One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1293: Dark Pavilion

Few people know the true identity of Ange Ge.

Not many people even the core members of the dark pavilion know the true identity of the old man.

The Dark Pavilion is an organization of hunters. At the top of this organization is Elder Ge. It sounds like the leader of this organization is an old man, but in fact, no one knows what it is like.

Hunters are good at hiding their identities, and identities like Ange Pavilion are naturally hidden very deeply.

Many people have guessed who the old man is, but no one has seen the real appearance of the old man. Even the meeting between the core members of the old man and the old man is just a glimpse, and in the process, the old man of the old man Either wear a mask or hide behind a dim screen...

In short, no one has seen the true face of Ange Lao.

Barstow is the new cabinet member of the dark cabinet, thanks to the recommendation of the chief of the dark cabinet Kundera.

Kundera was seriously injured in the battle with the alchemy workshop, and this injury made him never return to his former glory. During that stop, although the Alchemy Workshop did not face-to-face confrontation with them, there was an indirect confrontation because of the competition for Black Crow's resources.

The members of the dark pavilion never understood how the alchemist mastered the fighting skills...

Barstow grew up in that battle.

This time, Barstow is responsible for presenting the collected confidence to the old man Ange.

The excitement in Basto's heart is beyond words, he has not seen the old cabinet for so long since he was promoted to the cabinet.

This time he finally had the opportunity to meet Elder Ge up close, and he was naturally very excited.

What should I do to make Elder Ge notice him? This is something Basto has been considering.

Approaching, approaching slowly...

Barstow's heart beats very fast, he is already close to the position the chief said, that position is where the old man is...

Dong Dong... Dong Dong... Basto felt that he was too shameful, and he was so nervous that he could not eat people, so he was so nervous.

He didn't dare to look up, and could only vaguely see a person standing in front of him. Under the night, the face of this person was not very clear, only a black wheel...

It seems that Elder Ge is very tall, and Elder Ge is very energetic, he is not an old man like the legend says.

"Ge Ge... Elder Ge, this is... this is what you want!" Barstow tremblingly handed over the collected information, although he tried his best to control his hands no longer trembling, but who had thought of himself He didn't listen to his mouth and hesitated.

Elder Ange Ge did not speak, he took those things and continued to be silent.

Basto did not know what to do with this kind of silence. He didn't walk around and didn't walk.

Barstow wanted to raise his head to see what Elder Ge looked like, but I don’t know why he always felt an invisible pressure. This pressure made him unable to raise his head. It seemed that this pressure had been controlling him. He cannot move his neck freely.

"Oh, I forgot, it's okay you can go and work on you." The first words of Elder Ange made Basto relieved.

Barstow retreated without saying anything. The oppression really made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't want to say anything, just wanted to leave this place early.

As for what Elder Ge looks like, what kind of person he is, he doesn't care at all...

Elder Ange Ge disappeared into the night with the collected information. No one can see exactly what means he used to disappear. He is like the night, quietly descending and disappearing into the people. before.

Brustein, the temple of freedom.

This is the office of Prince Charles, but most of the time, His Royal Highness is not in this place.

The place where His Royal Highness Charles appeared the most was the theater, the high-end wine tube, the concert hall, and all kinds of places to pass the time...

No one cares why His Royal Highness Charles does not work in the Temple of Freedom, because everyone knows that Prince Charles is a person who loves life.

I love everything in life, all kinds of emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, all kinds of firewood, rice, oil and salt... Prince Charles seems to be the most intimate prince, because the things he pays attention to are very ordinary and ordinary things.

During this time period, Prince Charles is absolutely impossible to appear in the Temple of Freedom. At night, His Royal Highness Charles is often in the Gentle Country, or in the wine pool.

Manfred waited anxiously, pacing in the Temple of Freedom.

As an old man, he shouldn't be so anxious, but there is no way, he is now anxious.

He was the steward brought here by His Royal Highness Charles from the capital of Simbal. He didn't need to do anything in Brunswick, as long as he took care of Prince Charles.

This is his mission and what he should do as a housekeeper.

He knows what kind of person Charles is. People all over the world can misunderstand Charles, but he can't, because he knows what the prince did for this city, and he knows what kind of person the real Prince Charles is.

Those appearances are always what Charles is willing to let others see.

Because only in this way, he can better hide himself.


The window at the top of the Temple of Freedom is opened. Generally no one can open this window. This is a dark window. It is hidden at the top of the Temple of Freedom. It is integrated with the murals. Many people think that it is part of the painting. Few people can find that it is a window.

This window can only accommodate one person through.

And at the moment this window opened, a figure slowly fell to the ground. This kind of silent technique obviously made this man quite capable.

"His Royal Highness, you are back!" Manfred hurried forward to greet him. This extraordinary man covered in black is his Royal Highness Charles. It's just that he was wrapped in a black suit, and no one could see what his face looked like.

"Yeah! Manfred, why have you not left? Didn't I ask you to go back and have a good rest? You are exhausted these days."

" I don't trust your highness!"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Charles said.

"But, Your Highness, you are switching between these two identities now. Is it really okay? I mean, isn't it tired?" Manfred asked with concern.

"I have been doing this for a long time. This is my decision. Some people are destined to act in the dark. I am the person in the dark."

"Such sacrifice is moving, you are the real king!" Manfred couldn't help but said this sentence.

"The king, it's not me, I'm just a **** in the dark. The king of this world will always be the ones who allow us to survive."

"Yes, what your Highness said. It's the old man I said the wrong thing..."

Few people know that Prince Charles still has this side. He hides things that no one had expected.

The elder of the dark pavilion is Prince Charles, this is something many people never thought of...

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