One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 191


Just talking about everyone, when they were messy, the head of the Lord. The head on the seat was awkward.

Then, each instructor was called out, and it was directly fined!

The freshmen finally avoided a drill who was embarrassed by their respective instructor!

But this moment, they are painful and happy.

This evening, many people are exciting to sleep!

The next day, the newcomers came to the playground one, first drill, and then brought a simple shooting range!

In this shooting range, they saw the soldiers who carry the real guns live ambitious warning!

As a class, a class enters a simple target, starting to target experience!

Prior to this, the instructors trained a variety of essentials they held guns, they didn't look at the plastic model every day!

The shot of the target is the nine-five automatic rifle they are familiar with.

Each person issued five bullets, playing 20 people at the same time, and after each person's body, there is a soldier accompanying!

Under this expectation, I finally turned to Jiang Hao.

They were divided into two groups, Jiang Hao belongs to the first group and eight target.

Jiang Hao grazing the gun in his hand, his shooting skills let his opponents have reached the extent of the arm to make the arms!

Looking at a hundred meters of targets close at hand, Jiang Hao's mouth is showing a smile.

At this time, the rear instructors will order!

"Every place, start!"

Everyone has pressed the inner excitement, the bullets, and began to follow the three. Click on the three lines, the trigger, then it is a burst of guns!

" -"

Jiang Hao opens five shots, looks at the population of the center of the target paper, showing a smile!

Soon, others have finished finishing, the instructor ordered, some people who are intended to put down the guns in their hands, get up and stand up.

The target paper replaces the target paper, starting statistics.

When Jiang Hao did finish, their target results have been counted!

Huang Tianhua got the target of the target, and some expected to find him very much attention to the name of Jiang Hao.

"10 ring, 0 ring, 0 ring, 0 ring, 0 ring!"

However, when he saw Jiang Hao's shooting results, he stunned!

What is this?

The first shot of ten rings, all other empty?

real or fake?

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Chapter 430, the pride of Gao Fushuai children's shoes, who loses anyone in the end

Jiang Hao said that he has seen the most talented students. In training, no matter what project, he is far more often!

Even the veterans who have trained for a few years more than yourself!

This data is likely to give anything, can be arranged in Jiang Hao.

The first shot of ten rings can be said to be him, but there are some fakes in the back of the four shots.

With this kind of doubt, Huang Tianhua went to a row.


At this time, the classmates of a row of eight classes were excited, and they were inexperitatively explained their glory deeds.

Jiang Hao is sitting on a break!

On the other side, in a small circle, several students surrounded by a long and handsome boys and laughed.

This kind of person is surrounded by these people, a little handsome boys are called Gao Fushuai!

And his identity is as his name, father as a famous rich business in Jiangbei, and long is not.

It is also as good as you call.

At this time, one of the students looked at the middle of the middle and handsome and asked.

"Fushuai, what do you think of your grades?"

Gao Fushuai heard his words and smiled.

"It should be yet, after all, my dad used me to go to the target of foreign countries to turn a few times!"

At this time, I suddenly caused a excitement, envy.

"Wow, Fu Shuai, you still have a target abroad?"

"It's so envious! I am the first time, I do a few, I feel it taken off!"

"Fushuai, give us the experience of your shooting!"


When everyone suddenly attracted, they came over.

"Fu Shuai, then this time you shoot your score, can you take the top ten?"

Also inserted.

Gao Fushuai heard the words, not modest, and then.

"Roughly the same!"

"In fact, I am different from you, after all, I have been a target!"

"You don't have to be more than me!"

"You are the first time to target, the slack is also very normal, and it is already very powerful!"

Although he seems to be comforted, it is very uncomfortable.

On the one side, some people can't see his face.

He looked at Jiang Hao who was sitting at a person who was not far away.

Then I looked back and looked at the people who were surrounded by everyone in the middle.

"What is , isn't it just a few times, I think it is too powerful!"

"But it is not the deputy side of the class!"

"Take again, the results have not come yet, maybe you play the target and lose to the class!"

Although this person speaking is very small, many still have been heard by many people.

Gao Fushuai heard the words, and his face was suddenly stiff.

Others are also ideologically looked at no longer, and Jiang Hao sitting in the place.

They live for three weeks in life, and they naturally have something to understand for Jiang Hao.

If there is no Jiang Hao, Gao Fushuai is absolutely the class of their class.

Can have Jiang Hao, everything has changed!

Regardless of the aspect, Jiang Hao stabilizes the high-rich handsome and a little bit of the real version.

At this time, when Huang Tianhua walked over.

"Come over, you have just played the results!"

Huang Tianhua opened, everyone quickly rushed in the order, and looked forward to Huang Tianhua!

At this time, Huang Tianhua took the transcripts in his hand and then opened his mouth.

"This time, our class is good!"

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Chapter 431 reads a score, too light Jiang Hao

"Guo Ocean, the total division 24 ring!"

"Xu Ruilong, total 26 points!"


As Huang Tianhua read the achievements of everyone, the new students of the eight-class, some are happy, some depressed.

At the same time, other people have also begun curious, which is better than Gao Fushuai and Jiang Hao's achievements?

"Tall, rich and handsome!"

As Huang Tianhua read the name of Gao Fushuai, everyone has erected the ear.

Gao Fushuai is also nervous, his hand is sweating.

And Huang Tianhua looked up with Gao Fushuai and continued.

"Total 44 ring!"

Everyone heard the words and suddenly surprised.

"Wow, 44 points! It is so high!"

"It is a few people who have passed a few times!"


Huang Tianhua also praised a sentence.

"This grade is very good!"

Gao Fushuai heard the words, I am happy.

At this time, Gao Fushuai wanted to know his old opponent, Jiang Hao's score!

Others are also very expected!

Soon, Huang Tianhua reads the list of everyone, and these people, there is no ginger who want to know!

At this way, Gao Fushuai is also a nervous!

Just when everyone was confused, Huang Tianhua looked at the calm Jiang Hao, I don't know how to say it.

"Jiang Hao, come over!"

Huang Tianhua was afraid that Jiang Hao's achievements would hurt his self-esteem.

At the same time, Jiang Hao's deputy is that his choice, Jiang Hao's achievements are also related to his eyes and face.

So he called Jiang Hao aside.

Everyone looked at Jiang Hao, who was called to go, the strangeness.

Huang Tianhua looked at the calm Jiang Hao, there were too many doubts.

"Jiang Hao, you just played nervous, how do you only play 10 points?"

"This is not as grades you can play!"

"If you are tension, I can find a group long quantity, give you a chance!"

"Anyway, there are many people in this military training, and the bullet should have a stay!"

Huang Tianhua appreciates Jiang Hao, so he is willing to open this mouth.

If the average person, he will not open this mouth.

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