One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 200

On the other hand, Wang Mingyang is taking people to explore the whole ancient tomb.

This ancient tomb is surprisingly, like a small castle.

From the various kinds of funeral products in this ancient tombs, this ancient tomb should do is undoubtedly in the Tang Dynasty!

Among the tomb, all kinds of cultural relics are also very much.

Everyone pursued, soon, I found the main tomb room. I just entered the chopping room, and everyone saw a weak shine.

Subsequently, when everyone's eyes were taken along the place where the rays were emitted.

I saw a high platform on the front platform and placed a huge blood red stone.

And in the top of the stone, a white jade is put on.

This white jade is full of faint light, and the corner of the big print is a plaque.

This print is four inch, but the New Handlong!

This big print is quietly suppressed in this blood red stone.

And go to the stone floor, lying down on the corpse, exudes a bursts of humidity!

Just, at this time, everyone's eyes are attracted to the big print in the stone, who will care for a few weeks!

At this time, the old and old, Yang Lao, etc., archaeologists, have been horrified.

"Chuan Guo Yu Yu!"

Yes, the big printed in the stone is almost exactly the same as the legendary jade.

It is not only a big print, but it is very significant, representing the orthodox orthodox!

There is no bureau, even if you call the emperor, you will not be orthodox, you can't get a recognition!

But the buddy jade has been lost soon, and countless people in the past, there is still not legal.

Today, it actually appeared here!

Just when everyone was still in the shock, suddenly slammed out a black figure, go straight to the national jade!

"you dare!"

The Director of the King was awakened, and the moment was anger. He suddenly held a thing similar to the sword handle.

As he pressed in the sword handle, in an instant, the sword holder in his hand shot almost almost united into an entity!

Subsequently, on the sword, chasing the black man who suddenly broke into!

On the side, Jiang Hao, has been hidden in everyone, seeing this scene is very shocking.

"Is that a laser sword?"

Jiang Hao did not expect this kind of weapon to really realize it!

Forming a sword blade with a high-strength laser, the cutting force is definitely not to be underestimated!

Jiang Hao is still in a hurry, and the rear is rushed in a few movements. It has already made a piece of people with the Secretary for Wang.

Such close to the battle, plus space, complicated personnel, and various precious cultural relics, it is difficult to control.

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Chapter 450, laser sword, strange blood

I have already limited the rifles in the hands of those soldiers!

So they are afraid of hurt their teammates, so they don't dare to shoot!

Helpless, they have to form a circle, surround them, but no one dares to shoot!

Moreover, once the gun, the surrounding cultural relics will be reduced, and there may be resonance, resulting in collapse of the tomb!

At that time, who didn't want to go out!

At this time, those archaeologists were scared, soon, a team soldier protects them quickly transferred to the top of the tomb!

Jiang Hao hide and looked at those who gave a battle, but finally moved his eyes to the huge blood red stone.

Since I came in, Jiang Hao felt a touch of crisis!

And the crisis is from that stone, so he has not moved, ready to look at it!

Wang Mingyang is struggling with two strangers with an enemy.

Although he has a laser sword, the laser sword technology is not mature, but it is not possible to cut the point.

Or, the laser sword in his hand is not enough.

And the other party also took a special weapon, and the laser sword in his hand could not cut off the end sword in the hand!

Moreover, both of him with him, so that now, he is being blown by two people!

At this time, Wang Mingyang was difficult to get to the extreme.

"Who are you? I dare to attack the dragon group!"

However, his question did not receive any response.

Jiang Hao, on the side is also surprised.

"I really have a dragon group!"

And at this time, the successful call came.

"Ah ~!"

With a sound, both sides have fallen.

In fact, they are not a level.

It can naturally be seen from Jiang Hao's gaze that these attackers can be less than the third level of war!

Most of the members of the dragon group are around three levels, although there are laser swords.

But just barely make up for the gap on a silk realm and cannot form a rolling potential.

One time, the two sides had insight.

Suddenly, a black man took it away, he went straight to the country and jade, Wang Yangming suddenly urgently.

"You dare to work with the country, you are looking for death!"

In the face of Wang Yangming's threat, the black people directly ignored it!

And as not, it is that the blood under the ground is not infiltrated into the slate.

Instead, all the ripples on the slate, all gathered, flowing to the mouth.

Subsequently, it was absorbed by the servant.

Those wounded only to be a serious injury only feel that they are getting weak and weak, and their blood is like being summoned.

From the wounds on their body, they will continue to gather in the stone.

The blood is getting more and more red, starting to emit a faint red light.

These red lights began to squat with each other on the stone, and there seems to be the top of the gods!

But the red light seems to have insufficient, and after all, he is suppressed by the government.

However, at this time, the black man rushed to the bloody, and immediately took away the jade.

Wang Mingyang saw this scene, and suddenly his eyes were cracked, screamed.

"Opening ~!"

"Blocking him from taking the country!"

At this time, Wang Mingyang has already paid so much, and he ordered it directly to shoot.

Subsequently, the more than a dozen elite people around, and the surroundings around him points to the black man who won the country.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 451 of the sad breeze, inexplicable death

"Da da da……"

Subsequently, a shuttle bullet shot directly, and the black man has a big change, but he still endured, and he will take the country and jade.

Then I turned over and hid behind the stone.

Jiang Hao looks clear, the person should be hurt!

At this time, as the gun sounded, everyone had four scattered, hiding after all kinds of bunkers!

At this moment, even Wang Mingyang is no exception.

No, the gun does not recognize people!

This is, those soldiers hold a punishment, the nerves are tight, and they have four weeks.

Just then, it was a gun ring.

"Ah ~!"

A soldier is in the response!

Others instantly is like a frightened rabbit, and the quadruple hide behind the bunker.

"They also have a gun, be careful!"

At this time, Wang Mingyang shouted.

After all of the people squatted in the bunker, I have been born with each other. I don't dare to show at all!

Jiang Hao was also scared by this gun.

Although he stealth, the bullet fell on him, he would hurt.

Today, he can have not reached the point of the flesh bomb.

Although there is a talent: not dead, the bullet may hurt him, but it is not letting alive, but he is not mad!

Naturally don't want to do this experiment.

Helpless, Jiang Hao decided to solve this farce!

With his mind, in an instant, his hand has a small porcelain bottle.

Looking at this small porcelain bottle, Jiang Hao's mouth raises slightly.

This bottle is named after giving him a hurry!

Tragedy, a breeze: a poison, colorless and odorless gas, the whole body can't move, even the martial arts can not exceradious!

Of course, just low-order martial arts, high-level, Jiang Hao, don't know if there will be!

This is a kind of lack of ginger roots in a novel!

It is also, in all poisons developed by Jiang Hao, ranking the top three lack of lack of

Jiang Hao first lost a pill in his mouth, then opened the bottle in his hand.

At the moment, the liquid in the bottle instantly became a colorless gas floating!

Blinking, this gas drifts to the entire tomb!

" ..."

As the continuous sound came, all people in the tomb fell to the ground, and they could not move!

Everyone was shocked, and the mouth was shocked.

"What happened? I can't move!"

"I am also, my body doesn't seem to be controlled by me!"


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