One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 185

So there is back to prepare for the trouble of the boy, as a result, they stand outside the water well room, and no one will respond in the distance.

After they left, then the boy should be home, so I didn't care.

Later, faster than night, the little boy did not return home for a day, his family exploited, start looking for!

Those children have learned that the boy is gone!

Suddenly they panic, this will tell the big people during the day!

When the big people listened, I didn't say it, I got the group of children.

And the family of the little boy learned that it was dizzy on the spot.

However, at night, no one dares to take a look at the ancient water well!

From the morning, the next morning, Jiang Jiacun people found a variety of elements, and the alien wearing a apricot yellow robes, and the back is in the back!

One hand holds a few pieces of yellow.

In the well-eye of people, I will come out for it.

Subsequently, he made a few young people in the village. When they came out again, they lifted a blurred white, and the body was swollen.

And the body is the little boy who entered the water before!

Subsequently, in the mourning of the family, the boy's body was sparked on the spot!

Subsequently, the water well room was locked again, and in the outside of the water well room, it was attached to the inner paper!

After this, no one dares to open the water well!

At that time, Jiang Hao did not intend to hear someone saying that the little boy was dragging down the water well!

Although I was very scared, I since Jiang Hao went to Tianhe City with my parents.

His age has grown, and he has increased, he only thought that the little boy was turned on, it took the well!

However, today, come here again, Jiang Hao obviously felt a different!

At this time, it is in the summer, there is no wind and rain today.

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Chapter 416 White girl, what is the problem?

At this time, it is in the summer, there is no rain today, and there is a bit of a little very different.

Moreover, the father took him here, I am afraid, things are not so simple.

The old man looked at the water well room with a face, and then said.

"Haohao, ten years ago, Wen Bin has an accident here, do you remember?"

Jiang Hao heard, nodded.


The old man didn't ask more, and then continue.

"In fact, this water well is long, when there is Jiangjia Village, there is already here!"

"The last century, a war, Jiang Jiacun was affected, there was a girl who was insulted by the enemy, jumped into ancient well!"

"Later, this ancient well changed, like a curse, and some people jumped well every two years!"

"At that time, people felt wrong, invited some differences, and there was a lot of things to say that there is uncaution.

He did a speech, which made people repair a room in the ancient wells, prohibiting anyone from entering!

And there are many characters in the ancient well room!

Subsequently, this ancient wells will come out!

Later, Wen Bin did something, it is to deal with the passing people of the Taoist who! "

The old man said the story, then the statement.

"For the ghosts, I have always had a fear!"

The old man said, and he continued to Jiang Hao.

"Three days ago, you went to dry farm, and the sky was dark.

They haven't come back, your grandmother is in a hurry, let me go out!

When I came out to find you, I suddenly saw a white girl.

She also found me, she turned and stared at me.

I am looking at the girl's eyes, I don't know why, I am very uneasy.

Then, the girl came here!

I didn't know what happened, it was fascinated, and it was uncontrolled to follow the girl here.

I looked at the girl into the water well room, suddenly, I was shocked.

I was awakened, and I then hurriedly broke out the war, and vigilant around.

At this time, I found that I didn't know what I didn't know.

Removing the previous scene, I am afraid, I am busy back home.

The next night, I was sleeping, I suddenly felt that someone was watching me, when I blinked, I saw some people outside the window.

I didn't alarm your grandmother, one person came out, and saw the white girl!

This will be a lot of vigilance, mobilize the blood of the war in advance, she seems to be taboo, and she is eager!

In the end, she hit her, I went to punch her, but I felt it!

At this time, I found that I was too blood, just like hindered, even, more like being frozen!

I am cold, but I didn't relax, until I didn't have it! "

"I guess she may come tonight, so I will call you in the morning, let you come over, bring you three uncle, four uncles, two leave here!"

Jiang Hao listens to all the processes, there are many doubts.

"Why did she find a grandfather alone?"

"Moreover, what is the grandfather attracting her?"

Moreover, now the heavens and the earth are just recovering. Birth should be some little ghost!

"You can listen to your grandfather. This ghost will not be the heaven and earth aura." "

"And, there is such a thing?"

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Chapter 417 of the female ghost

I want to go, I don't want to think too much!

But even so, Jiang Hao is not afraid of her.

Everything is waiting for the evening!

Jiang Hao and the old man returned home, Jiang Hao deliberately made a medicinal meal, supplemented the losses of blood in vivo.

And will be alone in the Jijian and give the old master!

At night, Jiang Hao is in the housing, waiting for the female ghost.

Although there is Jiang Hao, the father is also an unusual tension!

Ghost God is not test, not to talk about it!

Long waiting, time is near the night.

A breeze blows, and the fog gradually.

At this moment, Jiang Hao was suddenly opened.

In his powerful spiritual sensation, there is a trace of interest in the yard.

At the same time, a cold breath is from far and near, the Confucianism in his body is not made anyway!

Jiang Hao can already be determined, it should be the woman!

Just, in order not to fight the crazy snake, Jiang Hao presses the reaction of Confucianism in the body!

Subsequently, quietly got up, looking to the window!

Sure enough, a white woman in the hospital went to the room in the old man!

Ghosts are extremely sensitive to people's smell.

The warrior is a huge blood, in their eyes, like a fire, especially the eyes!

Moreover, although the monopoly fire makes them unscrupulous, but also gives them endless appeal.

Sun Yunfang's face is eager to look at the old man, she has a hunch, as long as she caught this old man, she can break through, completely detachment!

However, at this time, she suddenly felt a rich, almost substantized threat!

Without hesitation, she was shocked by her consciousness.

I don't know when she is not far behind her.

At this point, this young man is more interested in staring at her, seems to have a strong interest in her.

However, you are clear that you are in a stealth state, not developing!

However, let him shocked, this young man holds a bronze sword, and in this sword, Sun Yunfang felt a fatal threat!

What makes her shocked, when is this young man standing behind him, she actually does not detect!

You know, the ghost is extremely sensitive to the kind of breath!

But this young man has no breath, as if it is a dead!

However, she is a ghost! How can I not know the same kind!

This person is not angry with but no humanity, even if there is no yin!

So, there is only one possibility!

This person is a master, an expert who can hide all the breath!

At this moment, Sun Yunfang's face changed.

This is, Jiang Hao is a strange face, and then he is more than white!

Moreover, different Yu Bai Yu, this female ghost has a brisk air, for this black gas, Jiang Ha is disgusted!

At this time, a short silence, Sun Yunfang made a decision, not running, but when will he be!

And don't say that you can play this person, just give her endless crisis in his hand!

In all unknown cases, it is necessary for a while!

After making a decision, Sun Yunfang turned and quickly drifted out of the outside!

Jiang Hao looked at the female ghost running, it was chasing!

He doesn't want to fight here, and it will be alarmed by the family, but it is not good to explain!

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Chapter 418 Fighting Ghost

At the same time, he still wants to do two experiments, so it is not suitable here!

Moreover, he still have a little doubt, it is necessary to answer this ghost!

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