One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 273: Rescue operation

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!


"Aren't Hanhan with you? Didn't you go together?"

Nuo asked a kiss on Little Loli's cheek.

Looking up, the campus is basically empty, and occasionally you can see the sound and shadow of several teachers.

Little Loli stunned, and she said badly in her heart.

His face turned blue, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"He ... I just ran in front, Qin Han was chasing me behind me, I thought it must be faster than me at his speed, I didn't expect ..."

Luo's face was completely cold, and a strange light appeared on the special glasses.

There was even a crack in her faintness. She took a deep breath and patiently prevented herself from exploding, bending over and looking parallel to Little Loli.

"Tell Auntie, when was the last time you saw him."

Little Lolita was not light under the aura of Sudden Suddenly, but she answered quickly: "On the promenade leading to the playground just out of the classroom."

"Okay. Thank you."

Nuo rubbed her hair, sent a signal to Tie Niu and rushed in.

That was her son and her spiritual support for so many years.

Qin Chen hugged his daughter, glanced down at the unhindered panic in the eyes of the little guy, and asked coldly: "Go home and do your homework honestly, and go back to you to settle the account."

After he finished speaking, he threw his daughter who was still biting her lips into the car and activated the autopilot function.

At the same time, the Dragon Group's intelligence network was also active, while monitoring the car to let Xiao Loli get home safely, while searching for Qin Han's figure.

The speed of Rao was very fast, and the entire campus was checked in a short time.

Finally, in the panicked forest at the end of the playground, the watch that had been burned was found.

She narrowed her eyes, took out the small pliers she carried with her, took out the small memory card inside, and carefully wrapped it in paper and walked out.

Head-on, I bumped into Qin Chen.

"How? Is there a clue?"

Qin Chen kept leaning and didn't live on the keyboard and struck it, and that was his son. He didn't care less about the degree than he did.

Luo spread his palms, revealing the little special chip.

Explain while running towards the door anxiously.

"I found this, but I need special equipment to know the situation."

"I have contacted my assistant, and he will be going this way."

Qin Chen glanced down at the time and said again.

"You give me the license plate number, this will be the peak period, he will definitely be very congested when driving."

"Driving?" Qin Chen's words made Luwa stunned.

For the sake of insurance, all their cutting-edge equipment was in that special car this time.

But there are too many secrets in that car. If it is placed on the street, it will inevitably not be targeted by some mysterious foreign organizations.

Thinking of this, Luo found that he was really nervous and lost his balance.

Suddenly, she looked up at Qin Chen.

Suddenly my eyes lit up!

"Are you a native of Los Angeles?"

"Yeah." Qin Chen was stunned by the cold and cold eyes, and answered unconsciously.

"Then go, take me to you, I let Tie Niu drive the car directly to your house."

"Go to my house?" Qin Chen found for the first time that his IQ was not enough.

Should n’t the top priority be to find a way to find the child? Why did Rao go to his house?

Of course, Rao is willing to enter his house, and he is also undesirable.

"Don't talk nonsense, this chip must use special equipment, and this technology is not very mature now, I'm on the military side ..."

Luo's speed of speech was very fast, pulling Qin Chen and running all the way.

Qin Chen pondered for a few seconds, and he immediately reacted.

"Okay, come with me."

In recent years, Qin Chen's most hilarious thing is to dig a lot of tunnels underground in Luocheng. If subways and pipelines are not taken into account, he is afraid that he can get an underground city underground.

Soon, they returned from the underground passageway to the place where Luwa and Qin Chen lived, No. 1 Lanting Bieyuan.

The sensor lights all lit up the second they stepped in.

The long-lost light ushered in the villa, and Qin Chen was in the living room, looking at the lingers beside him, as if he had passed by.

Revisiting the old place, even if the memory is lost, Luo's heart also gave a hint of familiarity.

She looked around, and the warm light in the living room caused her to be in a trance.

The inexplicable familiarity calmed her panic.

But soon, this stability was interrupted.

"Iron Cow is here, I'll get security."

Qin Chen's cell phone rang, and while talking, he led Luo out.

In the yard, the water, air, and land armor brought by the Yu family was parked there.

Tie Niu carried the instrument and followed Luo to the study.

The chip was read in seconds, and the image before Qin Han's disappearance was released.

The chip contains high-end rays, and the figures of the kidnappers were recorded and entered into the database synchronously.

Soon, a row of suspects appeared on the computer on the right.

They were shortly after they came to Los Angeles. The purpose of the suspect was to make money.

Soon, the list was narrowed to dozens of people.

However, because the kidnapper's modeling is too professional, with only a pair of eyes, it is really impossible to determine who it is.

The most important thing is that these two hours have passed without a text message or phone call.

Although he knew that his son would not be in danger for a while, his heart was full of ups and downs.

Luo walked around the house anxiously, not knowing whether to disturb Yu Qi.

At the beginning, Yu Qi said that a fiber chip was implanted into Qin Han's body just in case, and she refused confidently, saying that she decided not to let anyone hurt her children, but now ...

This is really hitting the face.

Qin Han is fine. If something happens, she really cannot forgive herself.

"Girl, don't worry, young master is so smart, it will definitely be fine."

Tie Niu saw that his breath began to be unstable, not nervous.

The destructive power of Luao now is more exaggerated than that of Qin Chen.

That is the rhythm that destroys the world in minutes, and Yu Qi is no longer, I am afraid that there is not even a controlling person.

"I was worried because he was smart."

"The earliest ones in history are those who think they are smart, what is called, smart is wrong by smart!"

Luo's irritable response, the iron cow is in a dilemma.

Qin Chen was staring at the computer screen alone, repeatedly looking at the photos of the robbers above, a posture that saw the screen through.


The text message sounded.

Nuo and Qin Chen looked at their phones at the same time, and the tacit understanding was abnormal.

"its mine."

Qin Chen frowned at the number marked as a sales advertisement.

However, when I opened it, there was a picture he could not imagine.

A white boy is being tied to a stool with electricity, and a white iron rod is added between his hands, so that his hands and feet must be on the same straight line, and you can't move around.

The light of the whole picture is very dark, except for the boy's face is dark.

The angle of the photo is tricky, and the kidnappers are professional.

Qin Chen made a judgment instantly.

Along with this, he received a text message that was also marked as a junk number by the mobile phone housekeeper.

"Mr. Qin, whether this is your child or not. Before 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, 50 million M gold will be paid in one hand and delivered in one hand."

"When it expires, everyone is a businessman, and he is rich, and integrity first."

Below the characters is a string of Swiss bank accounts.

Qin Chen's eyebrows drooped slightly, and it seems that he will add to the conclusion he just made.

This kidnapper is not only professional, but also very professional.

Even the accounts are owned by Swiss banks. This level can only be achieved by those desperate international mercenaries.

Qin Chen raised his eyes, and his hands were operating on the keyboard, as if he was still checking.

Qin Chen pressed his eyebrows and took a deep breath.

When I looked at the computer screen again, my eyes had calmed down.

He quietly wrote down his bank account secretly, and then pulled the text message closer to the trash.

Luo did n’t have a habit of looking at people ’s privacy, and at the moment he was worried about the disappearance of his son.

She didn't even notice her small movements.

She didn't think much about seeing Qin Chen wearing a coat and saying that she had something to go out.

Instead, Tie Niu has been paying attention to Qin Chen's movements. When Qin Chen took his coat, his finger accidentally dropped a hidden pinhole camera.

Qin Chen went directly to the underground secret room, and opened the computer that he hadn't used for years to connect to the inside of the black network.

Sure enough, after he tried to enter the Swiss bank account, he found the kidnapper's information.

Blacknet S-level foreign mercenary Jone, who is good at 6 national languages ​​and anti-reconnaissance, is no wonder that he is so professional.

Presumably, I also checked the network on my own face to ask for it.

40 million M gold is not much for Qin Chen.

But it is a nightmare for ordinary giants.

Qin Chen had a bitter bite in his mouth. I really didn't know whether he should be sad about his son's **** luck. When he came out of the Yu family, he encountered such a professional kidnapper.

Of course, he was a little thankful that Xiao Zhengtai didn't say who his mother was.

Instead, directly report your own mobile phone number.

It seems that I haven't been in the "Underworld" for too long, and those people can't remember him.

He is the killer king ...

It is a pity that he has been hiding very well all these years ...

After determining the target, the Dragon Soul Intelligence Network immediately became active.

When Qin Chen left the secret room, the coordinates were sent.

Qin Chen knew the terrible crime of the high-intelligence desperate criminals such as the Black Net, but only arranged for a response, and went to the abandoned dock in Luocheng alone.

He was disguised as a disguise, riding a modified motorcycle all the way.

The heavy seawater that made him slap his face made him very unhappy.

Seeing that it was close to the destination, Qin Chen cut off his mobile phone signal and used satellite rays to receive information.

At the same time, Rao's side finally locked in.

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