One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Episode 227

This big black dog is not weak, just leaving a home.

With this idea, Jiang Hao is ready to act.

At this point, the big black dog is preparing to leave.

Jiang Hao directly withdraws stealth, translays in the front of the big black dog, and the big black dog suddenly stared at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hailu has a good smile and open mouth.

"Big Black, where are you going to go?"

The big black dog heard the words, and the heart was shocked.

"How can this person know my name?"

Immediately, it remembered that Jiang Hao suddenly suddenly appeared, suddenly awakened.

"Do you just observe me?"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 511 can toss the big black

I thought about it, and the big black heart suddenly sink.

This person observes it for so long, there is no peek that he doesn't feel?

Moreover, even in its perception, this person is actually ordinary to ordinary people who cannot ordinary.

How can this be!

The more black, the more disnounces for Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao looked at the big black dog, and he wanted to think, then open.

"Yes, I have stared at you for a while!"

When Jiang Hao's reply, the big black was shocked, and the big black is full of horror staring at Jiang Hao.

"Lying. Tell, is this man also read the heart?"

Seeing the big black eyes, Jiang Hao will not know what it thinks, not smiling.

"Big Black, I will not read the heart!"

However, the big black is listening, where is it to believe.

Jiang Hao was too lazy to explain him, and he decided to open the door to see the mountain.

"Okay, don't say much, what I have appeared, just want to pay you!

I see you homeless, blame, you will follow me later! "

When you say, Jiang Hao is dark, and the mentality is directly locked.

The big black body is stiff, looks at the front of this smile.

This disgusting guy does not have the right to choose it.

They have already been locked, she believes, at this time, if it reveals the meaning of this demon, it will usher in the horror attack of this devil.

At this point, the big black mood is poor.

Originally, I just walked so many emperor, completed the transformation, became the king of the dog, originally thought that it would be a good life.

It is such a metamorphosis that suddenly ran out.

How is it cultivated?

"It seems that I can only temporarily try to ask for all!"

I think that the big black suddenly reveals a smile, and quickly compliance.

"This adult, you are so kind, just like living Bodhisattvas, my big black encountered you is a fortunate."

Jiang Hao looked at this uncomfortable, and suddenly enjoyed.

At this time, Jiang Hao looks more and more and more looks at the big black eyes.

"Well, yes, there is still a bit!"

The big black heard, looked at Jiang Hao, and suddenly dumb.

"This is too thick?"

However, at this time, Jiang Hao is not red, and the heart is not jumped.

"Big black, keep up, go home!"

The big black looked at Jiang Hao in front of him, suddenly launched the machine, immediately returned.


He walked two steps, turned around, and immediately tangled through the stream, escaped in the direction of Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao seems to have not found a general, go back, only no one has noticed a smile that the corner of his mouth.

Next moment, Jiang Hao has disappeared!

At this time, the big black stopped of the big half of the day, spitting the gasping of the tongue big mouth.

"It should ~ should not chase ~ come up?"

I think so, he looked backwards.

As a result, at this time, Jiang Hao's familiar voice sounded, and its body suddenly stiff.

"Big Black, you run wrong, my family is not here."

I saw Jiang Hao standing next to it, looking at it with a smile.

Looking at Jiang Hao's devil, scared big black turned and fled.

However, no matter how it escapes, Jiang Hao appears next to it.

Toss for a while.

The big black is taleble, Jiang Hao is staring at it next to it, and asked.

"Don't you ran?"

"I think you are very fast!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 512, Mo Jiao, Dark, Zhenxiang Warning

The big black is lying on the ground, heard the words, it turned over white, with the proud road.

"Although this king can't play you, this king will never yield, you still die this heart!"

Jiang Hao is a big black.

"I really don't walk with me?"

The big black looked at Jiang Chen, did not speak, but gave a look, turned his head.

However, his movements have shown everything.

Jiang Hao looked at the big black, and immediately reached out, and there was a bottle of life essence.

He unplugged the bottle plug of life essence, suddenly, a rich life essence floating.

With the essence of the rich life, the big black consciousness shrugged, and suddenly attracted by this fragrance.

When he found that the fragrance was floating from behind him, he quickly turned, he saw the glass test tube in Jiang Hao.

Suddenly, the eyes show a shocking gaze.

"The power of good life!"

Jiang Hao saw that Dafen was attracted by the life essence of his own, and his face revealed a drama, and then opened again.

"This item is called life essence, with a strong life of life, can be born with dead, bone, but there is no hyperpolee.

Moreover, it also has the ability to promote your evolution! "

After explaining, Jiang Hao asked again.

"Do you really think about it?"

Jiang Hao's words suddenly awakened the big black, and the big black looked up and got the eyes of Jiang Hao.

Suddenly, the face is black, and I can't live in my heart.

"This devil, even wants to tempt to the king, the king is dignified, never succumb!"

I thought about it, and the big black suddenly revealed the poor attention, and immediately turned to the head, and did not see the life essence of Jiang Hao.

The big dark voice is full of contempt and responds.

"Human, the king is the king of the dog, there is dignity, the king will never yield, will never succumb!"

However, at this time, its inner heart hurts to breathe, can only constantly anesthesize.

"The king is not distressed, the king is not distressed ..."

Jiang Hao looked at the big black. If it is not a distressed in the eyes of it turned, Jiang Hao really can't tell it.

Jiang Haoxin, and then immediately moved, the life essence of life in his hand, and then took a jade bottle from the system space.

It is one of the jade bottles used to collect emperor before him.

Jiang Hao turned his head and saw a big black, and immediately pulled the jade bottle in the hand and smiled and smiled in front of the big black.

Then, he was unfortunately unfortunately open.

"Hey! I still think about you, I will send you this bottle of emperor, just as a meeting!"


"It seems that this bottle of dlow can only leave others!"

Said, Jiang Hao also took the emperor in his hand.

At this time, the big black turned up and stared at the Emperor of Jiang Hao, full of endless desire and greed.

"It's really dlow, never wrong!"

It just accepted the baptism of the Emperor, it will never perceive the mistake!

Jiang Hao looked at the big black and suddenly showed the arc.

"Sample, I can't uniform!"

When he said, he turned and walked, there is no nostalgia.

Big black, suddenly worried.

Life Essence It can endurely rejected, but the attraction of the Emperor, can it refuse?

It is better to let it die!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 513, the heavens and the earth change, yin

The big black is fastening to Jiang Hao, and he is anxious.

"Hey, you wait, you wait!"

Jiang Hao stopped and turned and looked at the big black, and the appearance of a look.

"what happened?"

The big black looked at the innocent Jiang Hao, and suddenly an urgency.

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