One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Chapter 215: Rao, I ’m your uncle.

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

Long Yan's face rarely showed an embarrassing look, and an abnormal blush stained his cheeks.

The golden pupil exudes domineering, and there is a gloom in the light.

Suddenly, he raised the corner of his lips again.

The hand holding the fan was slowly raised and stopped on Qin Chen's chest.

"But your life is worthless ..."

"And, there are no ghosts in this world. People die when they die. Who do you think can remember you when you don't jump here?"

Long Yan said, the golden color of the pupil slowly faded back to normal.

Qin Chen glanced down at his fan. The sharp blade was just a few millimeters away from his chest. With a little effort, he might become a corpse.


so what?

Do you think he will be afraid?

"Then wait for me to die ... Classmate Long, I remember, as long as I passed the heavenly election, I can choose any family to join? By then, much more care ..."

For the sake of voluptuousness, Qin Chen has long studied the rules of the heavenly election thoroughly and clearly stated that anyone who can pass the test in the heavenly election is the man of fate. No matter what age you are from, you can choose a family, and it will be cultivated as a heir.

He was not interested in cultivating those who did not cultivate, but he could see that his mortal rival was deflated, and his mood was infinitely good.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Long Yan was unable to maintain his calmness and nearly failed. The fan in his hand scored a point because he didn't control his strength for a while.


Qin Chen's shirt was cut open, and even his chest was cut through the skin. The blood suddenly oozed out, but it was not obvious under the black cover.

"Why? Can't help it?"

Qin Chen said weirdly, but he did n’t dare to move around casually. The fan of Long Yan was like a man whose head was cut off like a grass. Although he never feared death, he could n’t die in the hands of his rivals, or his head It has not grown into a green grassland.

"Do not..."

"I have patience, it's not too bad for this moment."

"Achen ... what are you doing? It's not that you want to give it to your husband ..." The words of Suolu came to an abrupt halt after seeing Long Yan's movements, regardless of his body, and hurried over.

When Long Yan saw her, she quickly put away her fan and threw her sleeves towards the room.

"Lao, I have almost prepared everything. Come in with me."

"You can't afford it, Mr. Yu can't wait!"

Long Yan said not to be salty, but the green muscles on the back of the hand holding the fan piled up, and the face turned back to Luo was full of gloom.

starting from now...

As long as he is there, Qin Chen doesn't want to get along with Rao alone!

He wanted to see if Qin Chen, an ordinary person, could still compete with himself!

"Go, I'll wait for you outside." Qin Chen comforted the little-looking daughter-in-law who looked a little ugly. The psychology was like a mirror. What Mr. Yu couldn't wait for, he had time to threaten himself, and he would still be poor. A few words hard.

It was just a struggle between men and men. He felt that there was no need for him to worry about him again. What's more, Su Muchen also heard news from his side that his parents didn't seem to die.

You know that car accident that year was actually a car explosion. He later found out that a servant of the Qin family had collected the black heart money for the hands and feet, but with his understanding of his father, how could a father who was so careful and cautious not check before taking the car?

And to know that his father's other identity is Luo Huaguo's special security consultant, who is specifically responsible for information security. Not to mention anything else, the state's protection of him also belongs to the S level.

Such a person said that he was killed when he was bombed. He didn't believe it since the incident happened. However, after the explosion, samples of the bodies of two people were left, indeed his parents.

At that time he was still young, and he didn't understand many things.

Now he founded Dragon Soul, not to mention DNA samples. It is not difficult for him to get a biological person out, but it is not legal.

Thinking of this, Qin Chen just became bad because of Long Yan, and suddenly it was bright.


Nuo followed Long Yan into the room, but saw that the man drove everyone except A Sheng out.

Looking around, there are no powerful technological products.

I saw that Long Yan just pulled out a large needle tube from her body. After pumping 200CC from her arm, she let her sit and watch.

Luo was curious and sat on the chair like a pupil.

Before responding, Long Yan took the needle and plunged it into his arm again.

Lu Rao :! ! !

It is unscientific to use needles indiscriminately! You will get an infectious disease!

She was very entangled, but looking at the look of A Sheng looking forward and Long Yan seriously, she had to swallow her heart again.

It felt more and more that the two had gone into flames.

400 Hao Sheng's blood was placed in a huge container. Under the command of Long Yan, A Sheng piled up a pile of unknown herbs.

The air was filled with strange smells, and Suo Su suddenly had the urge to go to the wrong studio.

Especially under the dim candlelight, Long Yanyin ’s measured smile made her automatically fill up a bunch of plots, the villain in the horror film, on a quiet night ... a desolate mountain village ... Abandoned wooden house ... a ...

"Lao, what do you think? So fascinating!"

I don't know when, Long Yan has done everything, standing behind her.

The light was dim, because the tall figure in front of the window was blocked by half, and Long Yan's face was hidden in the darkness. He was so shocked that he had goose bumps, and even the strength to get up was gone.

"Lao ..."

Long Yan imitated Qin Chen's usual tone and intended to be gentle with women.

He was able to see that Qin Chen and himself were all a class of people, and their daily facial paralysis was cruel and cruel, but they said nothing to gentle and gentle.

He used to think that he was losing face, but now he wants to come ...

It seems that there is nothing rare.

As everyone knows, Rao is not only goose bumps, but all hairs are standing upright, breathing cold.

In particular, a bag of unknown liquid was hanging on the back of Yu Qi's hand. The pious Ashen knelt beside the bed and murmured. He didn't know which language to speak and could not understand.

"Cough ..."

"Lao ..."

Suddenly, the candlelight on the table shook, and a faint sound rang.

Long Yan removed his gaze locked on Luwao and walked with her to the bed.

Yu Qi's face was still pale, his thin eyelids were inadvertently moving, A Sheng was overjoyed, and wanted to scream excitedly, but he was afraid that his voice would be too loud and then disturbed the husband, and quickly reached out and covered his mouth.

"Sir ... I'm ..."

Nuo Yi grabbed Yu Qi's slightly raised hand, tightly grasping his palm.

Bingliang spreads along the palm of her hand, and she finally knows what her uneasiness has come from, the man in front of her.

Not her own family, but gave her some sense of security than her family.

At the time of the wake-up, she already knew that she was probably abducted. It wasn't her husband's problem, but the fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl of the Yujia branch who had calculated herself.

But everyone is dead, still pregnant in the hands of his favorite man.

She really can't hate ...

"No .. I'm not your husband ..." Yu Qi suddenly opened her eyes, and the dark brown eyes gleamed with a burning light that did not belong to the patient.

Before everyone could respond, he suddenly sat up from the bed and grabbed the voluptuous shoulders, yelling like he had exhausted his life's energy.

"No, I am not your husband ... I am your uncle!"

"Your uncle!"

"Cough cough cough ..."

Yu Qi coughed excitedly, his face pale with abnormal blush. The needle stuck in his arm started to return to blood because of the violent pulling.

Luo froze, blank in his mind.

What is Mr. Yu talking about?

Is he my uncle? Do I have real loved ones?

Yu Qi didn't seem to see the daze, and suddenly pulled A Sheng again, pointing at A Sheng seriously.

"Lao, uncle is not in good health, and I don't know how long it can last this time. But you can rest assured that you are the daughter of Jade Jade, that is, my niece of Yu Qi, and the uncle has nothing else. A Sheng grew up with him from an early age. Although his brain is not good, but people are very good. After I die, you will get 8 points for all family property, and the remaining 2 points will be given to A Sheng. "

"My body has dragged him off from being a teenager, and I can only use these secular things to sit up and compensate."

"Oh by the way, also, your mother is missing, not dead. I still have a lot of her things in the family's old house, if you find her ..."

Yu Qi seemed to feel that he was returning to the light, and he kept talking.

Luo looked at her in confusion, feeling that her body suddenly became soft and soft, like a ball of cotton floating in the air, and somehow it was her home.

Yu Qi said something later, she didn't remember it at all.

Those words still echoed in my mind repeatedly: "I am your uncle, your mother is not dead ..."

Yu Qi didn't think he was understandable. After all, he also said that his body.

But my mother ...

These days she also saw the energy of these hidden families and the martial arts that she had only seen on TV and novels.

She didn't believe that her uncle was so good, and where could her mother go.

Why on earth?

She will drop her heart ...

Suddenly, Luo's vision began to blur.

The scene in front of her also changed, and she seemed to be back to her only birthday when she was a child, standing alone under the ferris wheel in the remnant of the setting sun.

Lonely, helpless, out of step with this world.

"Lao ..."

"What's wrong with you ..."

It seemed that someone was calling her, and the distant voice was so unreal.

She stared blankly at the ferris wheel in front of her.

It's getting dark, she's so tired ...


In the compartment, Ken, who had been burning all night, woke up with thirst.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I met the face close to me ...

(PS: Probably the third volume next week, Mengbao is online, ask for two Mengmengda names, one male and one female)

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