One Eyed Monster

Chapter 262: Past

The past years are like this piece of gold roasted in a flame, no matter how hard you put in to increase the intensity of the flame, you cannot refine it.

Kuy Turan seemed to be talking about a very common thing, the weather in winter was still very cold, and the crackling fire in the fireplace did not bring much heat to the tavern.

The weather is cold, but the atmosphere in the pub is even colder.

Kuitulan's statement seemed to have a magical power that made everyone in the tavern listen.

No one knows why this is, even Calimedo, Hector and other alchemy workshop people are full of energy, they all want to hear what the Chief Master has special past.

"The emergence of professionals has changed everything in the world, and these changes happen too fast. Many people think this is crazy in this world. But I know this is not. All this is just that we have not followed Going to the rhythm of this world.” Kuy Turan was not in a hurry to tell his past, he continued to make a speech that he was good at, as if he only moved his lips to make everyone in this tavern understand him. The same painstakingly.

"Master, we follow in your footsteps, no matter when and where we are at your disposal." Calimedo was the first to state that he was a loyal follower of the chief of Kuitulan.

"Yes, sir, we have benefited a lot from following you." Hector also began to flatter.

Dastan in the cage smiled lightly in his heart. He was too lazy to fight with these people. Now he is a prisoner of others. Even if the quick talk will not change his next destiny.

He knew that he would be regarded as a test subject by Kuy Turan, and he kept trying. Maybe soon, he would no longer be himself.

Dastan couldn't help but think back to that night ten years ago, when they were also locked in a cage.

It's just that the cage is not golden, it's dark.

Dastan could never forget that night, when he was already discouraged and had the idea of ​​giving up.

Turned into a monster, and can no longer return to the original appearance, and will be hunted and attacked when you go out. What if your abilities improve? It's no longer possible to walk freely on the road as before. No one can recognize who he is, but treat him as a monster.

At the beginning, he also trusted Kuitulan as much. He also believes that he is just as complacent as his family and does not accept new things, which is why he is currently weak.

So he joined Kuitulan's plan for the first time. The Alchemy Workshop's agreement was like a new continent, allowing him to discover a fast path to improve his own strength.

Now he knows that there are no shortcuts in this world. Shortcuts are just laws that have been summed up after a bunch of attempts. There will be no rewards for not paying.

But at that time, he didn't know him at all. He wanted to find a quick way to improve himself so as to make his own contribution to the revival of his family.

He didn't expect that Kuitulan's spells were simply forbidden, and it was impossible to achieve them.

Blend, absorb, cross, exchange. He thought that these were the principles of the agreement. He even felt that since the alchemy workshop can create the exchange beast, it can naturally complete the content of the agreement. After all, alchemy is the most magical technique on this continent, and it is more natural than the sorcerer who controls it. All witchcraft are magical.

Because alchemy can create.

This magic technique relies on equivalent exchange, and new things can be exchanged. These new things appear to outsiders as if they were made out of thin air.

Creation can create everything, and miracles often occur in unknown creations!

Dastan vaguely remembered the slogan of the alchemy workshop at that time. Now that he wants to come up with this slogan, it must have come from Kuitulan, and only he can come up with such words.

There was a wry smile in Dastan's heart. Why was he so stupid at the beginning? He believed this sentence desperately. There are many stupid people like him. What are these people trying to figure out? Cheated?

They participated in Kuitulan's plan without hesitation. They suffered unbearable pain in the experimental workshop of the alchemy workshop, went through unimaginable experiences, and became unconscious.

Since we can create exchange beasts, we can also exchange fearless fighters. These fighters can be fighters or hunters, and they can be a combination of two professions!

Everything in the past seems to be vivid, and Kuitulan’s plan has not been stranded because of criticism. The empire’s demand for the strong will always be endless. As long as there is a chance, these opportunities that can provide the strong will not be time out.

Even if these plans are full of controversy, walking on the edge of darkness.

In a certain way, Kuitulan did not break his promise. He did make Dastan stronger, his jumping ability increased, his ability to punch holes was also enhanced, and he could use his abilities to be able to use it continuously...

He did exactly what was written on the agreement.

However, Dastan lost his human appearance.

He became a monster like a rabbit!

This is hard to understand.

Perhaps this is equivalent exchange, you are bound to lose something when you get something. How to choose is perhaps the most eternal theme in equivalence exchange.

When Kuitulan unwrapped Dastan's bandage, Dastan did not feel strange, but when he saw himself in the mirror, he became extremely mad. Ituran's neck pushed him against the wall.

At that time, his anger was enough to kill Kuitulan, even if there were a large number of alchemists and alchemy apprentices in the test house at that time, he could not stop him.

But Kuyturan, who was pushed against the wall, didn't show the slightest fear. Dastan clearly remembered the smile at the corner of Kuyturan's mouth.

That smile still makes him shudder.

After smiling, he put a sentence, a sentence that he would never forget in his life.

"You were created by could I let you be unscrupulous in front of me."

Kuitulan placed his marker on each of them. So far, Dastan doesn't know what that marker is, but he can clearly understand the sorrow that the marker brought to him.

He didn't know what method Kuitulan used. He only knew that he was full of sorrow and grief at the time, and then his whole body softened and fell down without strength.

He would never have thought that a member of his dignified Thor family would turn into a monster controlled by others.

Frustrated, he started a hunger strike, and he decided to end his sad life in a dark prison.

The great tutor appeared in front of him again at this time.

Just like on the battlefield for the first time, the great mentor was shining with light.

That night was the night of his rebirth.

That night, he went back to Dastan again.

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