One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposing System One-click Upgrade Chapter 299

He swallowed him and started peace of mind.

With the blood of the blood, suddenly burst into the body in the morning, in the morning, in an instant, Jiang Yichen, the blood gas, the blood gas, has been supplemented.

At the same time, he originally a slightly pale face gradually changed.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 685 breaks through, and the challenge begins

The power of strong blood is in his body, and even under the impact of this qi, he is broken in the fifth-order martial artist's bottleneck.

"Boom ~!"

Jiang Yichen was in a big array, and a powerful momentum was essayed from him.

His martial arts was built to break through the martial arts sixth order!

After a while, Jiang Yichen stabilized, and then slowly opened his eyes and exited from the cultivation state.

After waking up, Jiang Yichen felt the powerful strength in the body, as well as the body that completely replied, and he suddenly became ecstatic.

He called his face.

"Table brother, I broke through!"

Jiang Hao heard, just nodded, laughing.

After all, now, a martial arts, he is not in the eyes!

Jiang Yichen surprised, suddenly remembered that Jiang Hao has just given him three qi Dan!

One grain will make the original weak, and even break a small bottleneck!

This is strong.

And the power of this gods must be very precious?

I think so, Jiang Yichen suddenly hit the remaining two qi Dan to Jiang Hao, and hurriedly opened.

"Brother, this god Dan is too precious, I have wasted a piece, I can't want it again!"

Jiang Hao wondered, a little laughed, and then put Jiang Yichen's Dan medicine was stuffed into his hand, and smiled and opened his mouth.

"I will give you, I will hold it, and qi Dan is not as strong as you think!"

"In fact, you have experienced many battles, have reached the edge of breakthrough, and blood Dan happens to just give you a breakthrough!"

Jiang Yichen heard the words, looked at Jiang Hao, and then asked the words.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao helidly smiled and licked the head of ginger in the morning, opening the mouth.


Jiang Yichen saw this, this only peacefully collects two qi and blood.

Looking at Jiang Yichen, who was excited because of the breakthrough, Jiang Hao suddenly remembered the positive of Du Jia.

Not coming from the corner of the mouth.


In the blink of an eye, I went to the next day.

On the Oriental Square of Wulin City, some news of Sing Tong's melon people have ran over and wait for eating melon!

"I heard it, the genius young grandfather in a while will accept the challenge of the enchanting Wu Li Yinchen!"

"Oh? These two can be genius! I don't know who they are strong?"

"I guess it should be some son of Du Jia's son. After all, Wu Li Jiang Yichen is too small.

His light cultivation spent a lot of time, which has excess time and people fight.

In this way, he has no combat experience! Even if it is repaired. "


Around the square, a person who has eating melon has already disclosed.

In the middle of the square, a platform has already been built.

Time passed, fast at 8 o'clock, there is already a mountain in the square.

After all, Yesterday, Du Jia, the trial, the whole martial arts, the whole martial arts.

Basically, many people know.

And the contest between the two geniuses is already very attractive!

Soon, the scene suddenly came from a surprise.

A road is separated from the crowd, and the other Du Xiong all the way to the other of the martial arts city told the viewing seat to the side.

Look at that look, it seems that you have already gambling this challenge, your son will win.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 686 is late, the protagonist is always finally played.

Du Xiong came to the auditorium with a big man.

At this time, I walked out of a young man from Du Zi.

He came out and greeted his hand on his daddy, and smiled and opened his mouth.

"Uncle Uncle, you will talk first, the sea wave is ready first!"

Several big , smile and open.

"go Go!"

"Xian Yan has a cactoscience!"


Du Haibo boarded the platform, and the place where the site was sitting and preparing for the next battle.

Although the father said that Wu Erthracish is hurt, it is not his opponent at all, but he will not be angry with this.

No matter whether there is no injury to the martial arts, he will go to defeat him, so you can prove that you are never bad than that of the martial art!

In this way, it is 9 o'clock in the eye, and the mental state of Duhaio on the platform has reached the peak.

However, his opponent has not yet appeared!

Time is a very much consumption for Duhai waves that keep the mental state in the peak.

At the same time, this also makes him condense the momentum continuously.

Time passed a meeting, Jiang Yichen has not yet appeared in the square, and there is a bit impatient and begins to discuss.

"This is a few, how is Wu Tin Yin Chen still come yet? Is it?"

"Just! Laozi has been waiting for a long time, and others have not woken up!"

"What kind of mood, I see it is a bag!"


On the side of the audience, a few big men are also unpads.

And the Du family is a little complex.

He thought that Jiang Yichen is best injured and cannot come.

He also wants Jiang Yichen to be injured and not too heavy, challenge his son, and finally send him a burial by himself.

But he refused to think, if Jiang Yichen is not too heavy, if his son is lost?

In fact, he is not good!

In the blink of an eye, 9:30, everyone has waited for some impatient!

At this moment, the crowd came from a champion, and the nearby crowd automatically separated a road.

somebody is coming.

When everyone saw people, suddenly burst.

"It's Wu Tin Yin Chen, he is coming!"

Yes, come to Jiang Yichen!

It turns out that he wants to come in advance!

It is Jiang Hao, he dragged his brother, saying that the protagonist is finally played!

So I am grinding now!

At this time, Jiang Yichen's arrival, instantly pushed the scene atmosphere to a high. Trow!

Jiang Yichen arrived, Du Xiong quickly looked over and wanted to explore his virtual truth.

However, when he saw that Jiang Yichen's face was slightly pale, and at the same time, he was a little confusing.

Yesterday, since Jiang Yichen took the injury to the injury, he did no news from the killer of the enemy of the enemy in the morning.

This makes him very worried!

After all, it is the sneak attack of five martial arts.

No matter how Jiang Yichen escaped from their hands, this is already established facts!

And this is not distant, Jiang Hao is really very powerful!

So, can my son beat him?

Du Xiong didn't know.

However, he didn't know that those who did not want to teach Jiang Yichen.

Say to give some people a surprise.

At this time, Jiang Yichen mounted on the ring under the eyes of everyone.

On the ring, Waiting for the long-awaited Duhai wave woke up from the meditation, got up and looked at Jiang Yichen.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 687

"You finally came!"

Du Haibo opens.

Jiang Yichen scratched his head, revealing a laugh, and then opened.

"You are very powerful, I just want to talk to you, there is nothing else!"

Du Haibo saw this, but frowning did not expect the martial arts of the outside world to become a little ... awkward!

Perhaps, this is what he is installed, the purpose is to let the opponent relaxive?

In an instant, Duhai waves turned his thundering, and the brain added countless content. At the same time, he was more cautious to Jiang Yichen!

However, I don't think about these now!

He is old to Jiang Yichen, serious.

"let's start!"

"Let me lead to Wuyu, who has been famous for a long time, is not named!"

After that, he pushed a few steps, and the momentum of the moment was homogeneous.

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