One-click upgrade of super decomposition system

Super Decomposition System One-button Upgrade Chapter 78

Before Jiang Hao reached the taxi, the driver and Guo Yisu were stunned to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's face is calm!

"Master, let's go!"

The driver was waken.

"Oh? Good, right!"

The second division a few minutes' drive, the atmosphere in the car is not comparative!

The driver master has repeatedly intended to see Jiang Hao through the rearview mirror!

Jiang Hao side, Guo Yizhen also sneaked with this cousin from time to time!

Although her mother is not with a aunt, she rarely came here, but according to the current technology, they can contact the feelings through various electronic devices.

Therefore, she always has a good relationship with my aunt.

Just, she asked the cousin for the first time, she actually couldn't understand this and her cousin who had been familiar with!

However, Jiang Hao is also very depressed at this time, do you not teach a metamorphosis?

Why don't they talk?

In this way, after twenty minutes, a taxi stopped before the Xiangtai Community.

Jiang Hao took a taxi, take something, pay the account!

"Thank you master!"

Finally, Jiang Haoli's praise.

When the driver master suddenly became a kind of being stunned, the driver was running off!

Jiang Hao is more depressed!

"Let's go, the cousin, we live this now!"

Jiang Hao dragged the leather box, greeted Guo Yizhen, who is looking for it!

Guo Yizhen quickly followed, but he looked at the environment around Jingtai Community, as well as a variety of exquisite buildings, and suddenly doubtful.

The house here is probably the price is not low!

But she knows, his aunt is actually not affluent.

It is because of this, the mother who has some forces will not look at the aunt, and the aunt is also a temper, so the two will rarely come!

Even this time, she is coming to her mother!

Just, now, he seemed to be in many cases in her memory!

Before the overbearing strong cousin, now it is a high-end residential area, she is more and more curious!

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Chapter 177, the shock of the cousin, Jiang Hao's weird

Guo Yizhen followed Jiang Hao.

"The brother, the house here is afraid that it is not cheap?"

Jiang Hao sullen, and the tone is somewhat not sure.

"Is it not expensive?"

"When I bought it, there is not much flowering, it is more than 500,000!"

Jiang Hao's words, suddenly let the Guo Yizhen behind him!

"What happened, what happened, slow dot!"

Jiang Hao turned and helped him!

Guo Yizhen glanced at Jiang Hao, and then pushed Jiang Hao.


He is early in your heart, and Jiang Hao is unknown.

"Dead your brother, stinky brother, more than 500 million, even said not much, harm me, ugly, too much to force, I don't care!"

Jiang Hao looked at his cousin and suddenly depressed.

"Women's heart, seawatter needle!"

However, what he said is really a truth, after all, thanks hundreds of millions of worth, there is not much.

Just passing the meeting, Guo Yizhen remembered that Jiang Hao helped him to teach the metamorphosis, and suddenly I am sorry.

"That, thank you, your brother!"

Jiang Hao turned back and looked back to him, and the elevator sounded!

16 floors!

Jiang Hao had to take a lift with the gods, find the door, and the fingerprint is unlocked to open the door!

"Congress, please come!"

Guo Yizhen told this extremely beautiful, elegant, noble advanced residence!

At this time, Jiang Ma was heard that someone opened the door, and quickly came out.

Just see Guo Yizhen!

" ?"

Jiang Mom is surprised.


Guo Yizhen also saw Jiang Ma.

Suddenly, the two were surprised together.


For a long time, on the sofa, Jiang Ma is red and swollen, holding the phone, sitting upset.

On the side, Guo Yizhen also red swelling.

Jiang Dad and Jiang Hao are with you, Jiang Dady, ginger, the face is a certain weird.

Just, Guo Yizhen said her the purpose of this arrival.

It turned out that she didn't hesitate to study at the Tianhe City for reasons!

To put it, everything is a surprise!

Her father, that is, Jiang Hao, he suddenly said that chest pain.

So, her mother went to the hospital to check with her dad.

Finally, I actually learned that it was cancer, and it has already reached the late stage!

This news instantly smashed a family!

Guo Yizhen is also her mother recall from school.

Her dad is a boss of small cosmetics, and the home is still rich.

Therefore, her mother spent huge sums of money, I invited many experts!

However, cancer this terminal illness, with today's medical level, no one has a grasp of treatment!

What's more, her dad is already in advance of lung cancer, intervention, etc., can only systematically chemotherapy!

However, even so, her dad will have a danger of life!

As a pillar of a family, her father suddenly fell, and a family was basically collapsed!

She is not a letter, so I will find some remedies to see some online search.

Inadvertently, he saw the very hot video of this time!

In the video, one person crossing the road was hit, seriously injured.

Later, a young man actually took the lead in the forehead that was hit, seriously injured, and after a while, the dying person was resurrected in place!

Suddenly, everyone calls that is a fairy!

Seeing this news, Guo Yizhen suddenly reunited hope.

"Maybe, father's disease, the cactus can cure!"

Subsequently, Guo Yizhen learned through many people, and learned that the video is actually a Tianhe City.

So, this is the purpose of she comes to Tianhe City!

At this point, Jiang Hao is a weird.

"So, is it coming to me this time?"

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Chapter 178 Decomposes the Emperor's Internal Classics, Surprise

The reason is nothing, the rescued immortal in the video he saw in his cousin is him!

Jiang Hao looked at the mother's crying, and there was a good relationship with himself, and suddenly it was some difficult.

"Should I tell them?"

"For the time being, don't tell them! Even if I now tell them now, they may not believe.

In order to avoid embarrassment, I still need to do some ready! "

Jiang Hao slightly, and made a decision.

Looking at the two-eyed red mother, Jiang Hao suddenly rose a sense of guilty.

"Mom, you don't have it to have a sad, I believe that the siki people have their own days, there will be no things!"

"Cameard, you just come, you also take a break, I will buy some fruit!"

"Dad, I am gone!"


Jiang Hao comforted his mother and cousin, and then bid farewell to Jiang Dadi and made a door.

Jiang Hao goes out, the foot is straight to the library!

"Although I have saved people many times, I will never wait for medical skills, all the test of life essence!"

"Today, I should be to go to the systematic learning medical skills, at least some common sense should be understood!"

"And, the general strikes are too wasteful!"

I think so, Jiang Hao stopped a car and went to the Tianhe City Library!

For others, Jiang Hao's idea is talking about it, but for Jiang Hao with strong plug-in, it is not a problem!


In the library, Jiang Hao took a "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics".

System, decomposition! "


"Hey, Congratulations to the master's success to decompose" Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics ", get medical crystallization, skill yin and yang five-line needle method, skill point 1, experience point 1!"

Medical crystallization: Contains some medical skills of the Yellow Emperor, can control some medical skills of the Yellow Emperor!

Yin and Yang five-line needle method level 1 (01): A set of acupuncture that contains five elements of the world!

"Congratulations to the success of the main decomposition, whether to extract the integration?"

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