One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 269: Don't refuse me

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"you do this delibrately?"

Luo lowered her eyebrows, lowering her voice deliberately.

Qin Chen narrowed his eyes, and "intimately" turned his head slightly to the side of Luo's side.

Seen from behind, the two were very close.

"What was it on purpose?"

Luo tilted her head, staring at Qin Chen again when people were not paying attention.

It is a pity that Qin Chen wears sunglasses, even though her eyes can penetrate all evil thoughts, and cannot see the reality behind through the thick scale film.

His face ...

But there is really no dead end at 365 degrees.


No, I came here to ask questions, why did I become a nympho!

Zheng Leng Shen, but itchy ears again.

Qin Chen's seemingly erratic voice echoed in her ears.

"Lao, I admit that I am handsome, and I do n’t mind if you look at me all the time, but ... will your eyes be too obvious, we are at school after all, you will make me think that those children are not suitable Things ... "

Qin Chen's eyes flashed indistinctly.

The dark pupil is like a star.

Luo had a moment of loss, the autumn wind was blowing, with a hint of coolness.

She flinched instinctively, turned her head quickly, and stopped looking at Qin Chen.

On the stage, the principal and freshman representative said nothing, and Luo didn't know at all.

Luocheng in September was not warm, but for some reason, sitting next to Qin Chen, Luo felt that the whole body was warm and his limbs became lazy.

"Achen ..."

She tilted her head and couldn't help murmuring a familiar but somewhat obscure name.

Qin Chen, who was sitting on the side, narrowed his eyes with a line, and his fingers, holding the phone, slowly bloomed, and slowly approached the whiz.

"I'm here..."

His voice was so soft that he was almost inaudible.

But Luo was still sensitive to capture.

The fingers that were very close were slowly moving in one direction.

I don't know when they are entangled.


"The conference is over! Please parents leave in an orderly manner."

The host on the podium ended the conference with applause.

Nuo and Qin Chen's fingers were intertwined, and they were separated by tacit understanding.

Standing upright, the two men's faces were extremely calm.

Because it was only 10 o'clock at the moment, the children still had to continue the class, and wandering out of the bag while carrying the bag.

Qin Chen walked to her left, and the powerful aura made no one within three meters.

Everyone marveled at Qin Chen's beauty and his eyes.

Because the voluptuousness at this moment is mediocre no matter how you look at it.

The beautiful devil's figure was also covered up by the dress that was not much different from the nun's robe.

Thick lenses, blank expression.

But really can't find any highlights!

"Mr. Qin is very marketable, they are all watching you."

After trying a few times to keep up with Qin Chen no matter how many pieces he walked, Luo gave up the struggle and allowed Qin Chen to attract others' attention around him.

The man evoked an intriguing smile.

"Really? Does this include you?"

"of course not..."

"But ... how do I feel that Jade Girl seems to be jealous?"

"There is a bit of acid in the air ..."

Lu Yaoluo: "..."

In a conversation without a ride, the two had reached the door of the school.

Because he had received a text message about Fu Changqing's temporary trouble, Luo asked Tie Niu to find a car.

Qin Chen said that she insisted and said nothing.

It was just that Luo did n’t expect that the iron bull who had always been reliable had returned to the army first, so she could find a way to go back.

She also explained that even if she didn't go back, she didn't care.

This morning is just a group meeting, he can get it all done.

Luo laughed dumbly, but was hung up in the past.

After a few seconds, the phone screen turned on again.

It was a group of people who were meeting, and she seemed to really bother them.

While struggling with what he should do, suddenly a Cherokee stopped in front of Wuluo in a low profile.

The car window rolled down, revealing Qin Chen's perfect cheeks.

Luo gave him a weird look, then took a few steps back.

His eyes were full of doubts.

"This is your car?"

Qin Chen bent his lips and abused: "Yeah, where are you going, I will send you."

Nuo narrowed her eyes, trying to distinguish the truth from Qin Chen's words.

It is a pity that the man still wears big sunglasses.

It's simply not giving Luwa a chance at all.


The door has been opened.

Qin Chen's hand has appeared in front of Luo.

With more and more eyes watching, the sorrow is not entangled, and I just got on the car.

But when she got into the car, she realized that she was on a thief ship.

It is an ordinary business car, but the inside is very luxurious.

There is even a big bed!

Qin Chen leaned lazily on it at this moment, and his slender thighs rested casually there.

In the air, there is also a faint Zumalong sea breath.

That's one of Rao's favorite flavors ...

It's just, why is this light line so dark?

There was a trance, and the car walked for a long time before remembering where he hadn't said.

But the scenery outside the window has changed.

"That ... where are we going?"

Luo scratched her head in embarrassment, feeling more and more that Qin Chen was her nemesis.

When he met him, his IQ began to decline rapidly, and Almighty could not be controlled by himself.

Not only that, she suspected that she had an extra goldfish attribute, and she would temporarily lose her memory.


This is simply the legendary beauty of the wrong country, the male color is wrong!

"Where we want to go, we will go."

Qin Chen smiled and reached out to close the Pad in his hand.

Facing the suspicion of Luo, he whispered.

"Anyway, you are fine today, why not go to my company with me?"

"Go to your company?"

Quo Chen instinctively ignored Qin Chen's first sentence when IQ was not online.

"Yeah, it's all the wives who have been saved over the years, but unfortunately ... I'm missing a wife."

"Inferior, consider chanting?"

Suddenly, the man's face was posted again.

Breathing at your fingertips, the vigorous eyes and desires made Luwa caught off guard.

She retreated instinctively, but was dragged and fell on the bed.

In the old record, babble sang touching music.

"Lao ..."

"you are pretty..."

Qin Chen turned and kissed directly.

Luo ’s pupils dilated in an instant, and two villains were fighting in his mind.

Reason tells her that her son does not like this man, she must stay away.

But the instinctive desire reminds her again that she feels and rejoices to the man in front of her, and wants to be with him.

The villain fights in his mind, and the voluptuous body also instinctively resists.

Qin Chen pressed her quietly while signaling to Ben who was driving.

Suddenly, she kissed her long eyelashes like butterfly wings.

"Lao, don't refuse me."

"But ... but this is in the car." "So what?"

Qin Chen's eyes were open, as if he were seriously endorsement.

"The shockproof effect of my car is very good, you can rest assured ... even if you shout and break your throat, you can't hear ... and ..."

"And what?"

Luo was distracted, and his precautions were lax.

Qin Chen blinked evilly.

"And ... don't you find it exciting?"

Rao: ...

Stimulate your sister!


Military Area Biological Research Institute.

Putting on a suit with Qin Chen's "cowardly embarrassed" classmate Tie Niu, he walked to the office with the folder in place.

Because the information has been entered in advance, Tie Niu went very smoothly.

However, the chair was still hot, and a beautifully dressed woman knocked on his door.

Seeing a man sitting on the seat, she froze abruptly, then took a few steps back to check the house number, and then came in again.

"you are?"

"Isn't this Professor Yulu's office?"

She tapped a few times and waited for the person to answer, then walked in directly.

His eyes looked round in the room with impunity, and he sat down on the chair opposite the iron bull with high toes.

"Hey, talk to you!"

The woman knocked on the table impatiently, even bright red nail polish on her hand.

For such people, iron cows have always chosen to ignore.

Without even raising his head, he continued to stare at the computer screen to see the report.

Work ...

How dedicated he is!

Tie Niu narcissistically boasted about himself and regarded the people in front of him as air.

Fortunately, no one is happy with the "air".

When did Sun Mengmeng suffer from such anger in the military area?

Although her professional ability and qualifications are not the best in the institute.

But she is an affiliate! Her father is Luo Huaguo's vice president!

Moreover, she has been staring at the position of the director for a long time, and the relationship between the upper and lower sides has also been managed. Seeing that the summer vacation is over, you can walk happily and take office.

But unexpectedly, Cheng Chengjin killed a bite!

Still a woman!

Still a woman of average appearance and never heard of any background!

When she came today, she wanted to have a good conversation.

It would be better to give Walu a further off-horse power so that she could retreat from difficulties.

Unexpectedly, Ma Wei did not succeed, and still hit a wall here with a man.

She is so beautiful, even ignored by men!

This is called Sun Mengmeng how to endure!


Are you dumb or blind? "

Sun Mengmeng was so angry that he lifted his hand and fell on the ground carrying the documents on the table.

She shouted sharply, her voice decisively scary.

After hearing this, Tie Niu finally moved his head away from the back of the computer.

Looking down at the messy documents on the ground.

"pick it up..."

His voice was calm and his eyes were clear.

It seemed so harmless, but Sun Mengmeng shivered for no reason.

"Why should I?"

"Besides, who are you! Do you know this is the military area?"

"You don't even have a certificate, just sit here and use the computer in our institute."

"Oh ... I see, you are a spy!"

"Colluding well with that Yuluo, right?"

Sun Mengmeng said more and more excited, the whole person's face haunted a strange light!

Iron bullish smile.

Helplessly twitched his mouth.

How can I get a neuropathy?

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