One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 216

Said, he reached out and finished the death of Zhu Yifu.

At this time, the Zhang Dao on the side also came over, and I saw Zhu Yizhan's eyebrows and a pity.

But when he saw Jiang Hao, who was preparing to reach it, suddenly his face changed, and quickly broke it.

"Senior, can't!"

Zhang Daogan's interruption, suddenly let Zhu Yifan's hand and others are angry!

Jiang Hao stopped, and some doubtfully looked at Zhang Dao, opening a mouthway.

"what happened?"

At this time, Zhang Daoqi ignored the anger of Zhu Yifan's hands under his hand, and quickly explained to Jiang Hao.

"The predecessors, the dead can not touch, it will erode the human body, once contaminated, it is difficult to remove!"

"Moreover, the death of this Zhu team's eyebrows has begun to spread, now, the gods are difficult to save!"

Zhang Dao did, and apologized to Zhu Yifan.

He is so stunning, it is completely sinned, Zhu Yifan and others.

But today is not this mysterious talents, he is afraid to be buried here.

And this person has a life-saving giant, how can he take a confused?

Zhu Yifan heard the words, suddenly faced as a dead ash!

And his hand is completely angry, and it has angered Zhang Dao!

"Zhang Dao Chang, please pay attention to your words!"



Zhu Yilai reached out to stop the excitement, and then very barely laughed.

"Don't do this, isn't it a dead!"

Others have heard the words, and the face has been revealed.

"Captain, Captain!"


Jiang Hao looked at this helpers that he had a dead guy, and his face was a little quirky.

"Is this completely ignored my existence?"

Is there such a low existence?

Helpless, Jiang Hao had to express his feelings.

"Cough ..."

Jiang Hao pretended to cough and then looked at everyone.

"You are really, although he said yes, the dead is spread, it is really unhappy!"

"But I didn't say, I can't save it!"

Jiang Hao's words, let the people will force everyone!

Subsequently, in the shocking eyes of everyone, Jiang Hao reached out and pointed out the eyebrows of Zhu Yifan.

"System, can you decompose this dead?"

Jiang Hao is still full of confidence in the system, even ghosts can decompose, should not be difficult to die?

However, the system is at all about the answer, directly!

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition, get talent skills, dead gas entanglement, get skill points 10, experience point 10!"

Talent skills are gone around level 1 (010): I want you to die more, who dares you to five!

"Decomposition is completed, is it fused?"

As the system decomposition ends, Jiang Hao sees decomposition, and it is also a shock.

This skill is great!

Just overbearing!

"Yes, very in line with my temperament!"

Jiang Hao is excited, today is a lucky day!

Take a slight look, he exits the sea.

At this time, it is not a study, he is ready to solve it, and then in detail.

At this time, after Jiang Hao closed his hand, he opened.

"All right!"

Everyone he said, could not help but feel awkward.

"Say, don't you come here for a few seconds?"

"This is good? Really fake?"

"Will it be lie to us?"


This person, everyone is doubting, but when they see Zhu Yifan's eyebrows.

Where else is there!

It turns out that it is really solved!

"But this is too ..."

"Don't you say that God is hard to save?"

Suddenly, the people looked at the consciousness, and the Zhang Dao!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 487 Leaving, integration

Zhang Daogan was staring by everyone, and suddenly a face innocent.

These are all recorded on the fairy book, it is impossible to have an error!

Almost a conscious, Zhang Dao's eyes looked at the mysterious people on the side!

The problem is definitely on this mysterious person!

Jiang Hao's mouth is slightly rising, nature knows what they think, so do not explain, keep enough mystery!

"Well, here is there, I should go!"

Subsequently, Jiang Hao looked at Zhang Dao, mysterious smile, and opened his mouth.

"Little Taoist, you have to work hard! Don't let your ancestors!"

Tell, turn around!

Zhu Yifan reacted, I also want to thank you, but who knows, next scene, let them see the ghosts, widened.

I saw the mysterious person stepped out, and there were dozens of meters away, almost blinking, disappearing in their eyes!

At this moment, everyone is idling!

For a long time, they succeeded.

"This is a fairy!"

Originally, Zhu Yifan also wants to invite people to join the organization, you can see this scene, the minds are completely broken!

And the other side, the heart of Zhang Dao is frustrated.

He recalls the words of the just who have just said to him.

"Don't he know?"

"Or or, this senior knows the ancestor?"


When Zhang Dao did started a variety of brain supplements, the more I thought.

If Jiang Hao knows that he is just a high person, he will think so much.

I am afraid I can't admire Zhang Dao's brain supplement!

Jiang Hao left, Zhu Yifan fell to Zhang Daoqi.

"Since the predecessor didn't ask, but the predecessor seems to see this Zhang Dao, why not invite him to join the organization?"

Zhang Dao did felt the strange eyes of Zhu Yilai, and thought that Zhu Yifan had to revenge, and suddenly he was vigilant.

"You don't come over! Just really is not right, I apologize, but I am telling the truth, just the predecessor is too surprised!"

Zhu Yifan heard his words, looked at the police, and suddenly, then somewhat cried.

Although he mave the mustie, Zhang Daoqi can be a person who is a high person, he dares to retaliate!

Helpless, Zhu Yili revealed a smile that I think is very good, this is open.

"Zhang Daohang, experience this station, we are also a comrades, as for just something, I believe that Zhang Daolong will not ly!"

"Take again, I am not a matter!"

"So, I want to invite you to join the dragon group, our welfare is quite very good!"

"100,000 monthunes, six insurance and one gold ..."

Zhu Yilai is like a child, and even the distraction.

However, it is really effective, Zhang Dao is actually a bit!

No him, just because they often take some tasks in the evil demon, this is very beneficial to him!

In the end, Zhang Dao has become a member of Zhu Yilai, but it still needs to handle some procedures and various tests.


On the other hand, Jiang Hao quietly returned to the bedroom and did not have alarm anyone.

Then I quickly explored this harvest.

"System, first extraction of integration days!"

As Jiang Hao sounds, a message began to enter Jiang Hao's mind.

In progress, Jiang Hao only felt his own binocula, fever.

At the same time, the energy flows in his eyes and transformed his eyes.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 488 synthesizing two kinds of pupils, finishing five lines

Soon, a cool feeling came, the transformation ended.

As Jiang Hao opened his eyes, suddenly, two golden light shot, instantly penetrated the wall, see Song Yuer, who is sleeping next door!

Jiang Hao stays instantly, then the nosebleed is almost, but it is not self-known!

At this time, the system prompts again.

"The host, found that the talent god of the sky and the talent of the god broke the eyes of the eye, the synthesis of the eye was as high as 80%, did it spend a skill point synthesis?"

The system's tips are awakened in an instant, Jiang Hao is busy, and I am busy with my head and sad.

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