One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 259

When the big black is called, everyone surprised.

At the same time, it is also a little concern to Jiang Hao.

After all, they have been with big blacks for a while, and the big black is strong, they still understand some.

However, they also know that Jiang Hao will not be simple.

I don't know their collision, who is even more powerful?

At a time, even the old father and mother of cultivation of cultivation were also interested.

Jiang Hao looked at the little eyes expected, as well as a dog of a lack of social poisoning.

Jiang Hao smiled while looking at small black and opening.

"It's all, after all, I will protect you too well, let you lack the social poison!

Today, I will teach you how to do a new society. "

When you say, Jiang Hao got up and looked at Du Manchang, with the body.

"Lao Du, called Tang Qi, Liang Bing, Liang Jiruity to practice the martial art, I also help you improve the strength! Your current strength is low."

Du Manchong heard, suddenly ecstatic.

Du Manchong shouted people, Jiang Hao took a man to practice the military room.

The big black heard, it seems that Jiang Hao is in the scene of the foot, and the eyes are excited.

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Chapter 588 shameless dog thief, online

"Little liar, you can rest assured, this king will be in your mouth!"

The big black is arrogant.

And it didn't find it, Jiang Hao looked at it, the smile on his face became more and more shining.

Jiang Hao has decided that today, we must take care of it.

A man came to the underground practice room, Jiang Hao and the big black opposite.

The big black is standing upright with his legs, and the head is very chest, a big brother, watching Jiang Hao, and the face disdaining claws.

"Little liar, don't need this king to make you two three strokes?"

Seeing the funny look of big black, everyone can't help but laugh.

On the one side, Jiang Zi stopped the smile, the bottom flashed, and immediately pulled the white feather in the side of the white feather, and asked softly.

"Bai Yu sister, can my brother win?"

Bai Yu heard, looked at the ginger, gentle, whispered.

"Don't worry, big black is going to be unlucky, the owner is still unleaded!"

When Jiang Zi, he listened, and set it to a high-minded Jiang Hao, don't speak.

At this time, Jiang Hao looked at the arrogant big black, suddenly laughing.

"Still don't want it! If you let me, do you lose you?"

The big black heard, the eye is dripping, I don't know what ghost idea, then it is a reflection of righteous words.

"How can it be!"

Next, he looked at Jiang Hao and slowly.

"Since you don't need, then - start!"

With the voice of it, it turned into lightning, and took the opportunity to attack Jiang Hao.

The ginger of the war is concerned about the war, and it is even more angry.

"Big black, you are shameless, actually sneak!"

Opposite, Jiang Hao looked at the big black, his mouth was slightly rising, and mysterious smiled.

Then I pinched my fists, what skills were useless, and the light was smashed, and I hit a punch.


This punch, breakdown of the air, playing the sound explosion, a boxing of the big black eyelid.

For a time, the big black only felt that his eyes had to crack, with a scream, it flew out!

Jiang Hao has a smile and looked at the big black, so it was surprised.

"Hey, I am playing freely, can this be hungry?"

On the side, Jiang Zi saw this, suddenly cheered.

"Brother, good, shameless big black, should have education education!"

Jiang Hao heard the words, reached out, more than a knowledge of the gesture, then he was innocent, and the anti-quality questioning.

"Big Black, don't hit my fist!"

"How? Is it still come?"

The big black heard, struggling to get up, looked at Jiang Hao's face innocent appearance, suddenly a little confused.

"Is it really my hit?"

For this reason, it has become more and more luck, hit it!

"It's absolutely, how can little liar can see my movements, it is definitely a hit!"

Big black self-anesthesia and persuaded himself.

It reached out a dog, touched the eye, and suddenly hurt, and the heart was getting unfair!

"No, I want to revenge!"

Looking at Jiang Hao's smile, it felt more evil, suddenly, it was evil.

"Little liar, don't be proud, just that is this king to let you!"

"Now, this king should be serious!"

Big black strong endures pain, attached to the body, and carefully looked at Jiang Chen, essence God!

Subsequently, the time is just like the arrow of the string, directly attaches Jiang Hao.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 589, the end of the poison,

Jiang Hao saw this, and his heart was dark.

"You this stupid dog, it is true!"

"It's really thoughtful, can you turn over?"

"Today, I want to tell you a truth!"

"Your father is always your father!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were slightly smashed, and his eyes lost.

In an instant, the big black movement is like a slow lens, directly presented in front of him.

Jiang Hao's eyes, his face showed a smile.

"This time, hit your other eye."

In an instant, he fists like a lightning, directly hits the right front.

" ~!"

With a loud noise, the big black screamed again and fly again.

This time, Jiang Hao did not give it a chance, he made a flying, chasing the big black flying out, is a punch!

At a time, this place is crying.

After a while, the big black lying on the ground, staring at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao smiled and looked at big black.

"Big Black, how? Is it still come?"

Said, Jiang Hao pinched his fists again, suddenly, the big black-looking smashed a spirit.

It quickly got up, and met to see Jiang Hao.

"Master, master!"

"How can I pick it up. Case you!"

At this time, there is a great spirit?

Everyone saw this pleasing.

Jiang Hao looked at the wretched big black, and his face was too disappeared. This stupid dog is too shameful!

Jiang Hao lost its small bottle of Emperor, big black, and suddenly took a bottle and smoked, and ran quickly, it seems to be hurt in his body!

Jiang Hao laughed, shook his head, and recruited Du Manchang, Tang Qi, Liang Liang, Ice sister, spending a lot of life essence, raising their cultivation to a nine-order!

At this point, they also went to their heads, they could not break the second product, they can only look at the personal chance!

However, though, but everyone looked at Jiang Hao's eyes!

When it's really a cloud, it is rain!

However, this is really hitting to my sister.

I have been laughing, she has always been more than Jiang Hao, which Jiang Hao is fighting back, and she will make four surpassing her!

This is not the confidence of hitting her !

Is this still doing people?

Jiang Zi squatted to Jiang Hao, turned to turn around.

This time, she thought, not a bad breakthrough to the second product, she would not be deserved!

At this time, Jiang Hao was ginger, and some unclear, so he only sighed.

"Women's heart, sea shell!"


Just out of the practice room, a call came over.

Jiang Hao turned out of the mobile phone, it was actually the leftman of Lu Jia, who was controlled by his poison.

Calculate the time, their antidote is also here!

Jiang Hao's mouth rose, looking at the phone, muttering self-probing.

"I actually called this time, I hope you can bring me a good news!"

Turn on the phone with the phone, and Lu Yingyu arrived in the voice.

"Mr. Jiang, appeared in Hou Zhu!"

Jiang Hao heard, slightly surprising.

"Oh, talk in detail!"

Lu Yingyu did not hesitate to open the mouth.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang!"

"The matter is like this, before, we have been in listening to the fallen of the wearer, but there is no news."

"Until today, the end of the end of the world has sent a post, saying that there is a high-standard auction, and the mysterious items of the pressure axis are also a bit source with us Lu family!"

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