One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 367: She is still a child!

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In the concept of voluptuousness, the laboratory of semi-finished products should be that kind of dusty and countless materials.

But the magnificent sight in front of her was really surprising to her.

The room faces south and is a multi-layer sealed tempered glass used to prevent the leakage of harmful gases in the research room.

But the window happened to be facing the playground in the military area. Looking intently, it was the bright red national flag that fluttered in the wind, exuding unyielding steel will.

"Now this wall is a semi-finished product, and it will be coated later. You don't need to worry about shading. You can automatically adjust it to simulate various lighting conditions."

Seeing that Wao was standing in a daze standing by the window, the old director thought she was worried about the photosensitive problem, and then explained.

Looking down his left hand side, there is a row of hand washing stations and some common instruments.

Nuo looked at each of them one by one, and the instruments were all advanced, but it is not enough to do genetic research with such equipment.

Moreover, the cruelest point of genetic research is also a problem that many people do not want to discuss in detail, that is, being tested.

If it is a general test, you can use artificially cultivated hamsters, no longer use frogs, or monkeys, but ...

Biochemical genes ...

Nuo raised her brows tightly, squinting and looking out the window again.

At this moment, only the solemn national flag and sunshine can motivate her.

It seemed that she was aware of her emotions. The old director sighed and took a quick step to open a small door marked with a danger sign in the laboratory.

"Here, I was tested, but only a small part. After all, you know, many of them have been injected with genetic fluids. Although our institute is in the military area, but if these people break out, You should know the consequences, Professor Yu Rao. "

Nuo nodded and changed special protective clothing before following the old director.

The entire space descended in a spiral, and the seemingly inadvertent small door was heavily shackled. They first went through three more inspections before they entered an elevator of 20 square meters.

The elevator descended quickly, but the surrounding area was dark and depressing.

After going down, they went through a manual inspection and confirmed that there was nothing on their body before they were put in.

There are almost two worlds here and above.

Without a hint of sunlight, all the lighting depends on the indicator lights above the heads of the huge nutrition warehouse.

In the nutrition bins, there are elderly people and children, who have different nationalities and different appearances. But they have one thing in common, that is, they have been poisoned by gene drugs.

Fortunately, some people have inspired some harmless abilities, which they can control. Unfortunately, people not only undergo serious changes in their body and appearance, but even erode their minds. Make some amazing moves.

But this is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that some people are injected with fund medicine in a sober state and become a conscious but unconscious executioner, only to satisfy the perverted private desires of some people or countries.

Nuo stopped in front of a nutrition warehouse.

Inside is a young man. His naked face and pale face make him look weak, but the electronic screen in front of the nutrition warehouse marks his danger index, which has reached the S level, and ... .

He also comes from the Dragon team ... that Aachen is currently the leader of the national special operations team.

Luo's heart suddenly tightened at this moment.

"This is a man from the country and our warrior. This child is called Yu Fei, an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage and grew up to be a special force by chance. He was selected into a special operation team. After another operation, He lost both legs and an arm. At that time, the child ’s heart was very serious in finding death, and was sent to us to see if there was any way to save him, then our country had just deployed the first batch of gene medicines, and used it. On this child. "

"Of course, this is based on his premise that he voluntarily, and the initial effect is indeed good. But later recommended with time, he could not control himself several times when he went out to perform special tasks. There is no way but to use it again. The freezing liquid froze him. Only after we really cracked the genetic code, would he be released. "

"Then if it can't be deciphered?" Rao asked blurtly.

"Then he can only stay here for a while like them. After all, for the safety of the people, we can't put the tigers back to the mountains without control."

The head of the old head lowered his head, and it was hard to hide the old state between his eyebrows.

He took Rao around again in the quarantine area, and then took the elevator upstairs with her again.

"It should be completed after the general election. As mentioned above, you are the leader of this project. I am only responsible for the cover. The security system has not been completed. This is a temporary access card. In the absence of me, you It ’s also unobstructed. "

"Although it is temporary, the authorization is basically open. Professor Yu, everything is for you." The old director said, putting a seemingly ordinary access control card into the hands of 婆 嫆.

The card is very light and light, but Luo feels heavy.

After a small card, it is extremely heavy responsibility.

She looked up at the red flag outside the window and a sense of mission emerged.

Although she is not a soldier and can defend her country, everyone is responsible.


I originally thought that I came to the military area to help set up a laboratory, and then guide students to write some papers or participate in scientific research projects.

But now it seems that she is involved in an invisible smoke war.

The old director is a researcher, and most of what he knows is about scientific research. But would such a large base be the only laboratory?

Only those dozens of subjects soaked in nutrient solution?

Luo vaguely felt that it might just be the tip of this huge plan.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt big.

The four great families that have said okay do n’t ask the secular world? Give yourself such a difficult task how to get up, it is simply a sinkhole!

Thinking of this, whispering and lying on the table.

She just wanted to be quiet and refused to think! ! !

"Boom boom!"

The short and powerful knock on the door made Rao have to raise his head from the pile of documents.

"Please come in." She rubbed her eyebrows and restored her face.

The door was opened, and a long figure poured in with the light and shadow.

To the pretty face, Luo twisted her eyebrows.

"Lieutenant Colonel, is there something wrong?"

The woman's cold voice like Gan Quan instantly smoothed Fu Changqing's burning heart, like returning to heaven from **** in an instant.

He quickly reached out to close the door, and then he dared to annotate 叆 叆 in a fair manner.

Staring at him, his face is full of dreams day and night.

"Lieutenant Colonel Fu?" Thinking of Sun Mengmeng, the voluptuous instinctively wished a flash disappeared from Fu Lanqing's eyes.

But now she has to work in the military region for a long time, and she must meet Fu Lanqing who is in the same military region.

"Ah ... you call me?" Fu Changqing stunned, his face flushed.

Suo frowned and got up and poured him a glass of cold water with a disposable cup and handed it over.

"Yeah ... Lieutenant Colonel Fu has been standing on the spot for 5 minutes. Just tell me anything."

"I ..." Fu Lanqing's throat knot rolled, and when he was full, he succumbed to the indifferent and detached eyes.

He bowed his head, took the cold paper cup, and drank out the water in one go.

The cold liquid ran down the throat into the abdomen, and Rao was so strong that he couldn't bear to tremble. Not to mention that it is already late autumn, and the water that was given to him by the water dispenser began to be iced.

The cold penetrated the blood, which also made him recover his mind.

"Thank you." He put the cup on the table and sat on the sofa like a superior.

"That ... I came to ask you for a favor." He said hesitantly.

"Help?" Rao's eyes flashed an imperceptible abuse.

"Well ... about my fiancee Sun Mengmeng." Fu Lanqing finished the whole sentence with difficulty, and sweat also oozed from his forehead.

Seeing Luo's poor eyesight, he hurriedly spoke again.

"That ... I know she was the first to mock you wrong this morning, but she is that character, there is nothing malicious. I know she owes you an apology, but you know Yu Yu, Meng Meng she was spoiled , Just like a child, do n’t you know her generally? "

Luo didn't expect Fu Lanqing to come to him and say this, and her eyes were stunned.

But what does that sound so uncomfortable for Mao?

She pressed her eyelid slightly, not anxiously answering.

Seeing her not speaking, Fu Lanqing continued: "I'm here today, mainly because I still want to ask you one thing. I heard that your institute is about to open a genetic project. The original list is cute, but Because of the last time you left the company, the organization was afraid that the two of you would be in conflict again, so this time, after you reported it, her name was removed. "

"Now the document hasn't come down, there is still room for change. You see, can you take the initiative to find an explanation above, don't remove Mengmeng, although she is sometimes more willful, but she is still very reliable in big and bad and scientific research.

"What do Li's hopes explain to me and above?" Whispered quietly, but he couldn't help but feel happy.

When she reported yesterday, she did see the list of members of the group, and said casually. The work of Deputy Director Sun was already heavy enough, and it was not suitable for the study group.

Originally, she thought that she was light-hearted, and those who would not be removed because of the Sun family's influence, but they didn't want to, even though they could really stay away from the "great god".

"Of course to explain, there is a misunderstanding between you."

"Moreover, you are all mothers with two children. Why bother with a little girl with a child's heart?"


"Colonel Fu, a 27-year-old?"

"Have you misunderstood the word" child "?"

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