One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 272

"If you are not satisfied, you can come to me at any time!"

"Second brother, Du, let's go!"

Tell, Jiang Hao turned to the bus!

After the body, Yuanba and Du Manchong were also shocked by Jiang Hao.

I heard the words, the two were regarded as each other, could not be swallowed, and then quickly followed!

At this time, the world is lying on the ground, the face is wax, and the body is treated with Jiang Haoyuan. The heart is shocked and angry.

The shock is that he didn't expect Jiang Hao to have such a strange means.

Take the life of the people, this is simply with myth!

What makes him feel cold is that this strange means makes him unable to resist the power, can only be slaughtered.

What makes him in anger is that he is the old man of the Emperor of the Ancient Emperor, the top of the hidden family!

I hate ginger to take my hand to him, and my life has cut his ten-year life!

However, no matter how he is angry, at this stage, for Jiang Hao, which has been initially growing up, even if the top hidden family has to dispatch some bottom cards.

Can the bottom card of the hidden family can be used easy to use?

The situation is not deteriorated to a certain level, I am afraid no one will be willing.

After all, the bottom card will use one less.

So, this is a loss, even how uncomfortable, he has to bear it!


The calm time is swaying!

During this time, the domestic martial arts border is greatly vibrated, Jiang Hao's famous voice is very noisy, no one is shocked!

And the fails in the Pluto Hall, completely lost his face!

However, these Jiang Hao did not pay attention.

Today, he has set up a white killing, leaving the nation, Jade, Sambo!

He can open the Emperor Mausole at any time and look for the secret of Changsheng.

But if the Emperor is really alive, then he is afraid it is also a dish!

So, this is a first place.

During this time, he always thinks how to quickly improve the repair!

He tried to practice, although it will also grow, but it is too slow than the golden gold!

But now I want a golden upgrade, and the skill points needed are not a few.

How these he be resistant to the sexy, go to the dinosaur secret to brush a wave, naturally can accumulate a lot of skill points.

However, before this, he decided to upgrade his own Shenxiao.

During this time, my own Shenxue has been behind the martial arts.

Previously, I would like to have some difficult to improve it, but now it is different.

Now he has a six-way round to projection, as long as he grabs some ghosts, put into the six rounds of rounds.

Not only can you accelerate the true six-way rounds, and the six rounds will also feedback to him a lot of pure soul!

Moreover, since he got a "big self-opinion method" last time, he has already condensed his mental strength into a seed.

Next, as long as he integrates the soul of the soul of the six rounds of rounds into your own spiritual seeds, you can use this!

With his spiritual seeds, his Shenxiao will naturally skyrocket.

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Chapter 619 Decided, the current situation of the government

And, this time followed the aura recovery, there is a ghost, and he is soaring that it is maintenance!

At the same time, you can also mix some merits!

It's entirely a lot!

I thought about it, Jiang Hao has a decision!

Next, he has to ask where to have a ghost!

However, it is best to live in the Tianhe City, he also hit him!

At this time, he suddenly remembered, he killed three sorrows in the Tiantian North Bin Avenue.

I heard that there are a few people who dominate the Tianhe City, even if the official of Tianhe City is also jealous!

If you can find them, then take them a pot, harvest is definitely good!

Jiang Hao is like this, and suddenly two eyes are light.

Instead of packing up the ghosts that are thin, such harvest is bigger!

"That's it!"

Jiang Hao is low, make a decision.

"As for how to find them in Tianhe City ..."

"As the land of Tianhe City, Jia Jia wants to have their news!"

Jiang Hao wants these, and then call Jia Renjie to call!

The phone quickly opened!

"Renjie, can you have some fierce ghost news in the Tianhe City?"

The phone is connected, Jiang Hao asked directly.

Jia Renjie heard whispered, and then quickly opened his mouth.

"Mr., this Renjie happens to know."

"Tianhe City is the most powerful thing is that there is a government for a while and the third!

They are the Tiankui Faba, Senluo Ghost, Hongxinghui! "

"The three-party ghosts will lead to a big man in the Tianhe City, and they don't only have a powerful masters in the town!"

Jia Renjie's voice did not fall, Jiang Hao heard, his eyes were bright, and the way.

"Well, you will give me the information on this three-party ghosts, send it as soon as possible!"

To say, I seem to think about what, Jiang Hao added again.

"You sent it yourself, just, I will help you improve the strength!"

Jia Renjie heard, suddenly excited.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, I will do it right away!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Hao has not yet, I want to go to the disguise!

He also has a period of time to find the progress of the Government!

His hearts sink into the six-way rounds of projection, then, in the meantime, Jiang Hao was attracted to the illusory government!

The land house is still a gray, countless yin gathering, and it is constantly condensed everything!

The congenital gods that the land hall condensed is still in the infant period. Now it is just a kind of life, the rules of condense state, did not have a gainfulness!

Now if someone can refine any of the gods, he can carry this goddess, causal, and it is directly bid!

Just, because today's land house is still in the illusory state, he can't play much better!

However, if the government can grow strong, then he is constantly growing with the growth of the government, and eventually grows into a qualified gust!

Before Jiang Hao, it was the god of the neighborhood of the neighborhood, inherited the life of the six reincarnation, became the owner of the government!

In the government, there is a five-way reincarnation, and there is a five-party ghost, the ten halls, and the Ten Wan Yin's gains!

These gods have corresponding gods in conjunction, each of these gods is a gust of giant, but these gods are now in the Mongki period.

Even, now it is only a simple life, the rules of agglomerates, did not be born!

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Chapter 620 is the improvement of Jia Renjie

Jiang Hao is only slightly microphone, and everything has not changed!

For a long time, Jia Renjie rushed over with the information required by Jiang Hao.

"Sir, this is all the information I can collect about the three-way ghosts!"

Jia Renjie respects the information in his hand to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao delivers a glass of water, and then takes the information while looking at the side.

"Hard work!"

Jia Renjie heard the words, and suddenly sincere.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Jiang Hao did not respond, carefully read the information in his hand.

According to the information sent by Jia Renjie, the strength between the three-party ghosts in Tianhe City is different.

It is expected that this three-party power is panicked, and each party has three great strengths, which can be so powerful!

So, just fine!

Jiang Hao saw this, his face revealed a smile.

Soon, Jiang Hao roughly turned over the remaining content, which is not worthy of his attention!

Put the information in your hand, Jiang Hao looked at Jia Renjie, and he saw him in an instant.

"One product is six?"

Jiang Hao smiled and said to Jia Renjie.

"It seems that you don't have less time to practice this time?"

Jia Renjie heard his words and smiled.

"Mr. Jiang really expects things like God!"

"There is no way, the talent is bad, can only work hard!"

Jia Renjie said at any time, but the words were bartered.

Jiang Hao wondered, expressed understanding.

After a moment, he immediately said.

"You don't need to give yourself too much pressure!"

"Let's go, go to practice the martial arts, I will help you!"

Jia Renjie heard, suddenly a surprise, and quickly got yourself.

"Mr. Thank you!"

Jiang Hao swayed, and then Jia Renjie came to practice the military room.

Jiang Hao poked Jia Renjie and said.

"Come, you sit down, hug, relax!"

Jia Renjie did, then, at this time, Jiang Hao reached out, a pure life energy of Jiang Hao was in the hands of Jiang Hao.

This is the partial life energy that Jiang Hao extracted from the body of the people.

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