One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 75

"That, I just have seen it on my mobile phone!"


Jiang Dad believes that Jiang Hao passed the past, while leaving, even the cold sweat on the forehead!


Jiang Hao has eaten breakfast, Jiang Hao once again called out his system panel to see it!

Looking at the various data on the system panel, the other items can be, but the endurance column is particularly glaring!

Jiang Hao's eye wrinkled, muttered.

"Other properties are not mentioned, my endurance properties are too low!"

"The endurance value is not enough, the impact on my own strength is very much!"

"I used to finish the frame, I always felt a bit of chest, even after I sent the small Li Fei knife yesterday, I feel sighful!

I haven't worried it, I seem to be that my endurance is not caused! "

"The normal endurance value of adults is 1, I just 0.8, even the normal value is not reached, it is no wonder!"

Jiang Hao missed the scene after having a few times.

He broke out in a short period of time, which really consumed his endurance value!

"But how can I increase my endurance value?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao is hard, after a while, Jiang Hao is once again.

"Maybe you can increase my endurance?"

"Do you want me to try?"

I think about it, Jiang Hao decided to try it!

In exchange for a sportswear, Jiang Hao will go out!

Choosing the road to the park, Jiang Hao began his long-distance trip!

After an hour, Jiang Hao stopped.

Seeing the small soldiers in front of you, Jiang Hao was thirsty, Jiang Hao dragged the tired body.

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Chapter 170, decomposing a can of red cattle

"Boss, come to the bottle of red cattle!"

"Good! Your red cattle, five!"

Jiang Hao passed the red bull who handed over the boss, and took five points from the pocket!

Jiang Hao turned, opened the red cattle while going to take the red cattle, just prepared to drink a few mouthfuls to add energy!

Suddenly, a voice was in Jiang Hao brain.

"Hey, find a bottle of red cattle, is it broken down?"

Jiang Hao said.

But soon, he responded!

So, Jiang Hao turned and returned to the small selling department!

The boss of the small selling department is a middle-aged woman. When Jiang Hao is coming back, he smiled and asked.

"Young guy, what else needs?"

Jiang Hao is also laughing, opening a mouthway.

"Auntie, there is a little thirst today, give me three cans of red cattle!"


The boss turned to Jiang Hao and took three cans of red cattle!

Jiang Hao gave money, took over the Red Niu turned and found a bench under the park in the park!

After taking out a can of the red cattle, Jiang Hao can't wait to call the system.

"System, decompose me!"

As Jiang Hao's order, he is looking forward to waiting.

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition of a can of Red Bull success, gaining an endurance pill, gaining a technical point 0.9, experience point 0.9!"

Endurance Pills: Increased endurance, the endurance, the food can increase the endurance 0.1!

"Is the decomposition completed, is it extracted?"

Seeing the annotation of the endurance pill, Jiang Hao is ecstatic!

Originally, he still worried that his endurance is not enough. Who knows, this moment he actually decided to specifically increase the endurance properties!

Although a endurance pill can only increase his endurance of his 0.1, Jiang Hao doesn't care about this!

Quality is not good, the quantity is coming!


Jiang Hao is busy told.

Next, his hand has a flat black pill!

Looking at this flat pill, Jiang Hao has no hesitation, swallowing directly!

The endurance pill is instant, and then Jiang Hao only feels a short thing. At the same time, his breath is slightly long!

Even the sturdy sequelae he just ran quickly disappeared!

Jiang Hao is busy to come to your own property panel!

Sure enough, in the few columns of his physical fitness, his endurance attributes have risen!

Originally his endurance attribute value is only 0.8, now it has become 0.9!

Seeing the endurance value that started, Jiang Hao is happy, and even a can of the red cattle from the food pocket!

"break down!"

"Hey, congratulations to the main decomposition failed, get the skill point 0.1, experience point 0.1!"

Decomposition of this failure, although Jiang Hao has regretted, but did not care too much, after all, the system's decomposition is not 100% success!

He took a can again!

System, decomposition! "


Soon, his face revealed a smile.

There is no doubt that he succeeded this time!

After swallowing this new endurance pill, Jiang Hao is ready to go home and buy more red cattle downstairs, brush your own data!

He picked up the last cup of red cow, after opening a bite, is preparing to go home!

However, at this time, he suddenly was attracted to the old man in a tree in a tree!

Jiang Hao looked at the old man and continued to walk under the tree, showing various postures, it seems like being practicing?

With curiosity, Jiang Hao took straight to the past!

Soon, Jiang Haoyi came to sit next to the counl of the young people in the Qingshan old.

I like the super decomposition system one-click upgrade, please collect: (untrained) Super Decomposition System One-button upgrade

Chapter 171 does have a true koaf in the world, installing his father

Jiang Hao looked at this crane childhood, the spiritual old man was slowly placed in various postures, he could not help but guess.

"Is this Tai Chi?"

"Just, is this that really doesn't have the Taijiquan that can be dial in four or two?"

Jiang Hao quietly sat there, and the green shirt was looking at Jiang Hao when he came over, but he did not avoid it!

It is still practiced by a person.

On the other side, under a tree, two of the two sturdy, the sharp-eyed young man stared at Jiang Hao, tightly, touch it on the back!

I believe that as long as Jiang Hao has any power, they will do it in the first time!

At this time, one of them suddenly opened!

"Old eight, do we want to drive away?"

"Don't impuls, old nine!

The father did not speak, we were inconvenient to shoot, then said, the horror of the old man, you should know! "

At this time, the old nine seems to think about what, flashing a fear, look at the old people who practice martial arts, and is full of worship.

"It is!"

At this time, Jiang Hao sitting on the bench suddenly felt a peep.

Jiang Hao's eye wrinkled, suddenly turned, his eyes were extremely sharp, and the old eight, the old nine!

The old eight nine is also a shock, and it is easy to remove the eyes.

"Old eight, he seems to find us!"


At this time, Jiang Hao puzzled.

"Who are they?"

Just then, the old people in the blue shirt seem to practice, slowly collected!

Subsequently, he was straight to Jiang Hao, and Jiang Haorton was sinking, thinking that the old man is to reprimand him.

After all, peeking people practicing, it is really wrong!

At the old man, I came to Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao's face was red, and I quickly went to you.

"Sorry, grandfather, bother you!"

The old people in the blue shirt smiled slightly in Jiang Hao.


"You have seen it for a long time, what did you see?"

Jiang Hao heard, some doubts, I don't know what he is asking!

Jiang Hao wanted, and he tried his opening.

"The grandfather is just the Taijiquan?"

"Well, is there?"

"and also?"

Jiang Hao looked at the old head, but the old man nodded.

Jiang Hao suddenly depressed!

What else?

On the other side, I saw this, some disappointed shook his head.

At this time, the old man is going to go!

Jiang Hao saw this, quickly opened, asked a question that has been sleepy!

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