One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 39

Jiang Hao asked with the mouth, just, who knows, his casual question, let him find another new function of the system!

"Hey, host, this person has no cold virus, which is extremely healthy!"


"Do you still see a doctor?"

"Hey, host, this system does not have this function, this is the system's scanning function!"

At this time, Jiang Hao learned that Zhou Chi did not have a cold, he suddenly understood!

Zhou Tong This person is definitely seen the value of super cold medicine, ready to take it to let his parents study!

In this case, how can he buy a super cold medicine?

At this time, he apologized and went to Zhou Tongdao.

"That is very sorry, last time my mother has bought two capsules, I have already been eaten by me, and the last grain is just being eaten by Yuan Teacher!"

Jiang Hao's voice just falls, Zhou Tong's expectations, instantly stiff!

And Jiang Hao's answer, even the students on the side are also surprised!

"Hey, how do you suddenly don't open it? One thousand pieces are not! Even if I got it, I will buy a few tablets, turn a turn, it is a lot of money!"

"Just! It seems that I am not good at things!"

"Lying. Slot, Jiang Hao is stupid?"


Jiang Hao's answer, let everyone think that they have been wrong!

At this time, Zhou Tong also responded.

He has a smile on his face and then opens to Jiang Hao.

"That didn't matter Jiang Hao classmates. Do you want you to give me the location of the pharmacy? I went to buy a few capsules at noon!"

The pharmacy is from Jiang Hao to make a drug store.

Sure enough, I am lying, you need countless pontiants to circle you before.

Jiang Hao is very difficult, open mouth.

"That, this medicine is my mother to buy it, I don't know where she bought it!"

Jiang Hao's rejection, let Zhou Tong are very suspicious.

"Don't my purpose are wearing it?"

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 88 is 10,000, not

At this time, Zhou Tong, who is clear that the super cold drug value is rejected by Jiang Hao, but he is not so easy to give up!

"Oh, if this is the case, can I ask Jiang Hao to help?"

If Jiang Hao is promised, he will open it again.

"Jiang Hao students go home at night, can you ask the pharmacy to buy this medicine, tell me tomorrow, I will buy a few capsules?"

At this time, Jiang Hao At this time, Zhou Tong's impression is getting worse.

"Well! I went home at home at night, but it was already a long time, maybe my mother forgot!"

Jiang Haoyang is equipped with it!

Zhou Tong Wen said, and suddenly opened the way.

"That's more thanks to Jianghao classmates!"

"However, what I said is still effective, I am willing to have a thousand!"

However, Jiang Hao listened, did not show more enthusiastic!

Zhou Tong leaving, Jiang Hao squatted on the table and went to sleep.

However, this is not true.

After this, he found that he seems to really underestimate the value of system synthetic drugs!

"In this case, it seems that my college entrance examination is over, I can report medical skills when I apply for professional!

Besides, there is a system in hand, medicine is not very difficult to me!

When I got a certain basis for pharmaceutics, I took out the super cold medicine, super painkiller, and even super anticancer drugs.

At that time, everything will be water to the stream! "

I think that Jiang Hao feels that he seems to find a Kangzhuang Avenue!


Soon, ordinary days have passed, and the days from the college entrance examination are closer!

The next day, Jiang Hao came to the past, and came to the school and went to sleep on the table.

This is, he felt that someone pushed himself.

"Jiang Hao classmates? Jiang Hao classmates?"

After Jiang Hao opened his eyes, it was found that Zhou Tong!

Zhou Tong saw Jiang Hao Su Xi, and his face apologized.

"That bothered! Jiang Hao classmates!"

"I don't know if you help me ask a grandmother yesterday?"

In fact, Jiang Hao saw Zhou Tong. When I first thought that Zhou Tong should be for this matter!

Just, he didn't expect that Zhou Tong's super cold medicine was so angry with his own super cold medicine!

And this also allows Jiang Hao to determine, Zhou Tong wants to have its own super cold medicine is never simple!

However, Jiang Hao, who knows the truth, but let him down!

"That Zhou Tong classmate, I am very sorry! I asked my mother last night. My mom said, she also forgot to buy it!"

Jiang Hao's words, so that Zhou Tong, who is expected to be expected, is suddenly stiff!

"This, what can this?"

"It's going to college entrance examination, I can't get a cold, I will definitely affect me!"

Zhou Tong put anxious, I want to win Jiang Hao's sympathy!

"That Jiang Hao classmate, is your cold medicine really gone? If there is, please see a copy of our classmates, help me!

Good price is good, as long as you have medicine, one hundred thousand pieces are not! "

Zhou Tong's big hand, let Jiang Hao are also surprised, almost did not hold back and promised!

At the same time, the classmates around Jiang Hao heard Zhou Tong's conditions and suddenly shocked!

"One piece 10,000?"

"This, is this a fairy medicine?"

"Hey, will n't it be a crazy?"


Why can't they imagine, but a cold medicine, why Zhou Tong is not to attach Jiang Hao's cold medicine?

However, only Jiang Hao is so persistent that Zhou Tong is so persistent.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 89 Domineering Jiang Hao, Zhou Tong

Zhou Tong San Fan is disturbed, let Jiang Hao have reached the upper limit of Zhou Tong's endurance.

Jiang Hao frowned and stared at Zhou Tong, and then couldn't help.

"Zhou Tong, you don't think about it in a bad fee!

I see your face, rustic, my eyes have God, the sound is loud, there is no cold symptom, you don't have it!

As for the kind of cold medicine, you don't have to eat! Its idea is to play less! "

Jiang Hao's warning made Zhou Child happiest, but soon, with Jiang Hao's voice, he quickly installed a vocal innocent look.

"Jiang Hao, what are you talking about? How do I understand, I just want to buy a cold medicine, what do I play?"

Since you don't buy it, you will so silence me! "

Zhou Tong put a pair is very grievances!

However, Jiang Hao has dismissed him arbitrarily.

"Okay, you can roll, what I said, you know it yourself!"

Don't give me the fake, when a female group, I still want to have a good fortune! "


Jiang Hao's eyes showed a slave, and the cold channel warned.

Zhou Tong was aroused by Jiang Hao, and the face of a breath was a burst of red!

At this time, when he was prepared by Hu, he suddenly, he saw Jiang Hao with the eyes of Feng Mang, suddenly remembered Qin Shou!

When Qin Shou was interrupted by Jiang Hao, when his father returned to Jiang Hao, it was directly complete!

This matter is basically no secret in the Tianhe City.

Although my home is slightly powerful in this day, I can't compare with Qin family!

Thinking of this, between the moment, under the eyes of Jiang Hao cold eyes, Zhou Tong!

Zhou Tong didn't have a lot of words, sweeping turned and walked!

And the people around the truth, see Zhou Tong after being stinking in Jiang Hao, and even ying!

They are somewhat unclear, and some have listened to a problem from the dialogue of the two, and I will understand it.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, the original, Zhou Tong is too sinister?"

"Wow, Jiang Xue hegemony is domineering!"


Regardless of the crowd of the discussion, Jiang Hao slammed the Zhou Tong who didn't face his face, and he went to the system!

"System, open my personal information panel!"

Host: Jiang Hao

Level: 2 (71.3100)

Age: 18

Power: 8

Agile: 2.8

Spirit: 2.2

Endurance: 0.8

Skills: Shengu 1 (010), swimming 3 (0100), playing dog rod 3 (0100), hacker level 5 (01000)

Universities: Dangerous Perception Level 2 (010), Juli Level 1 (010)

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