One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 276

Then, in the moment of the red ghost in the sky, Jiang Haoqiang's spirituality shocked, and the many ghosts will be flying on the spot!

Suddenly there are countless evil spirits return into the yin and a smell of the soul, spread over the whole ghost domain!

For a time, Jiang Hao was an empty moment.

At this time, the hanging void's red ghost looked at the low instant, and suddenly, after the reaction, she suddenly lost color.

There is no slightest, she is around a black fog, and she wrapped her blank.

However, can Jiang Hao be left behind?

"Where to escape!"

Jiang Hao is drinking!

Then I saw Jiang Hao to reach out of the dangerous ghost of the escape.

In an instant, a golden light shot, Jin Mang actually sent first, and the moment is playing on the red ghost!

"Ah ~!"

With a scream, the gray fog wrapped in the red dress was scattered in a big half!

The red dress has been in the moment, and the rest of the remaining part will stay, and it is desirable to rush.

However, Jiang Hao did not give her a ghost, he thought of micro-block, and the field was in an instant, enveloping the entire ghost domain.

In an instant, some rules of the whole ghost domain were temporarily tempted by Jiang Hao!

Then, Jiang Haoyi moved, reached out to the red snorkeling of serious injury.

Next, people have happened, a sudden energy giant hand floods the whole ghost domain.

At this time, the ghost felt the deadly threat behind him!

Finally, I will ignite the source, instantly, her speed soared!

However, at this time, as the main day is covered!

Boom ~!

The Qing Tian giant handed down, stirred a smoke, and the whole ghost domain was shocked.

And the red dress is even more unexpected, and it is directly opened by the main day, and it has become a yin!

At the same time, the little ghosts who have not had enough escape in the ghosts have also been robbed, and they have become energy.

At this moment, with a large number of ghosts, the whole ghost is rich in the whole ghost!

Jiang Hao closed his hand, looked around, at this time, the whole ghost domain is dead, there is no ghostless existence!

Subsequently, he waved someone to send some people who were alive, he sat down and started to swallow the ghosts!

One time, the yin is rolling, just like chaos!

As time goes by, a large amount of yin is swallowed.

At the same time, the residual soul left after a large number of ghosts, also swallowed by Jiang Hao!

These residuals are swallowed by Jiang Hao, but also crushing through the six rounds of round, eliminating impurities, turning into pure soul fed back to Jiang Hao.

The integration of a lot of pure soul makes Jiang Haol's soul got an unprecedented moisture, and his condensed spiritual seed is like bubbles in endless nutrient!

At a time, Jiang Hao is extremely strong!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 629 breaks through the ghost domain

For a long time, the time has passed!

Jiang Hao Dynasty's spiritual seeds have been so huge and pure soul, and they have become more and more full, and they have a vast potential!

"Boom ~!"

At this moment, Jiang Hao shaped a shock, a strong powerful pressure broke out, and the space faintly raised!

At this point, his soul was repaired once again, reaching the second product!

However, the ghost domains will collect this large amount of yin.

Jiang Hao is sitting, his eyes are closed, no sadness, like a Buddha, and quietly refining the large amount of yin.

As he refined, there is more and more yin, his cultivation has a loose image of the bottleneck.

Time is as soon as soon as soon as it is running.

After the continuous swallowing of Jiang Haoyuan, the yin in the ghost is gradually thin!

With a lot of energy, this party is also faintly broken!

At this moment, Jiang Hao was shaped, and a strong spiritual pressure once again broke out!

After a lot of pure soul, Jiang Hao's soul is repaired again!

At this point, his soul was repaired in the nineth order!

At the same time, through such a huge pure soul, he is a spiritual seed that is now full of glutinous, full of round, and the change of transformation is over!

At this time, a large amount of yin was swallowed, and the ghost domain was like a collapse, Jiang Hao seems to feel the vibration of the ghost domain.

He gradually stops to swallow!

Nowadays, the ghosts have already been in the ghosts. Even if he is engraving, there will be no big changes.

It is better to leave the ghost domain and strive to maximize the benefits!

At this time, he slowly opened his eyes, and a fierce is full.

When he felt the pound of pounds in the body, he could not help but show a satisfactory smile.

"Finally, two products nine!"

Today, his soul is cultivated and the martial arts is finally flat!

His war has risen again!

At this moment, he wants to find someone to do a big way, and test it with the results of him tonight!

Just, when he saw the bubble, he had to deprecate this idea!

Looking at the ghost domains that are about to be collapsed, Jiang Hao is flashing!

He wants to be a bold try!

Immediately, he communicated the communication system and told him.

System, break down this party! "

Say, he breathed a bit!

Yes, he wants to try it, see if the system can break the ghost domain!

After all, he is in the ghost domain, there is still a certain chance!

However, there is also a hint of luck!

Even if you can't decompose, it doesn't affect anything.

But if you can decompose, how will he have an amazing harvest?

What's more, this is also a ghost domain, which is equivalent to the existence of a space!

At this time, the system prompts are as scheduled.

"Yes, host!"

As the system's reminder sound, Jiang Hao suddenly surprised!

"Hey, Congratulations to the master to successfully break down the low-level ghost domain, get one inner seed seed, get the skill point 100, experience point 100!"

Internal heaven and earth seeds: a prototype of a small world!

"Decompose success, is it extracted?"

When I saw the moment of the inner world seed, Jiang Hao was shocked!

Internal world seeds!

How can he not know!

This is the top of the top of the treasure, with the world seedlings, the universe-shaped existence!

How did he think of it, just his attempt, the system actually gave him such a big surprise!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 630 Internal Tiandi Seeds

How did he think of it, just his attempt, the system actually gave him such a big surprise!

Jiang Hao can't wait to tell.


Subsequently, I saw a golden column in his hand!

In the Golden Radix, chaotic gas rolling, like a chaos!

At this time, as the inner world seeds appear, the heavens and earth rules around it seems to be affected!

At the same time, the outside world is endless high, a thunder, scratching the dark night.

This thunder is coming, and it is directly in front of Jiang Hao!

"Hey ~!"

In an instant, the ground rises a black smoke!

Jiang Hao was shocked, almost a kind of consciousness of the inner land, and retreat after Lianlian!

"Lying. Slot! What happened?"

He looked at the face of Focus, while looking up at the sky, it was vigorous, confused!

At this time, there is no endless air, the thunder bursts, the road lightning shuttle, a depressed breath filled the entire Tianhe City!

The situation seems to be more intensified, between a moment, alarmed countless!

Everyone looked up and looked at the obstacles that they felt a depressed breath. They couldn't help but confused in their hearts.

"What's wrong with this? How did I change my thunder?"

"How suddenly, I feel the heart is panic!"

"I am, is this? Is there anyone who wants to ferment into a fairy?"


Everyone talks!

At the same time, some of the martial arts people look at the irradiance of the violent in the endless altitude, but there is a facelessness.

"What is this going to the world?"

They also felt wrong.

Although they have the heart to find out, just watch the violent sky in the sky, can only give up this idea for the time being!

At this time, Jiang Hao frowned, looking at the violent sky in the sky, full of doubts.

Just then, the system reminded.

"The owner, this is the abnormal heaven and earth rules of the inner heaven and earth seeds have caused the exclusion of this world rules!"

Jiang Hao wondered, his face suddenly changed.

After the system reminds, he instantly understands and it is clear the seriousness of the situation.

Immediately, he quickly asked.

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