One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 347: The operation is over

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

It's been six hours since Rao entered the operating room.

Qin Chen and Yu Qi also turned round after round on the playground at their base.

This was also a worry for a woman, and even gave birth to a little sympathy.

Yu Qi glanced down at the picture from A Sheng. The red light in the operating room remained the same. He sighed and pointed to the stand next to him.

"Do not leave, rest."

As soon as Yu Qi lifted his robe, he sat down directly. Instead, the tissues prepared by Qin Chen were useless.

"What time is it, don't pay attention to this." Yu Qi smiled and patted his side.

Qin Chen was silent, sitting with him with long legs.

"If the voluptuous memory is really restored, what are you going to do?"

"As long as she still loves me, I will definitely not give up!" Qin Chen raised his head, his black eyes sparkling, more beautiful than the stars on that day.

"Okay, then I will give you a vaccination in advance. I am older and want to retire. If Lu Wao and you are really married, would it be nice for you to enter the Yu Family?

"Don't have time to reject me first. I have checked your family background. I found something very interesting, but this is still to be discussed after Wawa wakes up."

After finishing talking, Yu Qi closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Qin Chen's heart seemed to be scratched with a cat's paw, and it was not itchy.

Half of the people who hate talking the most!

Especially at this time!

But, this person is Yu Qi, the only relative that Lu Wa currently knows.

What can he do! ! !

This world is so unfriendly! _ (: з 」∠) _


Interrogation room.

Nangong leaned exhaustedly against the corner.

She squinted her eyes, her face was so chaotic, she could not tell whether it was blood or sweat, and the ground was also red and red, dazzling.

She raised her hand to push the hindering hair behind her head, and glanced sideways.

"Hey, why didn't you talk?"

Ada was motionless.

"Why? I'm guilty? I finally don't find a reason or excuse for myself?" She couldn't help but mocked.

Ada still motionless.

"Lao Niang talking to you! Did you **** hear it!" Nangong was very angry! The sound rose several octaves.

However-no one can answer her.

The most fear is that the air is suddenly quiet, especially when you are alone.

Nangong Yan raised her head and looked at the mirror.

Boom-I fell out a long way.

"This is me? What's wrong with my face?" In the mirror, it was a face that was twisted several times. The mouth was crooked and the nose was collapsed. Originally, this face was not clear because Qin Chen shot last time, I was just so excited that the facial features were misplaced.

Otherwise, there is pity for the hateful.

In order to be exactly the same as Luwa, she rubbed her brow bone and chin away a bit ...

Not to mention the nose and eyes, the voluptuous face belongs to the standard beauty face of the East, and Nangong Yanran is the kind of advanced catfish face that magazine covers and designers love.

One can imagine how much her surgery cost.

Even a few days after the operation, she couldn't sleep at all. She opened her eyes and closed her eyes. It was the buzzing of the electric drill on her face.

"No ... how could my face be like this !!!"

The nightmare struck, and Nangong Yan stumbled back, but the room was so big.

Not far back, she hit Ada.

Feeling the familiar breath, her heart suddenly settled down.

Panic blocked his hair again.

Only then did I reach Lada: "Ada, Ada ... what are you doing?"

"Are you sleeping? Stop sleeping!"

"Come and help me see what's wrong with my face!"

That is, when she was in trouble again, she could immediately think of her subordinate, shaking Ada's body vigorously, but no one could respond to him.

Until she laboriously turned the man's face and saw the blood stains on Ada's face that had turned black.

"Ah ... you ..."

She shook her hand and trembling toward the tip of his nose.

The room is very quiet ...

Unable to feel the breath, Nangong Yan still didn't give up, and grabbed his wrist crazy and touched his pulse ...

It should have beaten vigorously, and it's gone ...

"no no..."

"How could this be ... how could this be?"

"Are you poisoned? Or did they kill you?"

"Ada ... Ada ..."

The last reliance was also lost, leaving Nangong Yanran completely irrational.

She was shaking wildly and coldly, Ada, how much she hoped the man would call her Miss again.

At this moment, her heart was terrified but angry.

Fear of why she was left alone.

Angrily, why, even this man who has been obedient to himself since childhood has left ...

He lied to her!

Cheated her!

Say yes with her for life?


Looking at Nangong Yanran shouting hysterically at the body, Ken rubbed his eyebrows wearily.

"Okay, she might die suddenly after a while."

"The boss said, I want to keep her alive, knock her out and stabilize her condition first. As for the Ada ... directly cremation, remember to make a video, so that Miss Nangong will be remembered!

As soon as Ken finished speaking, someone was busy behind him.

The staff went outside the secret room and closed the panoramic display button, revealing a corner door on a glass.

"You killed Ada!"

Nangong jumped up excitedly from the ground and rushed towards the staff.

The two men have always been in front of the monitoring screen, and have no feeling for the woman in front of them: "Miss Nangong can really laugh, when we sent in, but a big living person, only two of you in this room You said it was killed? "

"How did he die? Didn't you count? If it doesn't count, then, after a while, we will dispose of the body and give you a forensic identification report!"

The man sneered and his hands were unambiguous.

Before Nangong Yanran pounced on him, he backhanded it on Nangongyan's neck and knocked him out of the chamber.

The other person lifted the body on the ground and walked in the other direction.


Operating room.

Long Yan lay on the bed without saying a word, but his eyes looked at the other bed from time to time.

In fact, to speak of suffering, he is under greater pressure than Qin Chen and Yu Qi.

After all, they are waiting outside, waiting for the result.

But he was lying in the place closest to Luo.

A few meters away, it is the boundary between life and death.

His heart is more tense than that of the doctor, and he has already said that he has to give up, but every time he sees her, he can't help but imagine.

Especially since Rao had lost memory due to stimulation five years ago, he was actually very excited.

In this way, he was on the same starting line as Qin Chen, and even he was closer to Shuiloutai to get the moon first.


Even if she has no memory, she is not willing to accept herself.

As for marriage, it is to give the family an account.

Anyway, the woman and child were born, and the money and things that should be given were also given. It can be regarded as a peaceful breakup. For Long Yan, the marriage is like a business, each taking what it needs.

May be different.

She is like a cinnabar mole in his heart, the more you can't get it, the more unforgettable.

"Lao ... you will be fine."

Long Yan looked at Luo with emotion, and prayed for her inwardly.

Until the doctor took a breath, he said to several others: "The bullet has been taken out, hemostasis, ready to sew ..."

Only half of Long Yan's heart was put down, and the rest half of it was waiting for Luwa to wake up completely before letting go.

"The young patriarch, the operation was very successful. The bullet has been taken out, and the patient has been out of danger. But because of the anesthesia, it may take her half a day to a day to recover."

The doctor's clothes didn't have time to change, so he went to the side of the bed and reported to Long Yanhui.

Long Yan was also drawn blood close to 800CC, which means his physical fitness is extremely hard.

This is the case with Rao. He just remembered that his head was heavy, and he fell down heavily on the bed.

"Young Master, you are very weak now, it is better to lie down for a while."

"Jade girl is now stitching, it will take some time." The nurse looked at Long Yan's face was white, could not help persuading.

Long Yan nodded, letting people put a nutritional needle on him, and then fell asleep.

The operation took more than ten hours. Because he wanted to draw blood, drinking water would reduce the concentration of blood lipids, so he glared and stayed here for more than ten hours.


The operating room lights finally went out.

The attending doctor took it out and explained the operation to Yu Qi.

Hearing success, Qin Chen and Yu Qi couldn't help but pat each other hard.

Men's emotions are extremely restrained, but at the moment they can't help but be happy.

Immediately afterwards, the little nurse brought over a tray with two bullets.

Long Yan pinched the bullet and took a look.

"Oh, Duanmujia ..."

"When was this Nangong family and Duanmu family so close?"

After Yu Qi finished speaking, he directly collected the two bullets.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that Nuo was pushed into the ICU, and after a dangerous period of 6 hours, they would be transferred to the ward.

Through the glass, the two big men saw the voluptuous body covered with catheters, and her skin was as white as snow, as if transparent.

Qin Chen's face and hands were clinging to the transparent glass. At this moment, how he hoped that the person lying there was himself ...

Just then, there was a chuckle suddenly behind him.

Qin Chen turned around and met Long Yan, who was pale and supported.

Even if I don't like him, I am very grateful.

"Thank you for saving Rao, if it will be useful in the future ..."

"Ah, don't be so hypocritical ... I will let you leave Luo Lao, will you leave?" Long Yan evil charm smiled, although weak, he still forgot to give Qin Chen eye medicine.

"You change one ..." Qin Chen said quietly.

Long Yan slapped his shoulder weakly: "No ... I don't want you to owe me love ... otherwise how can I use this reason to deal with 婆 娆?"

Qin Chen ...

I get together! ! !

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