One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 219

"Who dares to hurt my grandfather!"

Then, a golden sword flew over and directed into the head of the head.

Jiang Hao and pointed to the sword, the empty painting and calligraphy, a "sword" rune appeared!

"go with!"

Rune Bencheng, Jiang Hao backham, this rune is instant to sword light, shot out!

" ~!"

"When ~!"

Two swords were shocked together, and the sword was biased and shot directly to the tree, settled.

At this time, Ming Uncle arrived, he saw that the wolf was lying on the ground, and suddenly his face changed, and he quickly called.

"Young master! Young master, are you okay?"

Ji Changshi saw Ming Uncle, which was arrived in time, and suddenly stared this Li Yuanba and Jiang Hao, yin.

"I killed them, they snatched the millennium."

"Kill them!"

At this time, behind them, those mercenary teams were chased.

When they see the situation in the field, suddenly the face has been mutated, and the guns will be aligned with Jiang Hao, Li Yuanba, ask.

"Who are you?"

At this time, the Ming Uncle heard the words, looked up at Ji Chang Kong and Li Yantao and Li Yuanba, his face was full of cold.

Suddenly drink.

"You have a group of people, dare to hurt my grandfather, find dead!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 493, King Kong, you are not a person

Ming Uncle is lightly fluttering to send Ji Chang Song to the body, guarded by those mercenaries!

And he pulled out the long sword of the nail on the tree, and the momentum was rising, full of angry staring at Jiang Hao and Li Yuanba.

"Dare to hurt our young masters, today, I will make the price waiting for the price!"

With a roar, Ming Uncle is unheashed, the long sword in his hands exudes a cold man, and there is a short walk in the foot of Ming, and a sword will go to Li Yuanba.

However, the ushered in the disdain of Li Yuanba.

"Hey, spicy chicken!"

Li Yuanba looked at the Ming said that he did not hesitate, but he greeted it directly!

Seeing this scene, Ming Uncle is a glimpse.

"This person actually wants to fight my sword with the flesh? Is he a fool?"

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, this despicable people are dead.

Thinking of this, Ming Shu smiled, as if he had foreseen Li Yuanba died under his knife!

Opposite, those mercenaries are also fostered by Li Yuanba!

"Is it a fool? That's really a sword! You actually go to fight, are you serious?"

At this point, everyone seems to be foreseeable, very fast, there will be more bodies here.

And Ji Changshi saw this scene, after some Mong, all turned into ecstasy and happy.

"Haha ..."

"It is really cheap to him for him. I dare to hurt me!"


Jiang Hao's suspicion of everyone, just smiling, did not refute, and did not plan to intervene!

When I said it later, Li Yuanba hit together with Ming Uncle, just as the sword of Ming Uncle, Li Yuanbao cried, greeted!

"When ~!"

Suddenly, the sound of a gold iron collision was transmitted in the air.

"Ah ~!"

Then, a scream came, and a shadow was flying out.

The face of everyone revealed a relaxed smile.

Just, I am looking for the figure that flying over, I suddenly fell.

" ~!"

Ming Shu fell directly to their feet.


A blood spurt, Ming Uncle's face is like a wax color, looking at Li Yuanba, his eyes are highlighted, and it is clear that it is clear!


Everyone was shocked, the face was shocked, and he quickly called.

"Adult! Adult!"

At the same time, a team of mercenaries quickly came forward, and the Ming's uncle was behind him, and he stared at Li Yuanba and Jiang Hao.

Ji Changshi face, and quickly struggled to come to Mingshu, and quickly worked.

"Ming Uncle, Ming Uncle, how are you?"

"Are you OK?"

Ming Uncle's face is pale, looking at Li Yuanba, who is not far away, is full of fear.

Everyone looked to Li Yuanba, but found that he was in general, standing in place.

And his fist is a sword, and there is no scar!

This completely subverts everyone's cognition!

This person, the heart is cold, full of endless fear.

"What monster is this?"

At this time, Ming Shu was stronger and striped up, and he pointed to Li Yuanba and trembled.

"You, you are not a person!"

At this time, everyone looked at Li Yuanba, and the heart was more flustered.

is not it!

If it is a person, who can hit the sword with a flesh, but it is not damaged!

At present, the warrior is not!

However, he said that it is right, Li Yuanba's flesh is now really a simple person!

Today, his repair has recovered, and Jiang Hao's estimation, within nine-level, absolutely crushing!

And this Mingshu is barely just entering the six levels, and there is no pressure in rolling natural!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 494, the devil, Jiang Hao, mad, dying, advancement

Looking at the hi and Ming Uncle that have been hit by the heavy, Jiang Hao's mouth is slightly rising, and the first step is!

However, Jiang Hao's actions have been scared to those mercenaries.

In an instant, all mercenary movements are extremely rapid, and the guns will be aligned with Jiang Hao and Li Yuanba!

"Don't move!"

"I will shoot again!"

Jiang Hao heard the words, steps, and stopped.

He looked at this group of mercenaries, and it seems to be mocked.

"Do you think these are useful to me?"

Jiang Hao's words, suddenly surprised the mercenary, and this person also has the kind of diamond physique?

However, in the moment they lost, Jiang Hao's face raised slightly and stepped out.

I have been staring at Jiang Hao's Ming Shu, I feel wrong, I am busy.


The mercenary heard the words, and the conscious shot, but suddenly, they found that their goals disappeared!

Jiang Hao actually disappeared from them!

"How can this be!"

This scene, completely horrified!

"Is he not a ghost?"

At this point, the intentions of the people have endless fear.

However, at this time, the sound of a drama suddenly sounded from them.

"Are you looking for me?"

Jiang Hao is surfing, like walking in the world of death, double-eyed flipping the purple golden light, full of endless majesty and sacred.

It's like walking in the world!

"Boom ~!"

At this moment, the gods broke out, and there was a unpassive unsolved from Jiang Hao.

Suddenly, the inner heart of everyone rose endless fear, they were trembled, and they did not dare to see.

Under the power of the endless God, the mercenaries' hearts were defeated, and they were squatting at the foot of Jiang Hao!

Looking at the mercenaries who poured a place, Jiang Hao waved between, countless black fomization, and wrapped around them.

"Death entanglement!"

Suddenly, the dead gas began to swallow their lives in their body, between them, and mourned.

"Adult, forgive!"

"Ah! Devil, you are a devil!"


Everyone was twitching, looking at Jiang Hao, who was shrouded in the black fog, and the eyes of the purple, full of infinite fear!

Jiang Hao looks at this, the eyes are indifferent, not for being moved!

In the population of the earth and eight, Ji Chang and Ming Shu have not been deserted, but the mourning of the people is constantly incorporated into their ears.

The two eyes are full of endless fear and regret.

They don't even know what they have provoke!

After dozens of seconds, the mourning is suddenly abrupt, and the whole forest is dead!

At this time, Jiang Hao reached out, how many times did not attract it from the body of the mercenary, shrouded in his whisper.

Jiang Hao breathes, the body is constantly being swallowed in the dead black fog!

Soon, the black fog finishes, and the dead is incorporated, and his flesh is continuously transformed.

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