One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Episode 291

The prompt of the system constantly sounds.

As Jiang Hao is fully engraving, there is a unusual illusion of unsuccessful swords over the landscape, and the sword is not strong.

At the same time, far in the center of the sword, a tall and straight figure, this person is in a black golden robe, with a knife, and the temperament is free.

He revealed that he did not sword with heaven, he is like the emperor in the sword, making Wan Jianchen service.

In the unpailed sword world, countless swords are all in this person, he is the Sword Emperor!

However, at this time, this wake up suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, the two swords were shot from his eyes and suddenly broke through the void.

At the same time, he is surging in the sword, and there is a sword in the sword world.

"Who is moving with the sword of swords left in the year?"

A cold and indifferent sound in the unposterer

The Jian Di was silent, and he immediately flashed a short shore.

I will make a decision, I saw him open.

"For, let's fight! Left and right is just a step chess in the next year!"

"I have a sword, I can break the law!"

He is extremely confident, confident to any conspiracy!

When you say, he has fallen into a quiet!


At this time, the human world is on the mountain!

A disciple of Lushan is sad and surrounded by a sense of lone sword, looking at the elderly in an instant, and some people cry.

Some people look to Jiang Hao's figure, full of hate, sadness.

"All the brothers, we must kill this family, revenge for palm!"

In this case, I suddenly attracted the resonance of many disciples.

"Just, it is! I can't make this!"

"I will be too old, I have to make this mad at the price!"


"Cough ~ Cough ~"

At this moment, the sword woke up from the coma, pulled the disciple that was ready to go back to move the soldiers.

I only see him is weak and open.

"Don't, no ...!"

He really feels that Jiang Hou's huge gas machine, it is never they can provoke.

I saw it in Jiang Hao, and the bottom was flashed.

What's more, he has already left his hand!

Thinking of this, solitary swords have exposed a bitter smile.

The response of the solitary sword instantly made many disciples of the mountains, some disciples did not understand.

Only a few people are in the body of Siqi and Jiang Hao.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 666 Decomposition, Surprise

On the other hand, Jiang Hao is not intentionally oriented alone, but all the attention of all the attention has become unrelenting to the landscape.

At the same time, his heart is even more than 120,000 vigilant.

Before, it was because he destroyed the plan of the Buddha, and the Buddha was suddenly cited.

Today, I have destroyed a big plan again. I am afraid that the big can have a heartbeat, saying that I will drop a soul at any time, give him a hit, he must be vigilant.

However, there is no other movement left and so on.

This makes him very confused.

"Is this big can know the news from the Buddha, so don't intend to distinguish the soul?"

Jiang Hao guess.

Waiting for a long time, Jiang Hao decided to completely swallow this.

Immediately, he immediately enabled the taboked magic - French sky!

In an instant, I saw him avatar as a giant, and then flew away, directly close to the Tianjian imaginary shadow over the mountains and the town.

Next moment, he directly opened the world, and he bluntly covered the sky and shrouded the sky.

In an instant, there will be no in the sky and the imaginary shadow and the town demon tower vain.

Such a feat, suddenly stunned a group of disciples.

They looked at the sky in a stunned sky, the shadow of the sky, will not be in the scene of the sky and the vain of the town.

"Hey, is this a giant spirit?"

"Lying. Tell, what is it?"

"This person, is it a fairy?"


In an instant, everyone talked about it.

At the same time, they are now faintly understand, why don't you let them revenge!

Such a strong opponent, I am afraid it is tied to everyone up and down the mountains, and it is not his opponent.

They also got it only!

At this time, Jiang Hao detained the Tianjian Immediate and Tao Tower in the world, he began to communicate in the system.

Command the system to decompose as soon as possible, so as not to cause damage to his inner heaven.

"System, give me a decomposition!"

"Yes, host!"

Subsequent, the system's prompts sound two in three.

"Hey, congratulations to decompose a lot of abnormal energy, get 0.2 units of the power, get the skill point 500, experience point 500!"

"Hey, the decomposition town demon tower is successful, gains the eight-character measures" The soul of the soul ", get the skill point 500, experience points 500!"

"The Soul of the Soul": This practice is designed for ghosts, you can have a soul, gather your suffocating, and condense the best level of special attributes such as calendering!

"Hey, this decomposition is completed, is it a fusion?"

As the system's suggestion, Jiang Hao noticed that this decomposition did an unexpected harvest.

His face revealed an accident, but when he saw the system's annotation, he suddenly was ecstatic.

During this time, how did he rapidly improve his 30,000 .

After all, they were sent to the lonely ghosts who were stuck in the world, and they were too low, they were too low!

The result is now, I'm sleeping, the system will send a pillow.

This "Town Soul" can be described as a special for them.

After all, they specialize in the ghosts of the people, these ghosts have a rich suffocation, just as they improve the grain of the cultivation.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 667 surprises, rewards, war souls, breakthrough

"Hey, but unfortunately, there is no big energy!"

"The end of the big soul is powerful, just a soul, you can make my God Tao to improve several levels!"

Jiang Hao said, suddenly a pity!

Just, how can you listen to this unpacking!

In this way, Jiang Hao took the wish and won a pure source of the unit, while surprisingly got a high-level exercise!

The purpose of his trip is reached, and it will not stay for a long time. I saw him torn to the stream, and several breathing disappeared!

After the Lushan down, Jiang Hao has also rushed to Kunlun, Emei and other famous mountains.

However, unfortunately, when he arrived, the variation of other localities has dissipated, he can only run alone.

Helpless, he had to return to the land house.

After returning to the country, Jiang Hao did not expect that the 30,000 yin soldiers who had just recruited gave themselves a big surprise.

It turned out that during this time, he sent a lot of ghost and many lonely ghosts.

After Jiang Hao learned, it was even more enjoyable.

Under this hand, there is no white trick!

After happy, Jiang Hao has got yourself to get the first floor of "The Soul of the Soul" as a reward, and the respective rewards have given the soul of performance convex.

Suddenly, when the soul of "the soul of the soul" learned, this is actually the best practice of the department.

Suddenly these battle souls are more grateful to Jiang Hao, and decided to swear.

And those who have not got "the soul of the soul" is more expensive.

Seeing this effect, Jiang Hao is also very satisfied.

With a meal, I will change the heart of 30,000 battles. Such trading is that Jiang Hao is coming, it is simply earned.

Subsequently, Jiang Hao real exhibition is the field, and the ghosts will be arrested, and they are fluid, and they will be transformed into pure Yin gas.

Get a large amount of pure yin, the plot of the six-way rounds is a lot of instant growth, and the existence of the six products!

(The magic weapon is divided into the martial arts, respectively, the iron, fine iron, the instrument, the spirit, the king, the royale, the empire, the emperor, the fairy, the jigner.)

In addition to the source of the six-wheeled rounds is the heaven and earth from the heavens.

Therefore, you must not look at the six rounds of rounds of usual.

At the same time, as the six-wheeled rounds become six products, when it is, when it is, it has pushed more yin, and the agglomeration of the land house is accelerating.

At the same time, a large number of residual souls after the ghosts have been abrasive, purify, and finally feedback on the endless sterile soul!

Jiang Hao took these sterile souls with the help of the six rounds of cycle to break the two bottlenecks, and his Shenxiao was successfully broken through the nine-order Martialist!

"Finally broke through the nine-order martial arts!"

Jiang Hao sighed.

However, then he felt that he was still in the four-piece Dafu Shishi, the brow was wrinkled, and he belked from the voice.

"This is not good!"

His Shencao Xi and the martial arts were too big.

Slightly make sink, Jiang Hao open mouth.

"It seems that I have to go all out to improve the martialo!"

He decided to temporarily stop the Shencao cultivation and strike the martial arts.

Take as much as possible to narrow the spacing between his God and the martial arts.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 668 intends to upgrade

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