One Hundred Thousand Reasons For Krypton Gold

Chapter 1653: Age of Elves (33)

   Chapter 1653 Elf Era (33)

  Lingqiong originally thought that she could get the hero's halo for free, but how to break the game is more powerful, she doesn't draw cards, let alone the hero's aura, the hero is almost gone.

  Lingqiong took all the money that she had worked so hard to get into.

  Lingqiong dragged Chen Jingsui out of the pile of corpses: "How did you do this?"

  Chen Jingsui was extremely embarrassed, his face was almost smeared with blood, and in the blood, he saw the girl squatting in front of him.

   Clean and bright dresses, in this miserable environment where corpses are everywhere, she still maintains her splendid innocence.

  Chen Jingsui wiped the blood on his face: "One of those monsters is very powerful..."

   They had never seen that person before.

   But when he appeared, he let them collapse directly.

   Even the other monsters seem to be getting stronger...

  Chen Jingsui now believes in the direct relationship between Lingzhu and them.

  Lingqiong nodded, "So have you found a way?"

  Chen Jingsui: "..."

   Is that what she cares about?

   Chen Jingsui did find something.

   That is a record handed down by the royal family.

   The spirits that first appeared were indeed here to purify the spirit beads.

  Fu Meng came with some kind of 'guidance' at the time. The king might be trying to stabilize her, or maybe he wanted to see if it really happened. He did send someone to check on it.


Before the news of    was brought back, Fu Meng was handed over to Secretary Shen Xing.

After something happened   , it was delayed.

  The news was not passed back until the elves committed the crime again, and it was not recorded, but someone secretly recorded it.

   "At that time, what Fu Meng was looking for was a person." Chen Jingsui said: "But it has been a hundred years, and that person has already died."


  Chen Jingsui puzzled: "???"

  Lingqiong thinks this must have something to do with the heroine!

   "Nothing." Lingqiong scratched her head: "I still have to go and see, maybe there are descendants or something?"

  Chen Jingsui: "..."



  Chen Jingsui didn't know why he agreed with Lingqiong's proposal, maybe it was because the great witch concealed their things, maybe it was the evil that the wizard once did to the elves...

   For whatever reason, he chose to go to Yizhou with Lingqiong and the others.

  Although he always felt that this girl was messing around, he also felt that she had some sense occasionally.

   But the question is - why is Lingqiong and Hemian also riding in a carriage, while his wounded number is riding a horse?

  Chen Jingsui was facing the venomous sun, and his mood was complicated beyond words.

  The war hasn't spread to this side yet, but there are many refugees, which can be seen from time to time on the road.

  Yizhou is rich and rich in grain, and is called the granary of Penghai.

   Therefore, some refugees along the way have opened porridge shops to rescue them, so these refugees are still quite safe, and there is no greater disaster.

  Lingqiong's flamboyant carriage arrived in Yizhou without incident.

  Chen Jingsui looked for it according to the address, but he did not expect that there were still people living there.

   "Is this the Lin family?"

  An old man was washing clothes in the yard. He heard a voice and raised his head slightly, "Who are you?"

  The men and women standing at the door are gorgeously dressed, and at first glance they are big people who are either rich or expensive.

   Behind the girl stood a man wrapped in a robe and a hood. He couldn't see his face clearly, and it was a little weird.

  Chen Jingsui didn't expect to find someone: "We want to find Lin Fen."

  The old man probably hadn't heard the name for a long time, and it took a while before he said, "This is the name of my great-grandmother. She has long since passed away."



  Chen Jingsui explained his intention to the old man, and the old man invited them into the house. The furnishings in the house were simple, and it seemed that life was a little tight.

  The old man trembled and took out something wrapped in cloth. "My father said that when my great-grandmother left, she explained that if someone came to her, she would give this thing to the other party."

   "I heard what my father said at the time, but I didn't take it to heart. We are not a wealthy family, so no one would come to look for it."

   "After my father left, he specifically explained it to me, and I kept it there."

   "I didn't expect...that someone really came."

  The old man put the cloth bag on the table: "This is what the great-grandmother left behind."

  Lingqiong opened the cloth bag and found a booklet inside.

   This booklet is like a…notepad, which records the daily life of the great-grandmother.

   "This is the note of the great-grandmother, there is nothing special about it." The old man sighed beside him: "What's the use of you coming all the way to find this thing?"

  Lingqiong continued to turn back.

  This great-grandmother lived a very happy life, with a loving husband and well-behaved and caring children.

   Although life is not very rich and noble, it does not worry about food and clothing.

   A family earns daily income and sleeps at sunrise.


   Great-grandmother began to dream.

   That dream appeared repeatedly.

The content of    did not describe the dream in detail, but the later records did not have that warm life, just repeatedly mentioned that dream, saying that someone would come to her.

  Lingqiong turned to the end, and there are two birthday characters.

   "What does this mean?" Chen Jingsui asked the old man.

   The old man shook his head, "I don't know, this is not the birthday of anyone in our family."

The only thing    can tell is that the two people are exactly a hundred years apart.

  Fumeng is coming to find this person, is this birth date the person who can purify the Lingzhu?

   But the 61st one failed, so the second one was left.

   Could this be the heroine...

  Lingqiong is worried, she doesn't know the birth date of the heroine.

   And even if it is, the heroine is cold.

   Isn't this still a dead end with no solution?

  Chen Jingsui suddenly said: "There seem to be words behind."

  Lingqiong turned the page, and there were indeed words on the back, but only six words.

   "Be loyal to your heart and do good deeds."



   "What do those six words mean, let's do good deeds?" Lingqiong sat on the stone and asked He Mian Ye, who was fetching water.

   He Mian also handed the water bottle to her, "I don't know the cause of the contamination of the Lingzhu, but it has become what it is now, and it is indeed related to evil deeds."

  Lingqiong: "Even if that's the case, how many good deeds are there, and the opponent kills them much faster than us."

  He Mian also: "..."

   "Buy something, you will eat it." Chen Jingsui came over from the city.

  Lingqiong was hungry a long time ago, so you're welcome.

   Hemian also said that he would not eat those things and stood aside thinking.

  Chen Jingsui: "I still haven't found a so-called purification method. What are your plans?"

   "I think the meaning of those six words is to ask us to do good deeds." Lingqiong said, "Why don't we do some kind deeds?"

  Chen Jingsui thought this was unreliable.

  Lingqiong began to rot: "Then I can't help it, what better way do you have."

  Chen Jingsui: "..."

  He Mian also: "..."



  There is no standard for doing good deeds. Giving someone a piece of bread is doing good deeds, and saving a life is also doing good deeds.

   What kind of good deeds are effective is a difficult thing to define.

   But there is nothing else they can do now.

   So in the end I can only try it first.

   (end of this chapter)

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