One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 211

"There is nothing to ask, I have said that I have said it!"

"If you can't help me with revenge, then I only come!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 475 suddenly landing merits, merits

Xia Zai's strong, unexpectedly.

Zhu Yilong had to explain it.

"Xia Wei, your business is already investigating and evolving, but this is all four years ago, we need time!"

Zhu Yifan's words are, if they have steady, Xia Zi.

"Okay, I will give you another three days. If you can't resist it, I will take myself!"

"Now, please leave!"

Said, Xia Wei directly sent guests.

Looking at the firm look of Xia Zhan, Yang Hongmei still wants to say anything, but it is stopped by Zhu Yifan.

"let's go!"

Said, he took the lead and left the house.

Have a housing room, Zhu Yifan's face is difficult to see the extreme.

This negotiation is undoubtedly failed. This is not watched!

Time sway, three days passed.

Jiangbei University has an interesting thing, which is today, the school announces a vice president to leave, and the other did not have any explanation.

For a time, the people said!

However, this thing is very little known to know the situation, even if you know, it is also pulled to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Therefore, there is no big social impact.


At this point, Jiang Hao was bubbled in the library and carefully studied the Classic of Confucianism.

However, at this time, a golden mist suddenly appeared in Jiang Hao's brain.

With this golden fog, Jiang Hao only felt that his mind was clear, before, some people didn't understand, and now he is in an instant.

There is even a feeling of , this feeling is too good!

Moreover, he feels more close to this world.

At the same time, even his memory, understanding ability, thinking response, etc. have been greatly mentioned!

Just then, the system's prompt sound suddenly remembered.

"Hey, congratulations to win the power of a merit!"

"Is there a power of merits to exchange 10,000 skill points, is it redeemed?"

The sudden visit of the system prompts, let Jiang Hao have fun.

However, soon Jiang Hao can understand what is going on!

"What is the matter of Xia Zaun?"

Jiang Hao will smile, and the reminder of the system is ignored.


For the power of the legendary merit, Jiang Hao has heard too much too much.

For example, the legendary six saints is a saints who broke out with merits!

It can be seen that the power of merit is strong.

Moreover, with the power of merit, it is equivalent to a layer of protection.

He will not be stupid to replace the power of merits into skill points.

Besides, with this strength, he will give him these benefits, he will not be redeemed.

At this time, Jiang Hao closed his eyes and began to seriously study the fog.

Just, this merits seem to be dead, no matter how Jiang Hao is mobilized, he can't make him move.

Helpless, Jiang Hao has to give up temporarily!

In fact, in the end, he is now just a slag, who can't mobilize the merits, can be understood.

Jiang Hao did not expect a merit to bring you so big.

At this point, Jiang Hao has a rich curiosity for merits, he does not help us.

"System, how can I get more merits?"

Jiang Hao sounds, the system will make an understanding for him.

"Hey, the host, the strength of the merit is to do a good thing in the world.

Large to guard guards the world, small to cure the disease and save people, all can be rewarded! "

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 476 is coming again, and Xia Yu has become stronger.

Listening to the interpretation of the system, Jiang Hao suddenly had questions.

So, I have saved several people before, why didn't you see merits?

The system seems to feel the question of Jiang Hao, and then explain again.

"Hey, the previous world is in the end of the final law, the heavens are unreasonable, order to collapse, no reward!"

"Now the aura recovery, order is re-establishing, the avenue is returning, there is a reward in the world, naturally you can get reward!"

"And, most of the merits obtained by the host are previously accumulated, and it is not all to solve the problem of Xia Zi!

It can only be said that the problem of Xia Wei is solved, just a group! "

Listening to the interpretation of the system, Jiang Hao probably has a good understanding.

I have learned these, Jiang Hao has put down some ideas.

Today, his main goal is still as much as possible before the system is not upgraded to five levels!

He has a hunch that when the system is upgraded to five, the world will inevitably take a very large change.

At that time, he would need more powerful forces to go to all the problems.


It is night, Jiang Hao once again went to the piano room and prepared to handle the problem of Xia Zai.

However, this time you look for Xia You, but you will not just let Jiang Hao.

Zhu Yilai took five hands and came to the piano room again.

Jiang Hao steward hid on one side, ready to first see the play, he wondered, the official is so delegation.

Also, these six people are not a simple warner, they use what means to deal with ghosts.

Time is near the midnight, unexpectedly, Jiang Hao feels another special breath at the scene.

What makes Jiang Hao surprised that he didn't expect someone to stealth with him.

If you don't use other means, he can only feel weak!

And the other party cannot perceive his existence.

The purpose of this person Jiang Hao has no knowledge, but he doesn't want to know.

Jiang Hao's mouth raises slightly.

"Things are more and more interesting!"

Jiang Hao did not have any action, quietly stood in the corner, waiting for the opening of this big show.

Soon, time is finally twelve.

With a blind air blowing, a dense fog appeared, shrouded the piano fangs.

Then, the temperature of the entire pair of homes began to drop, then, a big red robe was wearing a big red robe, and the hair of the hair was present.

With the emergence of Xia Zai, Zhu Yifan and others have been satisfied, and they are vigilant.

On the side, Jiang Hao looked at the summer, and surprised.

He found that Xia You, at this time, seems to be stronger than that night!

Don't say that her ghost is more condensed, even her influence on the heavens and the earth is even more powerful.

"It seems that this ghost has a secret!"

Jiang Hao is not sigh.

Also, she died in four years ago, the resentment is not delayed, and she just appeared in the past few days.

It can appear for the first time, it is the case of the ghosts, and can also survive in the university!

Have to say, Xia Zai is also a ghost!

At this time, Zhu Yifan also found problems, suddenly, looking to the look of Xia Zi, more downside.

"What is going on here? Such a short time, her yin has grown so much?"

Zhu Yifan is full of doubts, only three days, her change is too big!

"It seems that this must be dealt with this matter today, otherwise it will be dragged down. She may be more powerful!"

Zhu Yilai suddenly decided!

"Xia Wei, what we have helped you have solved it, now we have a few things to talk to you!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 477 is stronger, but also expands

Xia Wei heard the words, but there was a calm face.


In fact, she already knows when she is arrested.

The big hatred, when she was crazy, and finally crying, but it was the empty hole in the soul.

Before, hatred was the driving force behind him.

Nowadays, the vesses have been reported, but he has no goals.

However, after a short confusion, she re-found a goal.

That is so strong!

She wants to continue to survive.

Because the old treasure gave her endless confidence.

However, she wants to continue to survive, they have to talk to the official people.

Even, she has already prepared it.

However, she is the most worried thing that she caught her a few days ago.

If you give her a while, she has a confidence and failure, but will he give her time?

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