One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-click Upgrade Chapter 60

"Miss Xue, don't worry, wait until the dishes, I promise that my business will not let Xue are disappointed!"

Xue Ziyan did interested by Jiang Hao's mysterious behavior.

"Oh, when Mr. Jiang is so mysterious!"

Jiang Hao is laughing.

Xue Ziyu is inconvenient to ask.

Silence, Jiang Hao suddenly asked.

"Miss Xue, should there be a bath here?"

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Chapter 136 Xue Ziyu's doubt, understand the shock after

Xue Ziyi heard a word, I feel inexplicable, but he still replied.


"That's good!"

Jiang Hao returned to a sentence, and closed his eyes, and Xue Ziyi was depressed.

Looking at such Jiang Hao, she has some doubts her charm!

Soon, the dishes were sent!

Jiang Ha took the chopsticks and won a little taste, then shook his head, he did not send, let go of chopsticks!

At this time, he took out the variant of the variation from his bag, and he handed a waiter in Xue Ziyu's strange eyes.

"Trouble makes your rear kitchen to do the same dish for me!"

The waiter's little sister looked at Jiang Hao with a weird, reached out, took the dish of Jiang Haol, and some did not know how to look at Xue Ziyan!

He has never seen it to eat and take food!

Although Xue Ziyu didn't know what Jiang Hao made anything, he still opened!

"Go, let Zhao Master have worked hard!"

Get the order of Xue Ziyan, the waiter's little sister will come to take the variant vegetables, go to the back!

Originally, the ingredients of the Tianfu Building were in their own channels. They never accepted foreign ingredients, let alone customers comes with!

However, with Xue Ziyu is here, everything is not a sentence!

Twenty minutes have passed, the vegetables are ended!

Jiang Hao looked a smile and made a posture for Xue Ziyan!

Xue Ziyu took doubts and picked up chopsticks and tasted the dishes on the side!

With the entrance to the dishes, a rich special fragrance explosives in her mouth!

This kind of fragrance allowed her to have a lot of appetite. She couldn't help but eat a few mouthfuls!

Subsequently, Xue Ziyi was sorry.

Suddenly, he seems to think about what, then she has been trying to taste the vegetables on the previous end.

This dish just imported, Xue Ziyi didn't bite two, she wrinkled and spit it out.

She is shocked, the same dishes, and the same chef, but why will this taste have such a big gap?

At this time, she suddenly remembered that Jiang Hao had just coming into the vegetables, her eyes suddenly lit, and quickly looked up to Jiang Hao!

"Mr. Jiang, the vegetables you just have ..."

Xue Ziyu is looking forward to looking at Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao is not only unsuccessful, but also doing the vegetarian vegetables with variant vegetables!

"The craft is a difference, but it doesn't affect the contrast!"

At this time, he saw Xue Ziyu and said.

"Miss Xue must feel this gap?"

Xue Ziyi did not disturb, waiting for Jiang Hao to say, Jiang Hao is as he is willing.

"This is the new variety of vegetables I study, and the taste is more delicious than one of the vegetables!

This variant vegetable just appeared, so I need to find a batch of buyers!

And one of the small shareholders of the Tianfu Building, of course, the first choice! "

"Just, I don't know how to do this business."

Said, Jiang Hao looked at Xue Ziyan!

And Xue Ziyi is also shocked.

She didn't listen to it wrong? This turned out to study Jiang Hao himself?

Is this a high school student?

I am afraid that the country's national treasures researchers may not be?

However, she thinks that this high school student can be a kitchen road, she is not so shocked.

"Miss Xue, is there interesting to do this business?"

Jiang Hao saw Xue Ziyu, who was god, reminded.

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Chapter 137 is more than 100 million, however, is more than 100 million?

Xue Ziyi was awakened and quickly opened.

"Yes, there is!"

"I am willing to bid a price of 50 million, buy Mr. Jiang, these variation of vegetable seeds!"

Xue Ziyan is about 50 million!

However, Jiang Hao only looked at Xue Zi, smiling and didn't talk!

Although there are more than 50 million, he has not said that the biggest characteristics of these variation of vegetables have not yet!

If Xue Ziyi knows, the Chinese cabbage she eats has a very powerful beauty of beauty!

I am afraid she will not only be 50 million, I want to buy these five variation of vegetable seeds!

At that time, 50 million probably even one of the variation of variation of vegetables is not enough!

Xue Ziyan saw his bid, and did not let Jiang Hao satisfied, slightly silent, Xue Ziyan opened again.

"So, Mr. Jiang, I am 100 million, how is the five variation of vegetable seeds?"

At the end, Xue Ziyu was tight.

"If Mr. Jiang is still dissatisfied with this price, Ziyu has no way!"

Xue Ziyan opened again, and it turned out to double the price.

If the variation of vegetables are just a huge change, he may say that he promised!

However, reality is not this!

Jiang Hao's silence, let Xue Zi frowned.

She feels that Jiang Hao is too greedy!

However, at this time, Jiang Hao looked at the time, then revealed a confident smile on his face, looked at Xue Ziyu!

"Miss Xue did not feel sticky, very uncomfortable?"

Xue Ziyan wrote a word, suddenly shocked.

After Jiang Hao reminded, she seems really feeling some uncomfortable, and there is a sweat!

"Miss Xue went to take a shower, let's wait again!"

In that moment, Xue Ziyan thought that Jiang Hao gave him medicine!

However, look at Jiang Hao, she abandoned this idea.

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang is a little, I will come!"

Xue Ziyi apologizes apologizes.

Jiang Hao did not say much!


Soon, I have passed an hour between it, Xue Ziyan finally came late!

This time, Xue Ziyi rushed to come over, and looked at Jiang Hao with shocked!

"Mr. Jiang, what is going on?"

Jiang Hao wondered, smiled slightly, it seems that Xue Ziyi has discovered it!

Jiang Hao stretched out a hand gesture, Xue Ziyu sat down, Jiang Hao opened.

"If you want, Miss Xue has discovered!"

"Yes, my variant vegetables are not only ten times more delicious than one of them.

Even each variant vegetable has another very powerful attribute!

"Variant Chinese cabbage has a horrible beauty, I think Miss Xue has already felt, don't tell me more!"

Jiang Hao said, Xue Ziyu on the side was shocked!

Although she had guess when she took a shower, now she is still incredible from Jiang Haofang.

Subsequently, Jiang Hao had a special introduction to other four variation of vegetables!

Xue Ziyi, who heard Jiang Hao, thought that he listened to the magical story.

However, she has just experienced the fake!

Silent, Xue Ziyan apologized to Jiang Hao.

"I am sorry for Mr. Jiang, it is Ziyi's belly of the heart of the villain!"

"Just, I don't know why Mr. Jiang is going to do?"

At this time, she has realized that the prices before you are really not enough!

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 138 shocked, shocked to suspect life

Jiang Hao is also silent!

How to do this business?

He is a little hesitant!

Originally, he wanted to plant these variants and vegetables, but sold these variants to the Tianfu Tower.

However, he turned to think that he did not seem to plant a large area of ​​places!

If there is less, he will not come.

If you have more, he must ask workers, and there are many problems such as land.

Today, Xue Ziyan has already seen the power of variability, it is better to put all these questions to Xue Ziyi!

Moreover, variant vegetable seeds are from the system there, go to the species!

The seeds of the vegetables that are seed species cannot be planted again!

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