!"

Everyone heard the words, suddenly shocked!


How can they don't know the martial arts, Xu Jia is a military person, in order to make the parents, naturally try people to cultivate the military!

Just, finally failed!

But the power of the war has been deeply printing in their mind!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

The 401th chapter has a secret medicine that is a martial author

Today, they actually have an opportunity to become a martial art!

At this time, the first one is ecstatic, and I have been busy, I took the little pill in the "three elders".

"Thank you three elders!"

Others are also bright and excited, and they have a Thank Dade in the "three elders".

"Three elders" is just nodded!

Got a small pill, everyone had him, and he swallowed.

"Three elders" see this scene, the eyes are indifferent!

At the corner, Jiang Weiping, Hai Shu and Wen Hao are bundled there, and must not move.

They looked quietly with a strange scene, and a confused.

Can you make ordinary people have the opportunity to become a martial author?

real or fake?

If it is true, this kind of secret medicine is not a precious thing, even if it is a big man in the Pluto, it is impossible to take so much.

And, still given these undesirable people!

This is definitely worthy of doubts.

At this time, the Haishang suddenly saw the three long and old jade bottle, suddenly, his heart was shocked!

This kind of carving is extremely delicate, he only seen the hand of Jiang Hao, and he knows that Jiang Hao will be very powerful!

"Don't he are Mr. Jiang?"

At this time, the Brain of Hai Shu suddenly bled out such an idea.

In fact, it is not just that the sea uncle feels that this is not normal, Jiang Weiping and Wenzhou Wu Di also feel abnormal.

When is the warrior not worth money?

At the same time as they doubt, "three long and old" came straight to them!

I smiled towards them, very nature to loosen!

At this time, the sea uncle's face is more confirmed, and it is more confirmed.

Later, several people who have eaten secret drugs look at "three elders" actually loosen for those people, and suddenly worry.

However, when they think of it, when these people broke into, it would be that this adult will take them one hand, and there is no more to say!

"Three elders" will release six people, except for Haishang, a few people are vigilant, I don't know what tricks for "three elders".

However, at this time, "three elders" looked at Jiang Weiqing and turned out to open.

"Dad, let you be shocked, I will save you!"

This voice is completely different from the previous voice, and Jiang Weiqing heard this is his son Jiang Hao's voice!

The other few people are no exception, and the sea uncle guess!

Jiang Weiping looked at the "three elders", hesitated, or a testive opening.

"Hao Hao?"

On the side of the sea, the sea is embarrassed.

"Mr. Jiang, seal, just caught the people in the Pluto", just federately! "

"Three elders" swayed and said.

"Don't blame you, I didn't expect that today's thing is actually a person who is a Pluto!"

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