One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 288

This time, my own wedding fire is full, and it is too moving. It has attracted a lot of people!

Don't go, is it waiting to give people a monkey?

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 658 of the disregard, block

At the same time, there is no country in the country, the Buddha is originally waiting for the soul return.

However, at this time, he had a stinging in the sea, and then he is convenient to contact the soul!

One time, the Buddha is silent!

At the same time, with the silence of the Buddha, the air of the entire Buddha country is comparative.

It seems to feel the endless angeption of this silence, the Buddha is sitting down, and it is even more embarrassing!

At this moment, the Buddha is a little confused!

He left behind him, now, even he just passed a soul, and it was also destroyed.

And all, he doesn't know why it is.

Nowadays, the world has just recovered, but it is even more supported.

And those portions will never allow yourself to come to the world.

In this way, now he is now in this situation, and there is no knowledge!

Everything, it seems to be overturned!

Unknown is always uneasy!

The Buddha was caught in meditation.

"What happened to the world?"

"Who is it shot from my soul?"

"Is the Sword Emperor? Or too Shangqiao? Or ..."

Perhaps, he will never think of it, refining his origin, and destroying his soul will be a hanging!


At this point, Jiang Hao is happy.

Because the six-wheeled rounds finally found the soul of the Buddha.

This moment, the six rounds of rounds are fed back to a huge soul!

This kind of pure soul, surpassing any one of him, when it is really a Buddha's soul.

This time, I believe that as long as he completely absorbs this huge soul, his soul will be rising!

At this moment, he just wants to find a place, enjoy the quick way to improve the improvement. Sense.

However, at this time, the group of the previously rushing finally woke up from the shock.

When they saw the devil who swallowed the Buddha, they had a heart to blocked.

But just, Jiang Hao Zhang Duo's first scene of the Buddha is constantly playing back in their minds.

Jiang Hao Magi still saved, and suddenly a group of faces and faces, I don't know what to do.

In the end, the three monks headed seem to be determined, and the bottom is flashing.

They looked at each other and saw the dinner of the opponent's eyes.

Immediately, they looked at Jiang Hao who wanted to leave, and his eyes were unprecedented, this is the monk of the leader.

"All the brothers! Today, I will never let this magic you leave, otherwise the world will take the soul!"

"What more, the devil now does not seem to look, my Buddha is like it is like it!"

"Maybe, the magic is fighting with me, there is no excess force at all!"

"And now is the best time for me to demon!"

With this person's confusion, other monk's fear of Jiang Hao gradually dissipate, re-recover confidence.

Soon, other monks have also opened.

"The delayed brother is right! I am compassionate, never wait for this magic!"

"As the master said, this moment is definitely our best time, we must never miss it!"


In an instant, a monk recloses confidence, and quickly rushed to the leadership, delay, and the three monk leads up.

They quickly intercept Jiang Hao and wishes Jiang Haolun.

Jiang Hao stopped and looked at this group of monk, and it was also a moment of understanding.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 659 is ignorant, I don't know how to

Jiang Hao stopped and looked at this group of monk, and it was also a moment of understanding.

After all, I just swallowed the avatar of the Buddha in the face of people.

Just, he didn't expect that even the Buddha's soul he was suppressed, this group of small monks still dared to come up.

Suddenly, his mouth raised slightly.

In an instant, he knew it two, while guiding the soul to absorb the soul, but he would see what this group and what is still saying!

At this time, everyone around the dark saw a group and still surrounded the Jiang Haolian group and suddenly shocked.

On the other hand, the delay is on Jiang Hao, and suddenly, a face is sad and sorrowful.

"The donor, you entered the magic, let us take a trip!"

Surgery, Yan Zhen is the same as a sadness, facing Jiang Hao.

"The donor, your body, only my Buddha can suppress, for this world, please take us!"

At the same time, the delay on the side is also the same face, a true heart of the heart.

"The donor, the sea is endless, and it is shore!"


Jiang Hao went, shakes his head and smiled.

For this group of this group, Jiang Hao does not want to justify it.

After all, he swallowed people's Buddha, in their eyes, it is an independent magic.

They will not know that they are, but they have saved their lives!

However, he also dismissed to explain to a group of ignorant.

Jiang Hao looked at this group of monk, faint.

"Let's open! You are too weak!"

Immediately, I saw Jiang Hao waved in the hands, and I will hit the three little monk in front of him!

Just leave!

At this time, the delay suddenly felt humiliated, and the anger.

"The devil, where to go!"

"Teacher, putting 18 Luo Han, I have to fall to the demon for this day today!"

In an instant, the 18 small monk instantly put a variety of gestures, and jointly attacked Jiang Hao!

Jiang Hao felt the back of the wind and suddenly became anger.

"When I really don't know!"

It happened at this time that his soul absorbed a lot of intensive soul, and his cultivation began to break through.

"Boom ~! Boom ~!"

With the two roars, Jiang Hao 's soul is directly across the five big martial arts, and enter the Six major martial arts!

In an instant, an endless energy fluctuation instantly radiated from Jiang Hao as a center!

This is, the 18th small monk that is increasing to attack Jiang Hawei to Jiang Shihan, and suddenly the face is changed.

However, everything is too late, the delay is just a shouting.

"not good!"

"Boom ~!"

Next, the 18 small monk was swept away.

Sleeping and other people only feel that they are like being raised by the train.


In an instant, they had a sweet throat and sprayed a blood.

Then I broke out countless trees and fell to the ground.

At this moment, they climbed to the ground and somewhat suspected of life.

What did they just be hired by a gas machine?

It's not good, most of the power of the devil is against the Buddha, there is no extra force?

But why have a kind of Buddha that has already been digested by the devil.

At this moment, there is such a moment, they never want it.

And this scene is even more exciting to hidden in the dark!

Everyone directly touches a breath!

"Hey ~!"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 660 is away, the power of the source

At this time, Jiang Hao gathered a strong breath, surrounded by around, and saw many monks that were struggling between the woods and snorted.

"Hey! I don't self-power!"

Immediately, he stepped through a few times, and the blink of an eye disappeared!

Jiang Hao left for a long time, and the crowd came from the dark.

They looked at Jiang Hao left the direction, and they looked back at the heart of the past.

Suddenly, I will definitely struggle with Jiang Hao.


On the other hand, Jiang Hao rushed to the other side and the other side began to communicate the system.

After all, his main harvest this time, the power of the unit is still stored in the system space.

However, for this source of power, he has too many doubts.

Nowadays, only the system can solve him.

In this way, Jiang Hao asked his doubts!

"What is the power of the system?"

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